When there are all these books and this one life

>when there are all these books and this one life

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How many books have been written?

>I must learn all ninjutsu because reasons!
orochimaru was an autist

You're a cumbrain enmeshed in sexual distraction. This occupies most of your time. If you put this foolish crap away, you could knock out a book a day and that's with work. Without work, you could read at least 3 if you really tried, even more with pharmacological enhancement. Your image shows what's really on your mind and this conflict is tearing you apart.

More than could be read in a lifetime. My gripe is reading what I am particularly interested in.

>tfw I dont do the porn
>rarely master the bait

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How often do you copulate?

>looking at literature in this buggish utilitarian way
actual zombie

Once every 2 weeks maybe. I’ve lost interest in it. I’ve also subscribed myself to a moral/virtuous conduct ever sense I’ve begun heavily reading. It likely has something to do with that and me patting myself on the back for doing so

Oops I misread. I’ve only fucked once.

God I wish that were me

Are you on SSRIs?
(or) MAOIs?

I know the feeling, it hit me when I was about ten years old, that there were more books in the world than I would ever be able to read...

>I’ve lost interest in it.
That's the soi, m'boi... Cut that out of your diet, start working out or at least exercising regularly, and you will see an improvement, no worries...

No sir
Having control and not giving into your impulses and desires is not equal to the soi-boi life
>mfw do jiu jitsu
>mfw no onions in diet

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20yo male and I’ve never mastered the bait, beat me.

ew no way fag

I’m srs. I used to watch vanilla porn and would play hentai games from ages 12-15, but I could never bring myself to master the bait because every time I tried I would come over with this feeling of moral dread instantaneously and would stop immediately. I only ever feel the desire to stick it in girls, not to beat myself off

i doubt this but if so then cool i guess. you are missing out on a few seconds of excitement and then loathing and self-disgust so i would say you made the right choice

Except 90% of books are brain rot. If the author wasn't a virgin exceeding 30 years of age it is an invalid piece of literature

Thanks, to clarify I’m unfairly advantaged with nofap since I probably have some trauma from a perverted “friend” who whipped it out and started mastering the bait when I was 11 and pressured me to do the same

But I thought that's how everyone starts masturbating and never considered it traumatic. Good for you though. It is a disgusting habit.

What really terrifies me is that 90 of the books you read won't matter to your life in any sense whatsoever.

>and this one life
oh that's what you think?

Oh he’s a weeb. That explains it.

most likely
not necessarily. i am going through what you might call 'spiritual re-evaluation' in my readings but my beliefs are subject to change. there is a lot of unexplored territory that is partially undiscovered and it's really been opening my eyes to different ways of thought.
>being so dense you think an interest in one thing is proof of someone's action

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