how do you come up with names for characters?
How do you come up with names for characters?
The way I write books is that I read some novel preferably written at least 5 years ago and then write what I remember of it. My memory is pretty bad so it's usually like a new novel. But yeah, I try to remember the characters' names too. Sometimes I read old books again and I see that they changed, for examples Charlie could become Carl, etc. I don't know if that helps.
I proceed with the story till the characters feel like telling me.
Depends on the setting. Do you want the names to be symbolic? What purpose should they serve?
My name is Chris Hansen, and please take a seat right over there.
> I read some novel preferably written at least 5 years ago and then write what I remember of it.
why do you do this
I give them names of the people I know. For example, I usually call hot and slutty girls "Anna" (my sister).
That's how I come up with my material. Einstein once said:
"Good artists copy; great artists steal."
>What purpose should they serve?
mostly what people call you
do you have any examples?
Yes, the movie 50 shades of grey stole its idea from the book 50 shades of grey, and it became very popular.
I set my book in China and throw silverware down the staircase.
Sometimes it's just the sound, the latent meaning of the sound itself. Maybe the name sounds like the shape of the character's body. Your schlubby protagonist is named with soft and round start and stop sounds. Your cold proud antagonist is named with hard consonants and sailing vowel sounds.
Sometimes it's a bit like a pun, a noun or verb or adjective that describes the characters' position in their world or the novel.
Sometimes it is the position of a name within the culture in general. Joe is one kind of person Archimedes is another.
Sometimes it is a specific family name to evoke a certain area or nationality.
Sometimes it's a parody or imitation of a real person's name in the language/national style of their own.
Sometimes it's a name I relate to someone real in my life, personal connotations the reader would never understand but make it easier to write.
Sometimes the name just comes to you and it sounds right without really knowing why so you stick with it.
>reddit spacing
Welcome to Yea Forums, friend. You'll fit right in!
Names should be related to the character's story
I spin a wheel covered in names and throw darts at it
I just take the name of someone who bullied me in school and change it slightly.
I don't. I just leave them nameless. Too much of a hassle.
and you can leave
very boring response to what i hoped would have been an interesting conversation
i wish you nothing but crushing disappointment in your life
Dungeon Meshi is really good, OP.
I call people numbers. Both in fiction and irl
You have angered me with your silly, little thought-out post. Was my post boring to you? Perhaps you've considered that you are a boring person, with nothing to say? Don't EVER reply to my posts again.
"Ah, hello Minus Four Hundred and Thirty-two Thousand, Six hundred and seven. Did you have a good day at school, today?"
i will never, ever do what you tell me.
i am prepared to live out the rest of my days in fierce defiance
Nice joke there, 13080910
Simply don't give your characters names and pretend it is some kind of pseudy statement on identity
Then how will I remember who is who when I write the book?
>the guy with a long beard
>the tall guy
>the old man
>the other man
>the important man's secretary
>the lesbian-looking lesbian
>the girl
take ordinary names and change one letter. it works for david malki.
*who is whom
I either steal them from other properties or name them after food, usually confectionary.
if that's your hangup just give up
I agree. Dick Milker has worked pretty well for me so far.
Dude could still be a squirt. Cut him a break.
When I'm writing I'll just type variables like PROTAG1 or SUPPORT3. Eventually I come up with their actual name so then I can just search and replace.
I usually build the characters first and then let them roam. If I get stuck then I can ask myself what this character would do to solve the problem himself.
I have 4 main approaches (all of which are probably terrible hence my awful writing).
1. Give them a name that sounds the way the character looks. For example "Boris", a large beefcake, probably with a buzzcut or "Bob", that fat guy across the street who is always smiling and is kind-hearted. Depending on setting they can also be names of historical figures while still following this rule.
2. Take an interesting name from an already existing work that you like your character having but you regularly change it very slightly until it becomes a completely new name while still keeping the "feel" of the original one.
3. Take one word that represents or symbolizes your character, translate it to a random language and change the result a bit if necessary.
4. Instead of giving them names give them titles, even if the characters are of importance to the story. It doesnt even have to be something they particularly do you can also assign them as nicknames. Stuff like "The Librarian", "The Archbishop", "The Ghost" and give an explanation as to why they use these nicknames instead of their actual names.
I'm garbage at writing so all of this may or may not be bad advice but that's how I name characters.
If all else fails just grab a random name from The Bible.
A bit autistic but I generally use the names from randomly generated Football Manager players
You can also use a prominent figure from the real life field of your character and flip the name into a different language.
>randomly generated names
You are forfeiting a tool before you start.
I just invent them... I build up a 2-letter, 3-letter 4-letter or sometimes 5-letter compound and connect it to other compounds. It's pretty fun and simple. Or, sometimes I've taken a known word and spelled it backwards, then looked at it to see if any ideas surge out of it.
I mix and match the names of college athletes
I always have 5 MMOs up at any given time
I cycle through different genders and races and hit randomize.
Ivan, Sergei, Alexei
Just change the order, add a few random letters, and that's 20 characters already.
Why was it Don Gately and not Melvin "Mel" Doorway?
I go full Dickens and obliquely give them a name based on their personality
ITT: not a single satisfactory answer
Have you ever tried to understand another person in your life?
Your name
If I'm naming female elves I just use similar expressions for cum dump, like cock sleeve or fuck bucket or nutsack chutney receptacle.
this desu
I don't understand that aphorism. Can you please explain it for me?
The characters tell you what their names are when they’re ready to
I have never written anything.
what do you want, obviously there's no recipe for creating something new
I used to put retarded invented names like, for example, Galkur or Zylar. After my experience is that the best option is to choose common names unless 1) you whant to give a character a distinctive identity with the name or 2) you want the name to symbolyze something