Am I falling for a meme or is it guy actually making sense?

Am I falling for a meme or is it guy actually making sense?
Kaczynsky thread i guess.

Attached: Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg (640x453, 208K)



thank you orbulon

Attached: ted crabs.png (838x498, 302K)

ted the cheff

I've only read the manifesto and it was total trash. Like, genuinely bad.

ISAIF is pretty crude. I much prefer Linkola's written works if I want to read about these things.

>t. butthurt leftist with no arguments

He shits on both leanings you retarded baboon, that doesn't make him less of a clown.

>He shits on both leanings you retarded baboon
only lefties cry about it like this though

>I never read the damn thing
It shows.

And I agree with both of his criticisms. But no right-leaning person is ever triggered as much as you are now

not falling for a meme, but important to realize that Kacyznski has set the paradigm for Gen Z and our project as Yea Forumsizens is arguing for a future that isn't so nihilistic and polluted by the death drive

>There are probably gen z kids right now writing essays in hs in favor for uncle ted

>project as Yea Forumsizens is arguing for a future that isn't so nihilistic and polluted by the death drive
since when?

I shouldn't speak for a whole community
I think Ted is right about his prognosis of industrial society. we need to figure out a way for degrowth and deacceleration to be possible without ensuing mass death and malthusian traps. I think it's possible. Nihilism in the face of capital and state is false-consciousness designed to get unhealthy elements to eradicate themselves without articulating an alternative. Ted is a good example of this happening.

isn't that fucking terrifying?
a whole generation of kids nurtured on Camus' sisyphus and Ted K. No kierkegaard to offer the existentialist Third Way

Pewdiepie did a book review on Kierkegaard. Now if only he would read Pascal..

>malthusian traps
come on, you can't seriously believe in that shit

Why risk it, though? Your attitude seems dangerously careless

within the current infrastructure-distribution paradigm, they are absolutely possible. People like Ted (and the pop at large, through state propaganda) immanetize malthusian traps. we have become utterly dependent because we have been led to believe we are
people don't know how to build greenhouses in their homes or how to coordinate local energy cooperatives. our infrastructure is designed to accommodate interstate commerce, not indigenous nutritional and productive diversity. the local has been abolished in favor of the cosmopolitan which means
we're way too dependent on mega corps and the state for our vital resources

I agree, it's trash. Yet it's the most powerful text I have ever read, and unlike most of Yea Forums I started reading the actual canon at 8. I have also read pretty much all the radical authors of the 20th; noone shook me as much as TK did. But the manifesto itself isn't well written, nor is it particularly original. It's its simplicity that makes it the most powerful, unapologetic, aggressive cry for freedom we've been blessed to witness.

What I took from TK; "Activists" are lost souls trying to alleviate their own psychological needs through association and identification to numerous trivial causes, and I'm sure that part spoke to the less idealistic, the more "mathematically" minded of us. Only those grounded and intelligent enough can ever hope to achieve something radical

but it will never happen as it is directly detrimental to technological progress, and unfortunately for you and I, the last 200 years prove TK's point to an extreme. There hasn't been a single event that hinted at the current trend being reversed. Not a single one.

Your life will be mediocre in this tech hellscape, and that is by design.

it comes down to whether or not you believe in teleology. I tended toward ateleology when I first started studying evolution, but I think cultural evolution is directed, especially with such accumulation of directing power in the state that the current technoscience paradigm has produced. But also, 200 years of human history is not enough of a sample size to determine a trend. simply isn't. We don't know if infinite accumulation and complexity is even possible long term. (signs point to no) I think there is hope. People question technology more than they ever have, and anti-vaxers, climate deniers, and Ted should be seen as the first wave of the nu-reformation against science.

Look at how smug he is as he cracks open the crab leg. That's a man who appreciates seafood.

have sex


feels good

no people were involved in making this post


ok bend over

>anti-vaxers, climate deniers
kill yourself

just observing breh

t. virgin

ok, i was too harsh

fucking trash posters polluting the board once again, with the hordes of decerebrated zoomers replying to the swine

mods are fucking useless trash, dick sucking sodomites

zoomers should be genocided

if you come to Yea Forums to shitpost you are a fucking failure, you know this, you are a failure piece of trash, the only joy you will ever feel is through shitposting. and you will reply with a witty answer because shitposting is funny right? no, its not, not after you turn 15 fucking piece of trash. You know what makes me boil? these swines NEVER open their filthy mouth irl so you don't have the chance to beat them up and remind them what it was like when they received the beatings they were due in middle school, genetic failure, swine, I hope your life keeps on being shit, I hope you will never forget the beatins you oh so rightfully deserved in school

oh, and mods are fucking dick fucking useless sodotrash

kill yourself, you utter pleb. did he ever say anything in favor of those? lmao, NO YOU FUCKING INBRED 30 IQ SWINE



saved for later use

>he spent a full 2 minutes of his life typing pure vitriol and anger
don't entertain your demons dummy


based rageposter has my back

then what am I supposed to do???? I have been around the world, met people of many backgrounds, read all the philosophy there is to read, none of them ever had anything worthy and lasting to share. all the so called therapists are as much lost as we all are, if not more

thre is no hope, there is no way out of this, no quick fix, there is only me and my hatred and if it takes two decades of raging then Ill go through with it because NOBODY is ever going to help me, you, or us

Of course he's making sense. The guy is one of the greatest geniuses and revolutionary thinkers of all time. He's on the same order as Martin Luther or Galileo. That's why the technological system puts up so much propaganda against him to make him look like a nut. His ideas are so incredibly dangerous to the established order that even to speak honestly about him is far too threatening. Just mention his name in front of academics and watch what happens. It's like you've uttered some Medieval witchcraft spell and everyone runs quickly away or must bend over backwards to shout you down and make it seem like he's worse than Hitler or Stalin.

He's the alpha and the omega of philosophy, and of social science and history.

His two books are incredibly amazing and important "Technological Slavery" and "Anti-Tech Revolution" are groundbreaking, and they go far far beyond what any of the prior tech critics accomplished. They're also logical, lucid and direct.

One could go on and on and on...

Attached: Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2_Out Small size.jpg (4944x7416, 3.21M)

>Just mention his name in front of academics and watch what happens
Funny story, was talking to one of my profs (history of science), telling him to read anti-tech revolt because I felt that it is probably the endgame of the "evolutionary synthesis" (srsly read chap 2. mindblowing philosophy of nat selection that is not easily refutable, if at all). My prof told me he'd check it out, but also told me a story that the history of science journal he worked as editor for in the 90s had their email server shut down by the FBI because they thought Ted was one of them, because a copy of the manifesto was floating around. Ted apparently had tried to publish it through them.

first thing I did when I felt I had stared at the abyss for too long was read psalms
now I am hoping to become a catechumen

anti-tech revolt is probably the most important book of the last 50 years at least

That's a great story! I agree with you about Chapter 2, by the way. Well said.

My gf is obsessed with Ted K, she really wanted to see his cabin when it was on display in DC. Dont think shes ever read his work. Should me and her do a reading club?

>I couldn’t even read your post through all the tears
It shows.

eewwww. She's obsessed with him without reading his work?? gross...

dude, get another girlfriend. tell the one you have to go worship charles manson or ted bundy...