Tfw you realize biologically speaking natured intended men to be cucks

>tfw you realize biologically speaking natured intended men to be cucks


Everyone should just die. Sexuality was a terrible mistake combined with consciousness and we should create a new branch of evolution where it isn't the basis of mating

>getting cucked by your own biological urges

Artificial wombs, i unironically believe that if artificial wombs dont come soon enough we will further retrograde into this idiocracy society

The fuck is good about artificial wombs aside from the novelty value of seeing just how their creators manage to fuck up the first range?

You guys are WAYYY to insecure about relationships/sex. I can just imagine how paranoid you guys would be in an actual relationship

Freedom from the cuck curse of evolution

I actually have been in relationships multiple times and haven't had any bad experiences from sexuality but I won't deny that it causes lots of suffering to lots of people. Laughing at the people suffering from it (who can still have lives filled with sex btw) won't fix anything.

Biologically speaking nature intended men to rape and kill.

True, but that doesn't take away the fact that men were supposed to be cucks
A man would rape a woman and kill or leave her but not keep her the same woman would be raped again by another man making the first man a cuck

I lost my virginity at 27 to my current girlfriend after losing a massive amount of weight. We’ve been dating for about 3 months and let me just say that sex and >tfw gf actually don’t fix anything

I actually think I might go ahead and kill myself soon. I can’t take it anymore

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>>tfw you realize biologically speaking natured intended SOME men to be cucks
Fixed that for you.
For years the market wasn't free and so was sexual relationship.
There was little to no competition in mating but it it was totally cultural.
Now that we freed the market we freed the sexuality.
Now men are once again in competition for women and a lot of them aren't supposed to breed regarding the law of nature.
The fact is that some men have a genetic advantage on others to breed with women and it is what is happening now thanks to capitalism.

Nature cucked (YOU) but not all men

in a way it's good that you understand that, you probably won't end up chasing that Perfect Relationship Which Will Save You, which seems to be the motive behind lots of breakups and even cheating. Sucks though that only you can save yourself, but at least you now have someone to fight against the world with. Maybe she has been going through these feelings as well.

nobody cares, whiny fag

What gets me is that women aren’t really super attracted to the Chad archetype irl. Looks (besides height) aren’t that important honestly. Like your facial aesthetics and even your fitness aren’t way too important, certainly not as important as confidence, personal success and financial success. Men nowadays are so unambitious

>I lost my virginity at 27

Wrong and right
In the beginning there was competition for females, then females would compete for men.
Some men adapted to the latter and now that we're going back to compete for females those men are getting left behind the thing is loyalty and fidelity was born with those men, in the beginning all men were cucks so

The alpha men from these times are just men that adapted into being cucks that doesnt mean they're submissive they just found the way to be ok with getting cucked and moving into the next female with no psychological consequences

>Men nowadays are so unambitious

This is true, but it's only one side of the problem.
If you look at it from Lasch's perspective you have two reinforcing phenomena:
on one hand women have ever higher expectations from men (which makes sense, they have more choice than ever) which result in none being ever good enough.
One the other hand, men are increasingly demoralized (role-confusion, lack of meaning and clear expectations from society, lack of meaningful goals) and just drop out and don't make an effort anymore.
The two dynamics reinforce each other: women see men dropping out/becoming insecure losers and thus become even more selective; men see how selective women are and get even more demoralized (even if they managed to get one, chances of break-up are very high).

Define an ambition man
Because I've heard that from females and it honestly sounds like a retarded expression meant to be said by people under 2 digits iq

Your choices are nature's choices.

Go be a teenager girl somewhere else


>having a teleological view of nature
BIG yikes from me dawg

Yea Forums - Literature

Who cares? I lost mine at 30.

Time for Schopenhauer

>nature intended
No. Little brain, listen.
God intended man to cling to his wife and become one flesh, to be fruitful and multiply and that adultery deserves the death penalty.

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An end to the excuse for abortion. A post scarcity civilization can provide without limit the means to sustain a forever-growing population, and without it infringing upon the mother.



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literally at this very moment im having a retarded argument with my gf and trying to examine whether or not im actually a fuckign cuck for carrying this shit on

She’s amazing and I love her but she’s, if we’re being honest, an alcoholic. Like bad. She’s also very mean when she’s drunk. I love her to pieces but she can’t fix what’s wrong with me.

What’s the argument?

I don't really think that men before were any more ambitious than now, work life was just easier for unambitious people. I've done many sorts of "shitjobs" and the general sentiment among older workers there is that the work used to be easier, jobs used to be easier to get and the pay was better relative to the general price level. You didn't need to be ambitious to reach a moderate level of financial and personal success back then.

Most men (and people overall, I suppose) have always been average and not very ambitious but only recently it has become a problem.

Just adopt and then convince your kids to adopt and so on, if you become materially secure that is. Thats a fair bit of good

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You're literally on the cutoff point. Anyone that loses their virginity over 30 is abnormal and a freak. You might as well die a virgin with your pride intact than give in to your biological urges. If you can't get laid, nature is clearly telling you you're a fucking loser, so tell it to go fuck itself. Don't have sex.

Working hard to achieve some kind of social status/importance/achievement or just doing some kind of useful work.
I mean, there's an obvious difference between guys who just play video games and smoke weed all day and those who work hard on their career/degree, work on some kind of group project (volunteer work, youth organization, organizing parties,...), make some kind of art (guys in bands get laid a lot, etc.)

I'm not saying selection on the basis of these things is fair or something (because preferences are obviously kind of arbitrary), it just makes sense that someone who excels in something is more in demand than someone who doesn't even try anything. I think it's also a consequence of mimetic desire: you do something which makes you important (in non-sexual ways) to many people, so you become desirable (sometimes sexual) because others desire you and so on.

Like I said, the flip-side may be that women have become too demanding and that just making a decent effort isn't enough anymore for many.

It isn't actually the procreation that is the problem but the sexuality itself as one of the driving forces behind human behavior. We can't get rid of it even if we got rid of children. People who do lose their sexuality (through post-ssri sexual dysfunction, for example) find their lives lacking without it so we just have to live with it even though it's not a good thing. btw i'm not christian/religious or incel or anything, I just think that sexuality easily leads to harmful behavior

Thats retarded women want the successful man to leech from him while they get dicked down by the thug guy smoking weed at 30yo that does nothing but get drunk and drugged everyday

I think as long as you're not ashamed of your lifestyle, girls should be in theory attracted to your confidence. If you're a degenerate and don't make any excuses or hate yourself for it, you will still come off as a hot deal.


I feel this although I had a more 'typical' sex timeline. It's like the final cruel joke for the incel types. Sex and relationships will NOT solve your problems, vaginas are the most overrated thing of all time, you probably won't even be able to get/keep an erection after wanking to hardcore porn for so long, women's affection is a trick and they never truly love you, even Chad will die alone in some significant sense. Life is cruel and unfair, being an adult virgin is just a drop in the bucket.

>vaginas are the most overrated thing of all timr
Vaginas are only second to bitcoins in overrated stuff

life isnt cruel and unfair our consciousness developed way to fast and is way ahead of our physical body we're doomed to suffer

No, maybe a handful of them do, but what you just wrote is mainly your own fantasy you use to feel better about your situation.
It's classic sour grapes: since they're all evil, your inceldom is slightly less bad.