What is the point of owning books you’re never going to read?


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there are all kinds of people collecting weird shit. Books are just another one.
Doesn't mean everybody that has books is like that

Holy fuck what a DORK!

>cringey quotes on the wall

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The hope that I will one day have the willpower to actually read them is one of the few things keeping me going.

Mindless consumerism is a feature of NPC programming.

he made his house into a barns and noble

Stop consuming the internet

>Ah my library complete, there are enough books here to keep me reading for hundreds of years
>Pulls out phone and starts browsing Yea Forums indefinitely

It's not even a good looking library lol
>Harry Potter quote on wall
Nice way to devalue the house by 4 digits

I usually keep books that were gifted to me even if they’re not to my taste

gave me a good chuckle, user
thank you

Same reason I have access to an internet where I probably won't visit most pages. I never know which I'll need, but when I do it's there.

That said, the only books I genuinely don't intend to read are either rare books where I am worried about damaging them, or books owned by my GF that I don't have a particular interest in. Otherwise I typically expect to eventually get to each book at some point, even if I actually don't. I have had instances where I've bought a book and haven't gotten around to reading it until some years later, since my reading patterns tend to meander.

I’m a gym rat who dresses like a douchebag, 6ft. I love seeing girls reactions when I bring them to my place and they look at my bookshelf filled with Greek & English lit. Also own 15 Trump books and unapologetic about it.

I don't think people understand the concept of having a selection. The nice thing about having more books than you can read, or books which take up a lot of space which you might read eventually, is having a selection and constantly being reminded of what you could possibly be reading. It helps you think about reading and gives you incentive to keep reading.

Reading is some of the most important things you can do for your brain for inspiration, exercising the brain, learning, opening oneself up to diverse experiences, etc.

what a fucking faggot hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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those replies on kiketube.. I just want to die

This is the best library video on YouTube


low key kinda gay haven't even seen the dude yet and i wouldn't feel guilty if i ran him over with my car

>The writer Umberto Eco belongs to that small class of scholars who are encyclopedic, insightful, and nondull. He is the owner of a large personal library (containing thirty thousand books), and separates visitors into two categories: those who react with “Wow! Signore professore dottore Eco, what a library you have! How many of these books have you read?” and the others — a very small minority — who get the point that a private library is not an ego-boosting appendage but a research tool. Read books are far less valuable than unread ones. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market allows you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.

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Social signalling. Same reason you faggots have your stack threads. The only reason to buy physical books in this age is to signal your nerdy intellecutalism to your friends. All of this guy's library and more is contained on my e-reader and I didn't spend a dime.

t.mindless consumer


A lot of those are just his own books
Some of them are in Russian, I know this for a fact. He can't read that, and why would he

Fuck this pretentous little dwarf stacking bookshelves with his own output and moaning "mwaaa im to intelligent too read" yeah fuck off pizzaman!

>15 Trump books




Okay so just practice reading on an e-reader and you will eventually adjust. Is it a surprise to anyone that people who are used to reading on paper have a hard time reading on an e-book at first? Also a lot of e-books are made specifically to look like paper.

>getting mad a trump
mega cringe

>making fun of someone is getting mad


hahaahah holy shit is this a troll

the smell of me own farts permuates this loibrary

>getting mad at someone pointing out you're mad

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when one ponders, muses on, the pungent odour emanating from my butthole and permeating this luscious library like a devastating deluge one cannot help but admire the perfect panoply that is the human rectum

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see: Walter Benjamin "Unpacking My Library"

give me a quick rundown please


it's easy: to learn how you merely need to buy my book

Shelf decor.

The only acceptable library is that consisting of books which you yourself have written.
Everything else is pretentious pseudery.

>YA books
>dumblefag quote on wall
>dr who
>child music in backgroun
Damn, the human race is doomed isn't it

>Also a lot of e-books are made specifically to look like paper
Then just get a book lol

From fucking dumbledore of all things yeesh


Now this is based, nothing rivals this one.

Thanks, Neo.

Is this from Nick nasty?

>the secret
>gods not dead
>harry potter
fucking lol

Its from the Black Swan

This guy is a fucking goober
>"inspirational" quotes

Something tells me this guy wasn’t well liked as a child

quotes on the wall are a huge red flag to me

christ imagine filling up your head with all that cookie cutter fiction
I don't like judging tastes but it is demoralizing to imagine this lad will probably spend the next 10 years reading YA and "mysteries"

Oh, he posted an update too. It’s even more based now.


He’s a fucking goober

I suppose the pleasure of having it and to have a wide range of choice.
Also because I give away books once I finish them.
I think hard after I read them if I want to keep them or if it would be better to hand it off to someone else to read.
This means however all my books on my shelves are unread books waiting to be read. I like randomly choosing a book off my shelf, it's always going to be something completely new and potentially very odd.

go fuck yourself
show prof. eco some respect.


What are some good mystery books?

You're probably playing dumb, but it's the convenience.

>he doesn't want an all-encompassing library he can dip into whenever he wants

what are you a fucking commie?

>shitty music on the video

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obscenely based
>s e e h o w w o r n i t i s

I like collecting media so it isn't lost. Lots of things slip through the cracks over time and become hard to find. Books are not any different in this regard.

based shockvalue chad

ok where can i do that

Eco is antipretentious. He even did a public appearance with a guy who wrote a book about how to talk about books you haven’t read and then bantz’d the fags on the panel for being pretentious about it. He’s literally our fucking guy.

Look at the behavior expressed by each gender

All men are shaming him for his pseud taste

All women get wet and lust for his "librarian" schlong

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11 hours ago
You do realize you’re supposed to be an adult, right?

No, Barnes and Noble is still better than that.

Have a whole shelf with only bret ellis

>low key

>I will now initiate in the coroner

For someone who likes books so much, his library looks like shit.

What compels grown up men to fill their rooms with trash like this?

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fuck you OP sage

I think the nice thing about collecting a lot of books like this is that you can just walk up to the shelf and pull a random book off of it which could be something you just bought or something you picked up years ago. Even if you end up not liking or not reading some of the books you've collected, you can always pass them on to your kids / family / whoever, and they might end up loving something that you never got around to reading. My family has a large collection of books, a fair number of which nobody ever finished, but that I read and enjoyed years after they bought them.

>I have this little plaque that my sister made for me
I thought that was pretty sweet. Seems like a nice, genuine guy.
>Ten Commandants displayed in prominent position place

Based uwe boll

Over consumption of soi.

Desperation to signal their personality and tastes.

now THIS is epic

This is based, even more so if you've never read those books

>All these mean comments from the last day or two

Yeah he's kind of a manchild but it's pretty pathetic to go out of your way to be rude

just a tip: if you dont make a concret plan you will never read them trust me

Who gives a shit. It's already pathetic enough that we discuss this nobodys book collection, nothing wrong with taking the next step and commenting on his channel

To share them. To have the option of reading one would the mood so take you.

I would love a private library.

no, but I get your point. I prefer reading paper, but unless I really like the book and plan to reread it, i return it to the library or donate it to a used bookstore.

I can't complain, atleast he has more than one series

>that video
What a shit room space and bookshelves, zero sense of feeling.
All those books are genre fiction, which I am not knocking, but you can read like two of those a day.
But everything else just proves he is a clutter, but instead of old newspapers he has that crap....
He has over a shelve of goosebumps, he isnt ever going to reread those, he has early learning books. What a waste

Because he's a materialists and all those books for show. I doubt he has read 99% of his collection.

>public appearance with a guy who wrote a book about how to talk about books you haven’t read and then bantz’d the fags on the panel
