Is it any good?

Is it any good?

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fuck off.

I really don't understand how people can waste their time reading political books.

No, I actually like Ben but his writing is dogshit, and his argument is not developed at all (which you can expect in 200 pages)

If you're looking for an argument or an explanation for why Christianity was as central to the success that the west has seen economically and scientifically you should look into some of Rodney Starks work, the Victory of Reason in particular. Shapiro tries to make a similar argument but he shoehorns Judaism and a lot of bad history into it as well. Rodney Stark is very well qualified in this field, being a respected sociologist and historian.

>Shapiro tries to make a similar argument but he shoehorns Judaism
I'm surprised.


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If only people took the "start with the Greeks" meme seriously, we wouldn't have threads about books written by meme personalities, aimed at gullible retards, every single day.

It doesn't take much thinking to realize the "right side of history" meme is a baseless platitude, so no.

found the art degree

I'm sure if you randomly found it on the street it would make for excellent fire-starting. Not sure how many pages it is but paper is good.

Be skeptical of anyone who says "Judeo-Christian" because it assumes there's a shared philosophy and theology. It is weird how some Jews are trying to ride Christian coattails and claim ownership over the success that western civilization has seen. It's the Jewish "we wuz kangs" and it's seriously pathetic.

>Shapiro tries to make a similar argument but he shoehorns Judaism and a lot of bad history into it as well
I am all ears if you care to provide a synopsis.

>Be skeptical of anyone who says "Judeo-Christian"
Please, forgive me, for I have committed this sin. My name is user and I have not used this term in the fashion that you indicate in over two years.

A synopsis of what, Shaprio's book or Stark? I don't know why I'm asking because my answer is probably going to be no either way.

Just of Shapiro shoehorning Judaism. I find it disingenuous that they feel very comfortable taking credit for any good thing that we do but that they don the mantle of innocence for anything for which they may be blamed. If we had a solid relationship with the Jews then they would own that kinship in both good times and in bad.

No. Do you really need to ask?

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It has decent sentiment. Poor to mediocre writing. It is a good book fro a general intro to enlightenment authors, as he discusses most of the big ones main ideas. The most useful part of the book is the bibliography, read the books he's taking out of context. Most of the enlightenment personalities he talked about are still relevent, but S T A R T W I T H T H E G R E E K S

This but with Western Civilization and white people

> moral // purpose
Cool line break, you forty-year-old child

found the fag

Politics shapes your entire thinking and everything you have done in your life. Understanding it is understanding how the world works.

any political ideology past the enlightenment is garbage

You are telling me Market Libertarian Municipalism is not the way of the future?

No it is not. Politics is just one aspect of a greater framework. I also see little reason to engage in political theory if politics is reality just an opportunistic cluster fuck in practice

both of these but with any and all racial or ethnic identity

Man, it is EXTREMELY SAD that you are posing as another woman.

Why not adopt your own tripcode or something. How fucking retarded do you have to be to think this is actually a good idea?

Do you think it affects her at all? Hasn't affected her even a little. If anything it's made this whole process worse. You are an absolute shithead for using her tripcode as your name. :3

>the greeks but also religion
>greek reason and christian self-actualization
>ignore the greeks routinely mocked christianity for being dumb
>ignore the greeks routinely mocking the concept of an all-controlling deity and focused instead on essentialism and proto-gnostic conceptions of the universe
>ignore that christian philosophers like Aquinas and jewish philosophers like Spinoza wrote thousands of pages trying to justify the existence of god in a world that was so clearly not the creation of a divine or good being
>muh "west"
Ben read a book once and thought it was neat, so Ben sat down and wrote one all by himself.

It is if you're a neocon stuck in the year 2002.

nah, the term is mainly used by christian conservatives who want to exclude muslims and to hide the fact that christians in the past were pretty antisemitic


Think about it. This is the guy who wrote it:
Do you think he is someone who can give you valuable insights in reason and moral?

Get out of Yea Forums!



but it's an opportunistic cluster fuck in theory too, from Machiavelli and onward

It most certainly is, delete this

that’s just morals


white people are not responsible for the success of Western civilization? what are you even saying?

Yes, politics is morality.

This. The more intelligent ones use it for this reason; the less intelligent use it because they ape their superiors. In the end it’s just a bunch of toxic nobodies.

It's unreadable trash but at least it gave us a great moment of Ben falling apart and screeching hysterically while getting fucked by a fat BBC yesterday.
Some old Thatcher-supporting Tory interviewed him and all Ben could do was yell shit like "you're an evil leftist this is a setup I'm more popular on Twitter than you" before storming off the set.

Yes we would, those books would still be coming out and discussing them would still be a lot of fun.

facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake

Ben Shapiro is a good example of how the "bloomer" mindset is actually stupid and gets you nowhere

politics is surface morality

Wrong you stupid fuck. It's used by Christians to claim Jewish Oppression Points.

What exactly distinguishes "surfaces morality" from morality itself?

Ben Shapiro is not a Christian. Watch your mouth too.


I think he means Americans and other identity larpers. Identity without the capability of self-assertion is as pathetic as it gets.

Oh my fucking God... how fucking stupid are you?

It's as if... in your peabrain... it's against the laws of fucking physics for a person to apologize for a group identity they don't belong to. #MINDBLOWN

Homosexuals can be anti gay. (Ted Haggard)
Black people can be racist to black people. (Jesse Lee Peterson)
Women can be anti-feminist. (Honey Badgers)
Transpeople can be anti-trans. (Blair White)
SJWs can defend Ultraconservative Religion. (Islam)
Leftists can pump out right-extremist news. (Tim Pool)

Likewise, a Jew can argue for old school 90's Christian Conservatism. As long as his mouth can move, mans identity doesn't stop him from making any arguments he wants.

I don't know what the fuck this is. You're really going to use hashtags though?

Its barbaric

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Political philosophy is arguably the most influential branch of philosophy. Regardless, midwits like Shapiro don't deserve anyone's time of day.