What are some books for people careening towards suicide or worse: a totally wasted life

What are some books for people careening towards suicide or worse: a totally wasted life.


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the Bell Jar
No Longer Human
Anything by Dostoyevsky

my diary, desu



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The Brothers Karamazov

I'm going to have to be the one to say it I guess.
The Bible

This isn't enough to solve the problem of modernity.

Work hard and live minimally. Don’t indulge in godless forms of entertainment. It’s not easy but it’s the solution

this unironically + pic related all the way up into his trig stuff.
devoting your mind to theology + mathematics will merge you with the most sublime states of existence and you will truly be able to contemplate (but never comprehend) the divine. be sure to eventually work your way up to Leibniz's calc stuff.
you will feel clean and good. you will be walking among the gods, your mind will be singing in the celestial choirs.

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What if I have no inclination for competence in such things?

Don't fall for this meme.

that's why I started you off with the most basic of maths, so the competence doesn't matter. and your lack of inclination is due to your lack of comprehension. once you get started you will definitely find a love for it, if only as a hobby.
mathematics is a way of orienting yourself towards the transcendent rather than the conditional. it is quite literally a way of transposing yourself into a totally different ontological state. it'll be like breathing clean air after a life of smog. like a glass of cool ice-water on a scorching summer day.

The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan W. Watts

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>it is quite literally a way of transposing yourself into a totally different ontological state. it'll be like breathing clean air after a life of smog. like a glass of cool ice-water on a scorching summer day.

God alone knows I need that. Thank you, math sage. You've swayed me.

Kill yourself already, wojak nigger

based post

Zlata's Diary, really anything with first hand war atrocities especially ones that targeted children's faces and their sex organs. Your life doesn't even compare.

It’s not a meme user, it’s the truth we don’t have the discipline to strive towards.

pretty much this
God heal me...

Say yes to life some more.