I can finally see it

I can finally see why everyone else sees. I’m ugly as fuck, I was ugly as fuck all along. That’s why I’m still a virgin, that’s why girls try and exit conversations with me as quickly as possible, that’s why people look grossed out or weirded out by me.

I’m incredibly sleep deprived but I feel like that gave me the disassociation necessary to see my old pictures as not me but another person altogether. I’m ugly as fuck, I can see it now. It’s so liberating, but it’s also truly over. Nothing left to live for, but at least I know it’s over now. Farewell.

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Incorrect. Now it's time to embrace Tao. Congratulations, you have the opportunity to move on without the constant agitation of the monkey mind.

Bruh you should try nofap

you really gonna hang yourself over bitches?

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Take a shower, join the gym, look decent, buy decent clothes.
Congratulations you're now a member of society.


Go drink a glass of water.
Read Epictetus' Enchiridion on WikiSource
Go to the library or bookstore and get a primary Stoic text.
Read it.
Clean your room.
Leave this board.

I’m a ducking 23 year old virgin and women have a disgust reaction when they talk to me, what is Epictetus going to do for me? My life is pointless, I’ll never have kids or a family.

So meditate. Bark at Zhaozhou's dog. Walk through Dongshan's deadly world of no hot, no cold and come out alive. We're young. We have decades to play around in samsara and give the old masters a beating they won't soon forget.

Your life doesn't have to revolve around having kids and family retard, go find an occupation you'd devote your life to, or at least embrace the void

Ugly people can still be cool with confidence

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Well, maybe you can read Epictetus and find out. The man was enslaved, had his leg broken, lived the rest of his life with a limb, and did not complain.

When a robber came in and stole the only thing of value, an iron oil lamp, Epictetus admonished himself by purchasing a clay oil lamp. He saw that it was his fault that he had something of a temptation for others.

At the end of the day, you have decided that all is for naught, and if that is your decision then none can shake you from it. When you're ready to improve your life genuinely, make a new post under /fit/ or the /SIG/ thread they have going there.

Otherwise, talk about literature or philosophy.

listen to this chad right here saving your soul

Have sex, incels

Hey man, if its any consolation, I've been telling myself the exact same thing on and off for the past nine years now.

Hopefully us uggos will come to accept our loneliness & somehow turn it into a net positive, by focusing on things that truly matter. If it worked for Franz Kafka, it can probably work for guys like us too I guess.

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Volcel. Too much work trying to maintain non-platonic relationships

What is the point of devoting my life to an occupation? At the end of the day, all you guys are doing is telling me to distract myself from my total sexual failure and to just focus on something else, but why? What’s the point of doing that? I’ll never have offspring, I’ll never have anyone to provide for, what’s even the point of continuing on?

Jesus dude get a dog then

Adoption exists if your life is together enough. Older children need parents too OP

>Just become a cuck to cope with how shitty your life is, bruh

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How is adopting an orphan getting cucked? He would be providing for a child, which is exactly what he wants

Do for yourself things that please you, it's not like you want to have offspring for different reason either

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for other men.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to ravage her every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

So, are you of the opinion that orphans should never be adopted because the people adopting them would look pathetic?

So you think fathers should be the ones that get to "ravage" their daughters?

Develop talents and social skills, make friends and learn to talk to women. Get a good career.

Plenty of ugly guys make it. Anyone who doesn't lacks more than good looks. Also, sleep deprivation doesn't provide objectivity, that's a meme. You're probably fine if people don't usually call you ugly.

Then adopt a son ffs
But the hard work you put into raising a daughter is about raising a person who's well-adjusted, acts wisely, carefully, and considerately. It has nothing to do with her body at all. Getting cucked implies that you have some expectation of sex from the person cucking you. Don't fuck your daughter user, it'd be in bad taste.

based cocksucker

This guy considered sex symbol. Rest my case

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You fags don't know a copypasta when you see them.