Does the fact that fiction exists mean that humans are inherently bored with life?
Does the fact that fiction exists mean that humans are inherently bored with life?
On contrary, it means humans are inherently interested in life. If life was boring we wouldn't want to ruminate on it via the medium of fictional speculation.
Not necessarily, frogposter. Even outright escapism can be enjoyed in moderation together with a fulfilling life.
why cant they ruminate on it without creating imaginary worlds an
and stick with non-fiction*
Because that's what rumination means, the contemplation of possible and potential. When you go to the store to pick some food, you must necessarily entire the realm of fiction and project yourself onto it eating various snacks, then ruminate on which snack-eating scenario would be most aesthetically pleasing.
that doesnt have anything to do with creating a fictional world though. those possibilities are grounded in reality.
Doesn't the fact that we fantasize about something mean that we humans are unsatisfied with life? We fantasize about eating those snacks because we can't eat them (at least in that very moment)
What about dreams? Imaginary worlds are a part of human existence, they aren't separate.
Some people don't like fiction though. It's all preferences. Also, only stupid people get bored.
How do we know that those people really don't like fiction? Maybe they like movies, TV series or even music, and that's still some sort of escapism.
>Only stupid people get bored
Midwit boomer sentiment
"He who fortifies himself completely against boredom fortifies himself against himself too. He will never drink the most powerful elixir from his own innermost spring."
"Only the highest and most active animals are capable of being bored. The boredom of God on the seventh day of Creation would be a subject for a great poet."
"Against boredom even gods struggle in vain"
"Many people, especially women, never experience boredom because they have never learned to work properly."
Most people can enjoy a movie but they don't really like them. They'll forgot about it once it ends. Most don't actively seek escapism in fiction.
A highly intelligent being will always be able to come up with ways to entertain himself. If he's bored, it's only for a split second, until he jumps into the next project. You're stupid, get over it.
Never consume fiction in any format until you’re old and weak. If you read, read about science, math, theology, philosophy (if you’ve already read enough of the above), and whatever is useful to your career. Listen to classical music only, or else your mind will be poisoned and even hindered due to catchy songs and perverse lyrics. Exercise everyday, but lightly, so that you can grow old. Don’t do drugs and only have sex within marriage.
>get married
>have sex
I'm confused. How is this good life advice?
>only read non-fiction
>only listen to classical
>but lightly
>grow old
no thanks. die before 50.
>dont do drugs
retarded and boring. take up drinking and be guided by Dionysus.
>dont have sex before marriage
You’re based but slightly insane, a bit odd, just relax user, you’re going to die, we all are :)
You have to be over the age of 18 to post on this board, go back to Yea Forums before we have you circumcised and castrated in one sitting
I’ll hit you and all you’ll hear is a sound before you hit the ground, but you’ll definitely feel my fucking Fury
Oh noo I am so scared of the guy who says he lifts "lightly" and is too pussy to hit big boy weights LOL
You didn’t get the Faulkner Reference?
>Didn’t get Faulkner reference
>Highly intelligent
>Entertain himself
Bait, nobody can be this retarded
Projecting your brain deficiency onto others. The mindset you describe sounds like that of a dog
Sorry, your cliche sentiment sounds like a grandma teir take, every single great thinker in history grappled with boredom
>Nonfiction is boring
Based brainlet
Hahahahaha, are you describing a fucking Golden Retriever?
My take, in Boredom, one must accept it, as a state of being, just sit, no art consumption, no philosophy, no literature, just enjoy breathing, observation, being, fucking sit down you doggie, FETCH FETCH you fucking lunatic
A highly intelligent being is also in control of his emotions. You are not satisfied with yourself, that's why you are lashing out at others. Your negative attitude is on full display. Take your own advice and breathe, enjoy the process.
No, sadly, I find I operate on subconscious instinct more and more frequently as of late.
Give some examples. So, if you find a woman attractive, you just go for it and pin her down, licking her face? If some stranger is acting like a dick, you just beat the shit out of him. How do you "operate on subconscious instinct"? Stop talking out of your ass, fag.
Emotions are irrational and irrelevant to have, drop them and operate with Logic, logic explained to me, through, the, grapevine, that in your description above
>splitsecond splitsecond
You described a dog. user I don’t want to snap your neck, user I don’t want to use a chainsaw and ram it through the pit of your stomach to smell the gas inside the chainsaw burning, you screaming and your guts flying all over the floor, I don’t want to rape your mother in front of you and drown her in the bathtub whilst you watch, why would I?, Because, If I was bored I’d do all of that, So I guess I must be highly intelligent
Boredom can still exist within a moral framework. Just because a person is bored doesn't mean they'll be compelled to commit (violent) crimes. You're obviously braindead if you make such a grand statement.
I said me, personally, would, chop you up into tiny bits, and feed you to swamp gators, I didn’t say anyone else would, most people have their "sanity" or they think they do, I personally think you should die though, and I am stating that if I found you I would murder you
>Emotions are irrational and irrelevant to have, drop them and operate with Logic
retarded take
Your personal anecdote is not relevant to the discussion. You lose, checkmate. Being bored demonstrates a lack of creativity and high IQ correlates with creativity. You lack the mental faculties to overcome your weaknesses, you are a sinful and wretched human being. I would not chop you up into tiny bits if I found you because I have morals, not determined by my emotional state. And yes, murder (unless self-defense) is never an act of reason, it's always indisputably irrational. Also, fuck off, you bloody psychopath, get help.
Why be angry, why be sad, I am glad, for your mother I raped and choked and had wrapped up and put in a glad bag.
it just means humans are inherently creative
only a few of them are like below 1%. most people dont have it in them to tell a great story.
>falling for my psychopathic shitposting
>telling me things I already know
>Thinking IQ isn’t pseudoscientific jargon
Being creative requires you to have an open mind, without any judgment. That's hard for most people, so you're right- though I think below 1% is pushing it too far.
Well, you might be pretending to be a psychopath, but you're clearly abnormal. No normal person goes on the internet and threatens to cut you with a chainsaw and rape your mother. There's definitely some repressed anger there at yourself. I think you might be a covert narcissist, you also overcompensate your lack of self-worth with venomous tirades. It's been proven that having a higher IQ leads to a better quality of life, stop denying it. Also, get help.
no it isnt too far most art is fucking shit
keep in mind that 1% is a lot of people
A lot are not open minded because the Ego exists, so people perceive themselves as "know it all's", "Geniuses", and "Savants", focused on looking "cool". Writing oustanding literature requires extreme patience and extensive reading of others work.
I contend that nobody who has ever called IQ pseudoscience can give a definition of the term pseudoscience
Example, an Athlete, such as Lebron James, is a fucking retard, IQ DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH SUCCESS YOU FUCKING IDIOT, LOOK AT THE MUSIC INDUSTRY, LIL PUMP, alright I rest my case.
But aren't you by reading other people's works losing your own voice? How can you be original when you're being influenced by what others have written before you. Yes, also you need a lot of humility.
You’re right, I repeated it because Nassim Taleb said it and I just want to join the crowd
Reddit the post
>tfw no frogposter gf
No, not at all, you can learn how to properly "structure" novels, and it’s mainly about the authors motives, ulterior motives and morals, often I find myself fascinated by the Truth in their work, what sane person wouldn’t be?, right right, so what you pull from their work, is the idea that it’s fine and ok to write whatever you want, write, try, write, and write. Confidence, you’re in awe of how the structure sentences. Happy sailing user, :)
shut up tom
Rightio Chuck
An artist never works under ideal conditions. If they existed, his work wouldn't exist, for the artist doesn't live in a vacuum. Some sort of pressure must exist. The artist exists because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn't look for harmony but simply live in it. Art is born out of an ill-designed world.
First of all, absolute originality doesn't exist. Everything artistic you create is influenced by the works you consumed in your life. By reading as much, and preferebaly as different texts as possible, you will find your own voice. It will be stitched together out of the many ones you read, but so were they too.
>"He who fortifies himself completely against boredom fortifies himself against himself too. He will never drink the most powerful elixir from his own innermost spring."
Means nothing, blank assertion
> Only the highest and most active animals are capable of being bored.
Dogs get bored pretty fast and are incapable of solving it by doing something other than sleeping.
> Against boredom even gods struggle in vain
Means nothing, only sounds cool
> "Many people, especially women, never experience boredom because they have never learned to work properly."
Implies that boredom is a form of suffering caused by market necessities, no more
On reflection, why did I even read this post?
>But aren't you by reading other people's works losing your own voice?
Language is communicative and requires the capacity to listen.
>why cant they ruminate on it without creating imaginary worlds an
>fiction can only be bombastic fantasy
the paradox of fiction is still a mystery
isnt that philosophy?
Dreams aren't imaginary, they're just illusory. Your brain is just doing what it does usually, which is different to fantasising.