He deserved it. He was a clever little shit, but a little shit nonetheless. The original fedora lord.
Be socrates
>thinking a significant # of urbanites are educated
Prove to me that you exist along with everything that is said to came before my own self's consciousness
t. sophist
It’s actually a lot less interesting than one might think
At the end of the peloponnesian war, Sparta set up a puppet government called the thirty tyrants in Athens
This government was run by some educated aristocrats who were largely taught by Socrates (Socrates, being famous for “corrupting the you”)
These tyrants were ousted by radical democrats who proceeded to purge the city of their formers rulers- and one of the people they put on trial and executed was Socrates
Sure he had criticisms of democracy, but he had criticisms of everything- it was the control of a radical democratic faction supported largely by an overpowerful navy- in a way a type of leftist military junta
Authority figures are always threatened by thinking men. You still see this today, for example on Fox News, when the hosts, who are doing the bidding of their merchant princes, mischaracterize and malign professors who dare to look honestly at our economic system. The corporate media has even trained countless viewers to unthinkingly reject what professors and researchers have to say when it is harmful to certain industries, particularly the oil and pharmaceutical industries, instead accepting the words of opinion show hosts.
What a fucking retard
Why would they kill him though? He wasn't a ruler. He spent his life criticizing the authorities; not the kind of guy it makes sense to kill because you hate the authorities.
Only democracy allows the ignorant to rule.