What the fuck was this guy talking about?

What the fuck was this guy talking about?

Attached: Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg (452x572, 181K)


He was reinventing Zen metaphysics, but since he refused to write aphorisms (which is what you HAVE to do with that stuff) he just bombards you with hundreds of pages of self-referent nonsense that's impossible to follow unless you've read the Chinese guys who did it better in a different way. Then he creates an absolutely ludicrous theory of history which I hold responsible for turning a wise and subtle economist (Marx) into a doomsday prophet. He's the master of the idea that seems good if you don't think about it. His preface to Phenomenology is the most precious bit of skullduggery and sweeping under the rug that I have EVER seen in philosophy.

He was sexually frustrated, so he used philosophy to cope. He would burn all his writings if that hot neighbour just gave him a second look.

Imagine unironically believing this


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Imagine being this reductive and stupid. Marx objectively liked Hegel and Aristotle even if he broke off from lots of what they'd said.

Reason and infinite substance

is it weird Science of Logic made sense to me but PoS is gibberish?

Hey Arthur

>using objectively as an emphasiser

>using object

You litteraly need to have a solid understanding of greek philosophy and Kant’s works to even be able to understand what’s in that godam book

>sexually frustrated
Quite the contrary
Hegel knocked up his land lords wife. Their son was born the same year he finished the Phenomenology of Spirit, his first book.

How finite access the infinite.

surely you jest

Killing Christianity.

Not necessarily, read it in German, it's less convoluted.

Also this.

Classical logic had reached its limits, and modern logic hadn't been invented, and that made Hegel a sad panda because it meant he couldn't do more philosophy (it had met its limits).

So to solve this problem Hegel came up with a system of reasoning that, he believed, would be a new kind of logic that could overcome the limitations of classical logic and so allow philosophy to continue (he believed every fact could be deduced by his new method).

The problem of course was that his system wasn't modern logic but complete random horse shit that violates logic and explains nothing, not much more than inane nonsensical ramblings really, but *coherent* inane nonsensical ramblings.

And because of this coherency people have been fooled into thinking Hegel was on to something, when all he really did was invent a pointless kind of mental game divorced from anything resembling logic, from which no actual knowledge can be gained.

So what was he talking about? Well believing in his system, he was using it to literally define everything (much of philosophy is just trying to define things) starting from literally scratch (i.e. from "being" and "nothing") all the way up to god and the universe or something (in his system one definition builds on the next, you see). Which is kind of fun but pointless, like counting backwards from a million.

And people turn to Hegel still today because they are unable to master modern logic, since it requires a background in mathematics. And if it's one thing modern "intellectuals" intellectual cannot do it is mathematics. It's just easier read Hegel and spout vacuous horseshit than to learn math.

You wrote so much and yet said so little.

In the spirit of Hegel of courshe.

Abhorrent posts.

Hegel's central thesis is: The universe is posited by a Spirit whose essence is rational

The epistemic correlative of the fundamental ontological thesis is that absolute knowledge (i.e. knowledge of everything) can be attained.

What I have just said probably won't mean much to you, but it is correct. Reference and reading recommendation - Charles Taylor.

In addition. Wikipedia articles and youtube videos about Hegel are insufficient material for engaging in a pseudo-intellectual discussion on Yea Forums, therefore you will almost exclusively encounter either ridiculous insults directed towards him, or ridiculously flawed approval (two sides of the same coin).

I forgot to mention the third hideous post: In philosophy of history (final chapter, about Germans), Hegel literally says the opposite of what this pretentious ape has written.

Movement of spirit through time

Password to the wifi

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>The epistemic correlative of the fundamental ontological thesis is that absolute knowledge (i.e. knowledge of everything) can be attained.

Lmao what? No dude.

You caught me. What you gonna do now? Put some dialectical sense in me?

>Zen metaphysics

You seem to know a lot about Hegel and Zen metaphysics, but I only know that I know nothing, care to explain this "zen metaphysics" so I can humbly understand it? And Hegel too, please.

Unironically this.


good post, second Taylor his work is great

Also that he is a TREMENDOUS Theologian.