Be socrates

your ass needs a nice pounding

From :3

Democracy is one of the only -- if not the only -- political system which voluntarily gives equal power to both the retard and the scholar. A philosopher who's studied political theory, socioeconomics, morality, epistemology, etc. has the same amount of power as Gaz down the road who hates blacks and sucks corporate cock. Democracy will only work if we implement IQ-based eugenics.

no, from me, I want to absolutely destroy her asshole

>Didn’t read Xenophon’s Apology

Prove that socrates even existed

Prove to me that you exist.
PROTIP: You can't.

that's just how it goes bro. that's why neets, incels, hikis and general recluses are right. you can't talk candidly with people or you risk being executed.

Democracy is to do everything to appease the ignorant people with no power.
Democracy isnt will to power.

>philosopher who's studied political theory, socioeconomics, morality, epistemology, etc. has the same amount of power as Gaz down the road who hates blacks and sucks corporate cock
Not true by the way