Can someone explain what's wrong with Penguin? I've seen some anons shit on them, but they never gave a reason why. Personally I found their translations are better than Oxford's. Also I like black and orange better than white and red.
What's Wrong With Penguin Publishing?
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Nothing is wrong with them. We largely owe the mass availability of the classics to them.
>I've seen some anons shit on them, but they never gave a reason why
welcome to Yea Forums; the reason is because they're projecting their own self-loathing
they stole linux logo, thats why
Poor production quality, but its not like oxford is much better. Pretty much it. But its paperbacks so who cares
Don't ask me, I just thought it was the cool thing to do like hating U2 or Bukowski
nice projecting idiot
their translations are sometimes horrible and they use cheap tactics sometimes. Their "Essays and aphorisms" by schopie is a copy and pasted version of an old translation.
People only hate penguin when it comes to philosophy books or some denser fiction, they are sometimes fine for classics.
penguin classics quality is shit, they make their book feel disposable even when the book might not be used by high schooler.
Sadly you can say the same about everywhere. Yea Forums is no different besides the anonymity.
>Their "Essays and aphorisms" by schopie is a copy and pasted version of an old translation.
Really? Is that true? I have a copy and really enjoy it. However, I do plan on getting Cambridge's Parerga and Paralipomena Volume 1 and 2.
Cheap paper, cheap bindings, and cheap translations. For the same price or close to it you can usually get better. Even their deluxe editions have bad paper and printing errors combined with an annoying deckle edge.
I'll have to agree with the deluxe editions. I have their The Sagas of Icelanders and it looks like the pages were ripped out of another book.
yes, i cant find a source rn but people were talking about it a while back on here, i read him in german so it was pretty bad when i read a lil on libgen. The best by far is the "Presentation" versions of his mainwork for parerga cambridge might be the best but for anything else(his mainwork) go for efj payne or "presentation" and "idea " versions
That's a real shame, user. Isn't the Payne translation of The World and Will and Representation the Cambridge edition? I believe Routledge is the Presentation translation. It would be a shame to have to use two different translators, but I don't see myself ever learning German.
>Their "Essays and aphorisms" by schopie is a copy and pasted version of an old translation.
No it isn't.
>i cant find a source rn but people were talking about it
Wow, what a retard. I hope you feel ashamed.
penguins are fucking gay... lol, look at that smug shit of an animal
It depends on the work, really, but you should know by now that Yea Forums will.always exaggerate or use one bad example as a basis to judge the whole issue. Their editions of Gilgamesh and Montaigne are excellent, for example. I also recommend their edition of the works of Thomas Browne, Spenser's Shorter Poems, Lord Byron's Don Juan and Collected Poems, and the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass. Sure, their materials are not the best, but I guess that can't be helped.
older out of print penguin classics > new penguin classics
>Their editions of Montaigne...
By any chance did you read Everyman Library's edition? I don't know if it was Penguin, Montaigne himself, or I wasn't ready yet, but I couldn't get into it.
The 30s editions are falling apart. 40s war editions. 50s-70s saw dodgy translations in part and a slew of shit pelicans of no academic interest.
Aussie orange books are okay cheap.
Sorry, I haven't had a chance to read that translation. I also found it difficult to get into his writing at first, but the more I read the more amiable his topics and style became. I'm also not reading him in one go, but rather reading an essay a day whenever I have time.
it is and it is abridged too.
Haven't checked for the translator but I don't think so. Camridge's translation for his thesis (on the fourhold root-) is good because it has updated annotations of schopenhauer later in life changing things he doesent agree with anymore. But then again Cambridge editions are really expensive, payne's always fine as a replacement. Go buy the routledge they are the most recent good translations.
>Representation is really incorrect Idea was a little vague Presentation is better than both
Penguin is completely fine. People here literally just act like Penguin is bad because they like being contrarian.
I read their War and Peace and The Bros Karamazov, can confirm that their translations where top notch.
their spines are extremely unaesthetic and i refuse to put one on my shelf
They are disposable. That's been their fucking business model since inception.
>deluxe editions
I like them ok. Have the Iliad Odyssey and Aeneid in a nice set
>People only hate penguin when it comes to philosophy books or some denser fiction, they are sometimes fine for classics.
>and printing errors
I like how a single deluxe edition had a printing error that they offered free replacements for, and Yea Forums acts like its some rampant problem with Penguin Deluxe editions. I mean they're not really worth the extra money, and I don't like deckle edging, but there's nothing inherently wrong with penguin deluxes.
They often aren't at a disposable price which is part of the problem
Nigga how fucking poor are you, what the fuck.
I'm not, they're just more expensive than they should be for such a shit quality. Dover is about the same quality and they're way cheaper.
They're cheap as fuck, dover is pretty much the only major press that is actually cheaper and you're lucky if a dover volume even lasts you the amount of time it takes to read through the first time. Penguins don't have masterful binding, but they're usually good for several reads. Comparatively to every other publisher with similar library breadth, they're either way cheaper, or on par (and OWC is really the only major publisher they are on par with).