Yea Forums career/university thread

what if "anything" is doing nothing but watching 30 films, smoking $1000 worth of marijuana, and having 1-2 instances of gay sex, per week?

Became a MD, now doing a second degrees in CS and philosophy, teaching future MDs on the side for 40$/hour.

If things work out, I should be going to the technical university of veinna this fall to study civil engineering. If they dont I have no idea what I'm going to do. I graduated last may and have spent the past year learning german and jumping through the series of hoops that lead me to TU veinna, so i need to be in college or uni of some type this fall. This basically limits me to community college or the shithile uni in Illinois that I applied to to get a letter as proof of my eligability to study in the US (which Is a prerequisite for tu veinna) but that offered to pay for me to go there.
I write when I can, but going all in and trying to make money off it would be too much of a gamble

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Learn German pls

Lately I'm think of abandoning all pretensions of learnedness and wealth-denying-wisdom and just trying to be rich. How should I go about earning at least $250k yearly as a stepping stone to future job growth into a less meager amount of money?

Great posts! I am enrolled for my master's in school counseling. I go full time and work 30 hrs a week. I barely had time for my music. I am getting comfy with the fact that I music is a hobby. But yeah OP. Doctorates become your life. If you go for a doctorate you need to make sure you are absolutely invested in your major. It will become your life.

Have fun meeting a lot of neckbeard STEMcels at TU

Please, it's custodian. Janitor is insulting. But fr, the best job i ever had was a custodian at a public school. theyre a unionised state worker so they really do well.

Don't sell yourself short; there are good custodian jobs

why was i born as a stemfag this is fucking unfair im literally crying right now

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I have been. I should be able to pass the c1 exam in may and I spend a great deal of time every day studying.
gonna be pissed if i cant end up going to TU vienna tho, because german probably wasnt the best use of my time.
I thought that was an american thing