Books on or from Africa that aren't milquetoast new yorker cosmopolitan soft progressive jerkoff fuel?

books on or from Africa that aren't milquetoast new yorker cosmopolitan soft progressive jerkoff fuel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Stranger

That one graham green one that isn’t the quiet American

Heart of darkness

Various Hemingway’s

Why is nature so cruel?

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Love Imogen and her feet.

Roussel, Impressions of Africa

Lots of Ryszard Kapuscinski’s work.

a lot of white authors mentioned in this thread

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What part of Africa?

Does the word pieds-noir mean anything to you? No? Go read a damn history book


nervous conditions

I like Nairaland, it's the Nigerian 4chuns

It means arrogant and evil colonising folk, prick. Go read a damn history book.

Doesn't make them any less African.

t. cracker who thinks he can 'be woke' on the internet for good boy points.

do they have Yea Forums

That’s precisely what it makes them

racist. you are vile

Teju Cole's Every Day is for the Thief and J.M. Coetzee's Life and Times of Micheal K and Disgrace. Next time do your own homework, boy.

I look for this all the time. Sometimes a make or break for me, with the girl

Unirionically thisThe whole history of humanity is one of the constant movement of peoples, one conquering another over and over again for tens of thousands of years. Are the Spaniards of today not "real Spaniards" because their ancestors were moors and visigoths? No, they're Spaniards. Because they are born, live, and die in Spain. Do you really think that just because the colonization of Africa was recent that it was somehow worse than the other migration/invasions that have been going on EVERYWHERE humans have settled since the birth of the species?

>evil colonising folk
You know what the people they were colonizing, for example the Bantu, did when they moved in? they genocided and raped the former inhabitants. The Europeans were comparitively restrained and ended up building them a bunch of shit which they prompty destroy whenever they gain power.

I love girls I love sex haha I love books and literature and masturbating so much lmao

>European colonizers were restrained and ended up building them a bunch of shit which they promptly destroyed whenever hey gained power
>this is what western education makes you believe
Sincerely fuck you.

literally not me, I hate masturbation but do it 4-5 times a day anyways
I do love books and literature though


sincerely not an argument

So Denzel Washington is American, not African American, right? Cuz he was born in America. Because the way people use the term African, it’s to denote a race of BLACK people, regardless of where they were born. So it’s awkward calling a blonde haired blue eyes boy African, u know.

Denzel is American first, African second. His ethnicity is irrelevant to his nationality. This is how liberal democratic republican nation-states work. Also, the whole idea of African origin as exclusively black is laughable. The whole Mediterranean coast of the continent has had non-black ethnicities living there since the beginning of recorded history. The ancient Egyptians for example-- a Semitic people, speaking a language with many of the same characteristics as Hebrew, Arabic etc. It's sort of like saying Chinese only means Han people. It's a lazy, gross over-simplification by people who couldn't be bothered about actual ethnography.
Just how long do people need to live in a continent before they become a part of that continent? 1000 years? 10000 years? In that case I'll fuck off back to Kazakhstan with my Caucasian ass and maybe they'll let me in on birthright.

chill out bitch

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I do agree with you so I don't know what your problem is. It wasn't me who said it doesn't make them African.
You want an argument? Here are your points:
>1. European colonizers were relatively restrained as opposed to other migrants
>2. European colonizers merely built shit
>3. The native population destroyed the infrastructure left behind by the colonizers
For 1, it is important to note the difference in mentality in colonization vs. other periods of mass migration. A smaller population setting up trade companies in a matter of decades and enslaving the population without actually joining the local culture is, whether you like it or not, different to a period of 1000 years in which a series of migrations of occurred. The gravity of the colonial mindset which has shaped the entire world, not just a region, is a matter of public record.

With regard to 2, see above. To say the British merely built a trainline and some buildings for the Indians to severely underestimate both the wealth gained and stolen from those lands (forcing them to buy clothes made in England, or look up Opium Wars if you want to know what happens when you refuse to buy European drugs), and the intentional as well as unintentional massacres committed in those countries, whether in the rebellions of the mid 19th century, or the starvation in the first half of the 10th century.

For 3, the trainline is still in use, so you have a counterexample, and in any case measuring the price of human life against basic offices or streets (that in many cases facilitated colonial businesses while sacrificing historic or religious sites), is absolutely inhumane and should not be entertained as a serious position.

On the other hand, with the exception of the fuckingpiped noirs, I can accept white people living in ex colonies as locals-to-be so long as they acknowledge their history. When someone says Indian literature you don't recommend the fucking Jungle book.

Yeah that was my point. It does make them African. Because they live, are born, and die in Africa.

Sorry misread your post my b

1. Colonization is still less evil than what the Bantu did by literally any metric so the Bantu have 0 right to the land above Europeans.

2.Im aware Europe gained wealth from africa- they still built them stuff, that isn't up for debate

3. The Congo, Zimbabwe, etc. it is a clear pattern

Excellent books about Africa:
In the Land of Magic Soldiers
Blue Clay People
The Zanzibar Chest

Excellent books by Africans:
The Sunjata Saga
The Fortunes of Wangrin
For Bread Alone
The Wizard of the Crow
Cry, the Beloved Country (trigger warning: progressive)

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No it doesn’t
Their white, they’re scum.

Here are my bullet points.

1. Africans are black
2. White people work at Walmart
3. I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa

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>I could murder someone but HEY I'm not Genghis Khan rite lmao
>I am aware the evils committed outweigh any 'good' but I will still stand by the fact that I brought it up for no good reason
>an enslaved nation should be able to stand on it's own feet right after gaining independence

You probably think the US is a good example of ex colonial nation. Again, sincerely gfys.

1. Youre calling the Bantu 'genghis khan', which means theyre immoral which means it's fine to go wreck their shit

2. Leaving them some stuff is 'comparitively restrained' when the alternative is genocide, which was my original point.

3. They werent enslaved, and they ant stand on their feet for the same reason every other subsaharan country can't. colonies in Asia dont collapse when Europeans leave

The US is not ex colonial it is a colony. Again, try to have better arguments

>the pieds-noirs colonised the bantu

unironically things fall apart

I'm amazed I didn't see this earlier

enjoy lmfao


>For 1, it is important to note the difference in mentality in colonization vs. other periods of mass migration. A smaller population setting up trade companies in a matter of decades and enslaving the population without actually joining the local culture is, whether you like it or not

I'm Mestizo. What is that, if not for the white Spanish population literally integrating with the local population?

Are you white? It's usually white people, having been steeped in white-ideology that frame it this way.

Not that it happened everywhere (obviously, since the English never integrated with the indigenous like the Spanish), but the Caucasian tribes that made their way down to the remnants of the Indus river-valley civilization do it any differently? The R-haplogroup is heavy-as-fuck in the northern Indian population. Which is on the Y-Chromosome (male). Literally patriarchy.


One more thing to add, there are a metric-shitton of cultural practices us "mestizo" have kept. That entire dia de los muertos, tons of words/terminology, art styles, even religious fusions of Catholicism/Aztec religion (and its art) are cultural fusions.

Fuck, sorry, I ought not to be /drunkposting/, but white people have some *interesting* frameworks they try to foist on everyone else.

Ok course they are all white. Niggers can't read.

A Bend in the River

Nah, I've seen black people reading manga outside of my local bookstore.


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The Power of One

What is it with you redditors and this ugly word?

Will I ever get a smart, funny gf that looks like this?

Here you go

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They have their own bugaboos and I recall them being a tad more animistic and mystical in their conspiratorial speculations, which had something endearing to it.

The Poisonwood Bible

Better than "faggy"
You must be an "assman" so I'd recommend bestiality if you need a slump buster

I actually don't have any physical preferences. Just a pretty face is enough for me. I just want a cute, funny, smart gf :(

based and liberal-pilled

There's this. Haven't read it but it seems to be considered a good book in general.
We had Karen Blixen on our money for a while.

can confirm, he's pretty based

french algeria is all you're gonna get

>entire thread is whites trying to convince people they can count as African
kek the white race really is fucked