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I don't know who to believe

They're Norman French spellings. Americans use revised classicist spellings in those cases but Brits preserve the full dipthongs such as ae and oe.


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Looking at it more closely it appears connexion is more correct in this case.


late 14c., variant of British English connexion, from English conneccion, later connexioun (mid-15c.), from Old French connexion, from Latin connexionem (nominative connexio (“a conclusion, binding together”)), from connectō, an alternative spelling of cōnectō (“I bind together”), from compound of co- (“together”) and nectō (“I bind”)

In American English mid-18c., spelling shifted from connexion to connection (equivalent to connect + -ion), thus making connexion British dated and connection in international use.

why did he to this?


All the wake/awake derivatives are the real dilemma. Also 'live'.

Xenophobia, bigotry, and a rise in nationalist sentiment led to the adoption of Germanic diacritics.

I didn't know we were living in late 14c....

It's closer to the classical Latin formation. "Connection" is a later construct.

Hm, that's funny, I didn't know we were speaking classical Latin...

False. That is a diairesis mark, not an umlaut. The diairesis is attested as far back as Attic Greek if not farther, and signifies the seperation of a dipthong into its component vowel sounds.

It would be more beneficial for the preservation and continuity of our ancient linguistic heritage you mong.

what are you a fascist?

t. cultural destructionist brainlet

>tfw spelling reforms are actually a deconstructionistic judeo-communistic attack on White culture


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This but unironically

Exactly. In fact, language itself is an attack on older forms of communications such as grunting and making smoke signals.

who uses this again? i know i was just recently reading someone dropping connexions left and right

i actually think it's aesthetic af, if pretentious

Go build your modern civilization on pidgin and creole then revisionism lover.

I also wish more archaic compounds were still popular.

go back to your olde city where they all talk in Latin because dammit it works.

Yes indeed, it's better than not being able to read works from someplace several towns over in a country the size of Alabama. Learn from the Chinese.