Have you experienced the 'dark night'?

Have you experienced the 'dark night'?

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Who is that? It's not Evagrius

>Have you experienced the 'dark night'?
The robber who leaves at night must return in the morning

Yeah, Nolan’s Batman was pretty good



Read some Evagrius and obtain Apatheia through the mercy of Jesus Christ butterfly.

It's what separates us from the animals

"The human being is this Night, this empty nothing which contains everything in its simplicity – a wealth of infinitely many representations, images, none of which occur to it directly, and none of which are not present. This [is] the Night, the interior of [human] nature, existing here – pure Self – [and] in phantasmagoric representations it is night everywhere: here a bloody head suddenly shoots up and there another white shape, only to disappear as suddenly. We see this Night when we look a human being in the eye, looking into a Night which turns terrifying. [For from his eyes] the night of the world hangs out toward us."

Attached: Hellgel.png (824x1024, 686K)

Why can't Hegel just write aphorisms? His writing style just doesn't work for his content

As he says in the first paragraph of the Phenomenology
"For whatever it might be suitable to state about philosophy in a preface – say, an historical sketch of the main drift and point of view, the general content and results, a string of desultory assertions and assurances about the truth – this cannot be accepted as the form and manner in which to expound philosophical truth."

hes a big guy

>claims to have read Kant
>does rational psychology

Let your soul therefore turn always:
"Not to what is most easy, but to what is hardest;
"Not to what tastes best, but to what is most distasteful;
"Not to what most pleases, but to what disgusts;
"Not to matter of consolation, but to matter for desolation rather;
"Not to rest, but to labor;
"Not to desire the more, but the less;
"Not to aspire to what is highest and most precious, but to what is lowest and most contemptible;
"Not to will anything, but to will nothing;—

—"Not to seek the best in everything, but to seek the worst, so that you may enter for the love of Christ into a complete destitution, a perfect poverty of spirit, and an absolute renunciation of everything in this world.

—Saint John of the Cross

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yeah man, last night. finished a bottle of jose cuervo all by myself.

St. John of the Cross is as based as it gets.

Attached: The_varieties_of_religious_experience,_a_study_in_human_nature.jpg (1022x1434, 358K)

Yeah, instead he throws around nonsense sentences like the above

Plus, his preface is a precious bit of bullshit as well. Prefaces are designed to introduce the topic at hand. The main body of the work is where the truth is expounded, the full account of reasons given, etc. You see this again and again in Hegel-- he hand-waves away technical terms and methods of reasoning with little to no explanation as well. I remember him throwing out "subject" and "object" as nonsensical, but then every sentence of his reads "the self, which is itself the self, that is, the self which is God, is also the self that is, by its very selfhood, the world." It's crackpot stuff. Meanwhile, the Tao Te Ching expresses similar content through aphorisms, which are DESIGNED to be unwrapped, picked apart, unpeeled like an onion. Hegel refuses to do this, and so you get a stream of self-referent gibberish.

Evagrius is even more based

>Two in number are the soul's peaceful states: [A] the first grows from natural seeds; [B] while the other is engendered by the withdrawal of the demons [A] From the first there follow: [1] humility, with [2] compunction, and [3] tears, and [4] limitless longing (pothos) for God, and [5] immeasurable eagerness for [our assigned] task. [B] From the second [arise] [1] vainglory with [2] pride, which capture the monk when the other demons go away. One who perceives the beginnings of the first [peaceful] state will be even more sharply aware of the attacks of the demons

Is this some sort of christfag thing? No, I haven't experienced it I'm not gentically predisposed to depression.

see he could’ve just said “lol aphorisms are gay bro” and accomplished exactly as much in a lot less time

It's the opposite of depression. It's more like, subordinating your sensory experience to a deeper source of coordination and direction.

Blessed Henry Suso is the most based of all.


>Henry Suso

Of the chastisement of his body.

HE was in his youth of a temperament full of fire and life; and when
this began to make itself felt, and he perceived what a heavy burden he
had in himself, it was very bitter and grievous to him; and he sought,
by many devices and great penances, how he might bring his body into
subjection to his spirit. He wore for a long time a hair shirt and an
iron chain, until the blood ran from him; so that he was obliged to
leave them off. He secretly caused an under garment to be made for him;
and in the under garment he had strips of leather fixed, into which a
hundred and fifty brass nails, pointed and filed sharp, were driven,
and the points of the nails were always turned towards the flesh. He
had this garment made very tight, and so arranged as to go round him
and fasten in front, in order that it might fit the closer to his body,
and the pointed nails might be driven into his flesh; and it was high
enough to reach upwards to his navel. In this he used to sleep at
night. Now in summer, when it was hot, and he was very tired and ill
from his journeyings, or when he held the office of lecturer, he would
some times, as he lay thus in bonds, and oppressed with toil, and
tormented also by noxious insects, cry aloud, and give way to
fretfulness, and twist round and round in agony, as a worm does when
run through with a pointed needle. It often seemed to him as if he were
lying upon an ant-hill from the torture caused by the in sects; for if
he wished to sleep, or when he had fallen asleep, they vied with each
other in biting and sucking him. Sometimes he would cry to Almighty God
out of the fulness of his heart:--Alas! gentle God, what a dying is
this! When a man is killed by murderers or strong beasts of prey, it is
soon over; but I lie dying here under the cruel insects, and yet cannot
die. The nights in winter were never so long, nor was the summer so
hot, as to make him leave off this exercise. On the contrary, in order
that he might get still less rest amid these torments, he devised
something further. He bound a part of his girdle round his throat, and
made out of it with skill two leather loops, into which he put his
hands, and then locked his arms into them with two padlocks, and placed
the keys on a plank beside his bed, where they remained until he rose
for matins and unlocked himself. His arms were thus stretched upwards,
and fastened one on each side his throat, and he made the fastenings so
secure, that even if his cell had been on fire about him he could not
have helped himself. This practice he continued until his hands and
arms had become almost tremulous with the strain, and then he devised
something else.

Attached: henry_suso_md.jpg (750x450, 104K)

This is honestly kinda dumb tho
The whole point is to use the nous to destroy temptation this is pretty cursed tbqh

As he himself would later admit some chapters later.


Just ripped off Plotinus

for almost 3 years now

Plotinus wasn't doing ascetic practice

>practice your slaves morality

>t. woman


It's ascetic practice to obtain enlightenment. Maybe it'll cure you of that rampant pseudery

It doesn’t work right. I have achieved enlightenment by dropping religions

You don't have to do the Jesus part for it to work. Incredible that an enlightened being spends so much time making snarky midwit posts on a Uyghur barbecue forum

You’ve achieved, what is essentially ‘idol worship’. Outlawed by one of Moses’ Commandments. Nietzsche is a false prophet. And so is Marx.





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This kind of fucked-up self-indulgence seems fishy.

Once, during an acid trip. I'm not prepared to go back there

It's easier to deal with when you're showing it to yourself rather than having Lucy show it to you


You only have one life to live, and you spend it doing this shit? Disgusting.

>worship no idols
>u a idolater
You dumb

The infected wish to kill the cured. As usual.

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