Give me a single non-fallacious argument for the existence of a "god" or some sort of "Big Other"

Give me a single non-fallacious argument for the existence of a "god" or some sort of "Big Other"

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This is Yea Forums you fucking dumb shit

the universe runs according to laws that don't change, someone has to be maintaining the laws so that the speed of light doesnt randomly go up or down

the laws are descriptive retard

shut up cracker


No u

>Implying that the other is an intelligence that can be understood relative to the limitations of human intelligence

There’s an ultimate reason for all existence, and this reason must necessarily exist, because there can’t be an infinite string of reasons. The ultimate reason, or Truth, contains the foundation for all existence. Everything can be explained because of that Truth. This Truth knows everything, even itself. In order to do such a thing it must have a Mind, and must have a way of going beyond itself to look at itself. The relationship between this Truth and conscious entities in the universe is therefore desired for Truth to be complete. Esse ist percipi. The core of God is Truth, that which all things abide in, yet does not abide totally in each individual thing. Truth necessarily exists, creates existence, and desires itself to be known. To deny God is to deny the existence of Truth.

anything but spinoza

why would god waste all his time manually maintaining the laws of physics? if he's controlling everything why have laws in the first place, and not make things happen on a case by case basis

I don't see why god being real is important if it's about faith. Also lol at black people eternally pretending to be relevant.

Why do all events just so happen to be described by the same laws all the time? Coincidence?

>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
(1) Every contingent fact has an explanation.
(2) There is a contingent fact that includes all other contingent facts.
(3) Therefore, there is an explanation of this fact.
(4) This explanation must involve a necessary being.
(5) This necessary being is God.
>The Kalam Cosmological Argument
1.0. Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
2.0. The universe began to exist.
2.11. An actual infinite cannot exist.
2.12. An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.
2.13. Therefore, an infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.
2.21. A collection formed by successive addition cannot be an actual infinite.
2.22. The temporal series of events is a collection formed by successive addition.
2.23. Therefore, the temporal series of events cannot be an actual infinite.
3.0. Therefore, the universe has a cause.
>The Argument from Consciousness
(1) Mental events are genuine nonphysical mental entities that exist.
(2) Specific mental and physical event types are regularly correlated.
(3) There is an explanation for these correlations.
(4) Personal explanation is different from natural scientific explanation.
(5) The explanation for these correlations is either a personal or natural scientific explanation.
(6) The explanation is not a natural scientific one.
(7) Therefore, the explanation is a personal one.
(8) If the explanation is personal, then it is theistic.
(9) Therefore, the explanation is theistic.


>The Argument from Reason
1. Either at least some of the fundamental causes of the universes are more like a mind than anything else, or they are not.
2. If they are not, then it is either impossible or extremely improbable that reason should emerge.
3. All things being equal, worldviews that render it impossible or extremely improbable that reason should emerge should be rejected in favor of worldviews according to which it is not impossible and not improbable that reason should emerge.
4. Therefore, we have a good reason to reject all worldviews that reject the claim that the fundamental causes of the universe are more like a mind than anything else.
>The Ontological Argument
1. It is possible that the greatest conceivable being exists.
2. The greatest conceivable being is unlimited.
3. Everything that is unlimited is so if and only if it does not depend on anything else for its existence or nonexistence and it neither just happens to exist nor just happens not to exist.
4. Everything that does not depend on anything else for its existence or nonexistence is such if and only if no other being causes it to begin to exist and no other being causes it to cease to exist.
5. Anything that begins to exist is caused to begin to exist by some other being, or it just happens to begin to exist.
6. Anything that ceases to exist is caused to cease to exist by some other being, or it just happens to cease to exist.
7. Anything that neither begins nor ceases to exist exists necessarily if it exists at all, and fails to exist necessarily if it exists at all.
8. The greatest conceivable being exists.
>The Moral Argument
1. If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist.
2. Objective moral values and duties do exist.
3. Therefore, God exists.
>The Teleological Argument from Fine-tuning
1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design.
2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance.
3. Therefore, it is due to design.


>Gödel's ontological proof


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I believe God exists, but some of these arguments or weak. How do we know objective moral values exist? And if we define a moral actions as that which benefits you the most, then certainly God is not needed for objective morality to exist. It would just be the case that we do not always know what the most moral action is.

These arguments all have a singular assumption in common - that the other has will-to-cause, or otherwise will-to-exist

The Big Other doesn't exist, it's symbolic representation of otherness that we unconsciously use to understand the world or something like that

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I mean you can prove anything you want to if you pick and chose what axioms are true. All of those are just examples of people going with the answer already and just worked to prove what they already believed. It's not like one of them was going to use reasoning and go "oh wait that proves God doesn't exist"


Why are you assuming it has to be someone?

You're just anthropomorphizing.


>”Why doesn’t God just control everything single thing in the universe case by case instead of setting laws as a programmer would. It would be so much simpler”


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Now you're just assuming it must have a mind, it's nothing but blatant assumptions upon assumptions and more anthropomorphizing.

You’ve already made up your mind. You reject Truth. Since you cannot know it all, it must not exist. I suppose that attitude is caused by pride.

So it must be a Jewish storm deity doing it all.

God does not exist. Existence describes that which God has "caused" to be.

God super-exists. God is literally the only thing we can be certain of.

Modern people are very confused and contorted. They are somewhat busy exploring tunnels of symbols that form a labyrinth of darkness.

They are even more busy eating factory produced meat tubes and moving from one location to another using GPS navigation for reasons they cannot readily explain.

It's literally just the superego + capitalism, I swear none of you motherfuckers actually read primary texts

>had slaves
>believed to be superior race
> maintained dictatorship as form of government
>public executions

>b-but free baths are example of socialism

The Romans lasted centuries because, of a strict social hierarchy and not giving a shit about the masses and their "needs", and instead investing in military and infrastructure. Our society will collapse because, eventually we won't be able to support all the free shit people expect. KYS faggot

Give me a single non-fallacious argument for the existence of numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...

Atheism is the hardest red pill to swallow.

>brainlet who thinks he's expert on Rome doesn't know about the Grain Dole

The speed of light changes all the time

Christcucks, give me one reason why I should choose Christianity over any other religion.

Spinoza was right though, if you're not a Spinozist just off yourself.

Pascal would like to have a little talk with you.

Ur talking about him. Why would you be talking about something that’s non-existent, that sounds retarded.

>There’s an ultimate reason for all existence, and this reason must necessarily exist, because there can’t be an infinite string of reasons.
Why do there have to be "reasons" in the first place? Plenty of things happen for no reason at all.

Such a stupid question. Keep sucking your own dick fag


What about the cock inside your asshole user?

Pascal one of the major philosophers who addressed the "why christianity" complaint. He presented several points in support of his position, proving Christianity to be unique among other religions.

Now read, faggot

he can elaborate for me, read the Pensees

it's metaphysically in my asshole

Why do you bring up the cock inside your asshole user?

because the cock inside your asshole reminded me of it

you do realise though that for a perfect and habitable planet like ours to exist on mere chance is as likely as winning the lottery every day of your life?
the tiniest detail would fuck the possibility of life.
This is betting your eternal joy with one chance in 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

>Plenty of things happen for no reason at all.

Don't try, you're only going to get self-sufficient arguments and insults

>self-sufficient arguments
aka the correct arguments, insults are necessary sometimes