Just finished The End of the Tour and the movie was good but theres no fucking way DFW was solely an "alcoholic" hes as much of a crack as Pynchon. I do think he was sober when he wrote but I doubt he didn't live a bohemian lifestyle like the beats before settling down to write
Just finished The End of the Tour and the movie was good but theres no fucking way DFW was solely an "alcoholic" hes as...
Movie was terrible. Interviewer was too much of a normie to understand him. I also have no idea why they did a friendship theme when DFW clearly thought he was a normie beta. It's also assumed he was a drug addict, which he was in real life.
>pin shin
What hard drugs do you think he did?
Heroin probably.
Why did he care so fucking much about what other people thought of him? Really lost some respect for him because of it.
Definitely did Heroin, Chemical Formula (C17H17NO) (C2H3O2)2, and Ketamine, Chemical Formula (C13H16NOCI)
xanax,opiods of some kind,lots of weed,he has a quote talking about lsd and cocaine and on the topic of lsd he prob did shrooms once
Others opinions are irrelevant true, based indeed, but don’t sit here and act like you were born superior, not caring what jack, kill, Jill, joe, Johnny, jacky, thought, not saying it is impossible to attain and acquire such a profound existence, but, you are in no position to judge, and hate him because of it? Haha, I laugh hysterically,are you 15 years old?
The end where he claimed that he liked going to dance at church was a cover up for going to AA meetings. I don't recall if it was confirmed if he was on heroin or not but he definitely had major depression.
Xanax, Chemical Formula - C17H13ClN4
Yeah no way he went to church, he lived alone with two dogs, the film portrayed him as not having a social life’s outside of lecturing, dog sitting and book touring, of course, he killed him self, of course he hung himself, not saying you need to acquire such thing to be "happy" haha, free will is no existent, but that’s another conversation for another time user, love you, happy sailing, wish he blew his brains back, would have been more cinematic
DFW is being protected (why?) from revealing his addictions.
Very underrated, made me chuckle
He is probably not being protected, it is just that the only ones who know are friends that just do not see any reason to share such information. There is no conspiracy here.
So he IS being protected!
Wallace was a creep and a stalker who abused a woman. Why did they leave that out?
Movie kinda sucked desu. Portrayed him as some sort of fast food addicted womanizer.
oral narcotics just like Gately, weed, drinking and pills i assume, maybe psychedelics too
Heard he threatened to kill her, that’s the most Yea Forums thing a guy/anyone can do, he’s one of us.
DFW definitely did feet
stalking women is great sport and it helps you learn all sorts of useful life skills
Wallace could not fill the void left by his unspeakable need to press his whiskery lips to the damp peach fuzz coated balloon knot tucked inside Mary Karr's alabaster brapper, feeling her beads of forbidden stenches wetting his mouth, drawing his tongue to the new mysterious moisture, triggering a reflexively drawn nasal breath, her Texan swamp fumes intoxicating much like inhalants, only these were also dense with controlling dommy-mommy pheromones.
Where are these from?
Oblivion end notes iirc
DFW was bipolar by many accounts. I'm also a manic depressive and some of my best work (on college assignments, papers, etc.) is usually when I'm under the influence of a cocktail of drugs.
Not that I think this should discredit his work. Van Gogh was bipolar, as was Virginia Woolf. It's a very heterogenous disease, most of us are just nobodies like me.
I watched today that movie on TV as well.
My first thought was
>Wow, literally me