Is this the power of the intellectual dark web? Who are the actual intellectual dark web?

Is this the power of the intellectual dark web? Who are the actual intellectual dark web?

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I am apparently because Nick Land follows me on Twitter

Ben Shapiro went to Harvard yet he’s a retard

Hello, tranny dragon furry

Why are you reading/why should we care about, fucking twitter feeds?

Go read a book


>clearly a YouTube comment section

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He's trying to say Ben Shapiro, a man who regularly claims to use facts and logic to win debates, got absolutely trounced by a few basic questions on the BBC and stormed off the air.

Another one of Yea Forums's idols turning out to be a moron who can't even explain to a reporter why he said:

>every jew who voted for Obama isn't a real jew

are you calling ben shapiro 'one of lit's idols' fucking lol

I see.
Still doesn’t deserve it’s own thread

>Yea Forums‘s idols

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Are you retarded? Stupid question.
No /pol/ is not too fond of this zionist neocon.

Shit thread
Based chris profile

Right. And everyone in /pol/ hates Kissinger too.

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when was that jew ever been lit idols cmon

>implying Ben Shaprio is /ourguy/

Dying for Israel is rather un/lit/.

kissinger at the very least envisioned a multipolar world rather than the eternal neocon who wants a global zog mutt empire. if kissinger still had his way today, there would be no conflict in ukraine or SEA (we'd probably still be in the middle east though because oil corporations would still exist in the kissinger AU)

Thank you for sharing that video.

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>Memerson embarrasses himself against Zizek
>Liddle Ben embarrasses himself against Neil
Is this the beginning of the end for the IDW?

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Well fuck; looks like I have something in common with Ben Shapiro.

>it's called science
>doesn't realize the host gets paid the same no matter who his guest is
>can't even define his own religious values

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good thread, let's take the time to thank anglos for everything they do, for their quality content, their love of e-celebs, and everything substantial they bring to the world. I wouldn't have had a good day not knowing that ben shapiro got owned on the bbc, thankfully it got more coverage than the murder of gaddafi so it's all good!

thank you anglos!

wasn't gadaffi all over the papers?

I usually try to avoid this guy since his high pitched, nails on a chalkboard voice is too much for me to handle but this sounds hilarious.

>my science is something called science


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*my answer

IDW are the Washington Generals.

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>Another one of Yea Forums's idols
wtf nigger

/pol/ hates Ben Shapiro

Okay, this was epic.

I cant believe Alien Neil is such a slimy retard he's making me defend this kike

Was thinking this throughout the whole thing lmao

Regardless of what Neil Andrew's personal opinion on abortion or politics is, and regardless of whether he likes to play Devil's advocate or not, calling policy or legal decisions your interviewee supports "barbaric" and a return to the Dark Ages, is unnecessarily hostile.
>I think it's barbaric. Now defend yourself.
What? Is this the normal way to interview people in Britain? Just ask him "why do you support this new abortion legislation?"

>to win debates
you don't "win" debates with logic, that's rhetoric and you persuade the audience


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yeah, but its barbaric to throw women in prison for 30 years for having a miscarriage. theres really no other way to talk about it.

based post

It's 30 years for going to another state where it's legal and having it done.

also if you "intentionally" miscarry

>Youtube comments
Please value your own brain cells more.

>high verbal iq
Are we on the verge of a global revelation that every piece of literature written by jews are either scams or propaganda?

a lot of people view it as barbaric and putting 10 disclaimers about that in beforehand wouldve lessened the impact, he wanted to see bennyboy keep his cool which he obviously didnt

>stereotypical badger holding a hamburger

post twitter

I am absolutely sick of all these harmful badger stereotypes in the media, to be honest.

> Intellectual "Dark Web"

Another Jew ploy to limit the range of acceptable opinions as the Conservatives slowly lose to the degenerate Liberals.

Faggot Jews vs War Jews control everything.

> Real Intellectual Dark Web.

The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion.


good bait

Punishing women for getting abortion is an outdated, cruel practice. You could easily say it's barbaric and medieval, same as circumcision.

It should already be painfully obvious to anyone who isn't a poldrone that the Alt-Right is just a bunch of Jews trying to herd far-right fascist types into supporting pro-Israel policies

Did anyone ever take Shapiro seriously as an intellectual besides /r/the_donald posters and the Hasbara department?

Call a stone a stone, hack

If there were an argument for it not being barbaric then he could have given it

I dont think Ben is anyones idol ever here, the only times i saw him mentioned is when people were making fun of True Allegiance.

>implying that abortionists calling their opponents barbaric isn't just another stunning "no u are barabaric" from the left
>the 1960s were medieval

the real intellectual dark web is the chans, a place where every idea is taken on its own merit, and anything can be said, that is what real intellectual space is.