Has a book ever made you cry?
Has a book ever made you cry?
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i was like 8 years old but yeah
brothers karamazov
unironically this when i was like 14
forgot pic
Cried a couple times listening to an audiobook.
The narrator was really good at getting the emotion across.
Ending of Three Comrades by Remarque when I was about 12, it had been my favourite book for a long time until I discovered Faulkner
Hard rain falling made me tear up
I'm not ashamed to admit Mrs Dalloway made me cry.
Harry Potter when he sees his parents in the mirror (I was 8)
Huck Finn when he decides he'd rather go to hell than betray his friend
Rime of the Ancient Mariner when he's leaning over the ship's railing crying and feeling like shit
when i was 19 or 20, high as fuck, in the bathtub, reading job by joseph roth. the last two sentences were just too much, i found that shit so beautiful and full of meaning and shit that i shed a tear.
oh, and catcher in the rye. but i was a few years younger and probably not high.
The little prince
Reading about the violence committed as Indonesia invaded East Timor and other nonfiction works like that
all i read about that was on wikipedia. what's the best book?
>job by joseph roth
patrician taste
pygmalion (while i was on a bus)
franny and zooey
first time i read it i thought it was kinda boring. but i really liked the setting and the style of writing. then i reached the end, and the more i thought about it i came to really love it
So far I cried at:
- the end of Stoner
- when I came to the war in reverse segment in Slaughterhouse Five
- Reflections of a Warrior by Franklin D. Miller, when he started writing about his experience in the hospital
The talisman by Stephen king (sacrifice of a friend in sucha heroic way) and more recently his newer book 11.22.63 (essentially the sacrifice and living with the knowledge he had).
>pleb choice yes fuck you I cried like a bitch
Probably hadn't developed the emotional capability to cry at the time, but parts of The Road wore on me. And more recently, after finally reading 1984, I read Soviet Milk by Ikstena, definitely cried once or twice.
11.22.63 was one of his best in my opinion, don‘t know why he gets so much hate here.
I just got into it, went trough the first 60 pages and it seems that the "action" will start very slowly. Is this true? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to drop it, I really liked the way the three brothers were described and still wait for more plot or some twists at least.
Got pretty close when Eleseus left for America in Growth of the Soil. His character arc is just to tragically relatable desu
How about read the fucking book or don't but develop a god damn spine you unconscious buffoon
yeah i believe i cried one or two times at some point reading The chronicles of black company. I got quite invested in that book
Dostoevsky White Nights :(
Mark Haddon's Curious Incident at multiple points. I ended up seeing the theatre adaptation and it had the same effect.
i cried while reading the greeks when i realized i dont understand a single fucking thing they're on about
Sudden Death
So did I. That part affected me so much that I still vividly remember the day I read it even though it's been about five years.
Augustine’s Confessions and Autobiography of Red are as of now, the only 2.
When I was 12 I read the Cemetery of Forgotten Books trilogy by Zafon. Felt so bad for Carax and Martin. Angel's Game was the book that made me realize life isn't fair and everything can and will go worse with no hope in sight.
Crime and Punishment
>when Argos notices Odysseus
I cried after reading my diary desu because I knew I would never read anything as insightfully poignant ever again
the three musketeers ending
i wasnt ready for that
Gatsby because it was just so depressingly bad. Hated almost every paragraph of that bland excuse of a 'classic'.
unironically cried reading my diary because there were pages about how my oneitis had changed me for the better and i dumped her because muh not good enough for you faggotry
>dumped my oneitis
i don't think you know what that word means
flowers for algernon, when i was 10
watership down, also age 10
of mice and men, age 14
when odysseus returns to ithaca and is greeted by his dying dog argos, everytime
multiple parts in the malazan book of the fallen series, everytime
might have teared up reading one hundred years of solitude but it's been a long time since i've read that one
Silas Marner had me in tears by the end
Came pretty close at the end of Where the Red Fern Grows in 6th grade.
I read this but I thought it was terrible why do you like it? My friend likes it to I genuinely don’t understand why.
When I finished the picture of Dorian gray I cried, fell asleep, and was sick for the next 3 days
that's how you know it was a good read
The first memorable moment is about 30% through the book when Ivan and Alosha talk in a restaurant. It's around that time that the subplots come into play, they should keep you going until you're at least halfway through the book. That's when it gets better really fast, but I can't get into details without spoiling it. It took me more than a week to read the first half, but finished it 2 days after I made it past that point.
If someone likes the character descriptions, it's hard to imagine them disliking the book. Having said that, the plot is the least important part of this and even if someone spoiled the main mystery for me - I don't think it would take away from the experience of reading it.I cried like a bitch 2-3 times on my first read and my eyes still get teary sometimes when I think about the crucial subplot in this book.
the end of tess of the d'urbervilles just fucking killed me
i used to live in winchester and stood on that same hill
and don't even get me started on jude the obscure
Gates of Fire had me tearing the fuck up every dozen pages.
Read it again in ten years. It's about the death of the American dream.
Or just watch this music video on loop until you "get it".
I didn't actually cry but the closest I have come was reading Runaway Horses by Mishima. I would like to read it again but it was so moving I'm afraid I really will cry this time.
Adan and Eve's diary, by Mark Twain
No, but Pessoa's Tobbaco Shop (Tabacaria) has.
I'm not cry with this, but maybe that was the fastest book that i've read in my life: it hooked me from the beginning
The chapter "the eternal city" from Catch-22
Got a hernia hefting the OED, yeah, I cried.
I read the manga you pseu
only once, and it was during the only good scene of this godforsaken series. yes, this book sucked ass, but 16 year old me couldn't emotionally handle said scene (how many YA books just straight up kill the narrator and of those how many do it well? I can't think of a better scene like this, even if it's wasted on this book)
Not crying but i got allot of emotions from the ending of 1984 by Orwell.
6th grade? Schools must be better where I live. We read that in 3rd. By 6th we were on to H.G. Wells.
Same thing happened to me but with crime and punishment
In All the Pretty Horses when Alejandra leaves John Grady Cole at the train station
I barely ever cry when reading books, but All Quiet in the Western Front made me cry my eyes out.
Which narrator?
My financial statement.
was that the book where the protagonist wants to fuck a blind girl but gets cucked instead?
Just binged Stoner yesterday. I shed a few tears at the end. I guess it's due to the investment of having gone through a man's entire life, and then witnessing his demise.
Really nice audible kek. Thank you
you don't know what patrician means
The Brothers Karamazov. I cried at moments of its beauty, and moments of sadness.
Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson made me weep for humanity, with a focus on my family.
When my mom used to read Redwall to me the battle death scenes would get me every time.
"There was only one person who understood my painting. Meanwhile, these paintings
must be confirming their stupid point of view more every day. And day by day the walls
of this hell will become more and more hermetic"
Still giving me goosebumps
It's because Yea Forums is obdurate
The wolf getting shot by the main dude because the pepperbellies were making him fight like 5 dogs at a time in The Crossing was pretty fucked up. Can't really see crying over a book though. MacMurphy's fate in Cukoo's Nest came close though.
Came here to say this. What a book.
A farewell to arms almost got me crying but I'm a big boy
Flowers for algernon
Absolute classic
The Brother's Karamazov
The Crossing
The Feast of the Goat
and several others.
damn this is high grade feelium
This but i got hard at loli gangrape to my eternal shame
I feel you there. Made me cry too.
Flowers for algernon made me cry a few times
I cried at the end of Of Mice and Men when I first read it
My diary desu