Books that deal with evolution aside from this guy's work?

Books that deal with evolution aside from this guy's work?

Can be anything, from technical to fantasy/sci-fi, as long has there are evolution andor natural selection occurs in it.

Attached: charles-darwin.jpg (437x597, 64K)

Your middle school biology textbook.

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.

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Planet of the apes (Boulle), City (Simak), The time machine (Wells) - not that they're strongly focused on evolution, but there's often parts of the story that depend on it

Campbell's biology

To add: really interesting thesis from the author that the current body plans for animals where never set in stone, and if we reran the tape on the Cambrian explosion we might end up with an Earth populated by completely different forms of life.

Evolution, the extended synthesis
Evolution in four dimensions
Pro-tip: most of the literature is in scientific journals. Go to Google scholar and search through crossref links like you would do Wikipedia hyperlinks. You won't find too many books on evolution in general, the research areas are dispersed to specific evolutionary processes and General biological theory and Phil of biology isn't something beginners can easily jump into.

anti-tech revolt (kaczynski)
mutual aid (kropotkin)
science in action (latour)
ontogeny and phylogeny (gould)
the history of creation (haeckel)
the non-darwinian revolution (bowler)
essay on the population principle (malthus)
capital (marx)
creative evolution (bergson)
don't listen to this guy. contemporary scientists know fuck-all about evolutionary theory
>muh inheritance of acquired characters don't real


Life Without Genes by Adrian Woolfson

>Doesn't mention Spencer.

You should kill yourself.

The Greatest Show On Earth, also by Richard Dawkins

>don’t read actual scientists just listen to daddy marx haha
like clockwork

Stop please stop Butterfly. Please.

Read some things by scientists from later periods :3

I’m reading Roger Bacon after some mathematicians. Want to read that...

Allow me to recommend my own book, The Atlas Of Creation.

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Earlier I guess I mean, sorry. :3

>The unibomber, kropotkin, Marx and malthus
>Mentions O&P
>Don't listen to contemporary scientists
>Mentions Bergson
>Fails to mention the far superior evolutionary philosophy of CS Peirce
Okay psued

Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow
Evolution 2.0 by Perry Marshall

If you want to understand evolution, why wouldn’t you want to read the different people who tried to apply it? And Malthus is fucking critical to understanding natural selection, for better or worse, you sound like a pseud
Though I am curious about this Pierce fellow

Stfu dumbass half of the people in that list are “scientists”

And Malthus is fucking critical to understanding natural selection
Prove it fagget. Malthusian traps are easily avoided by niche differentiation. Sure it says alot about homogenized, socially stratified agroindustrial society, but not population dynamics in general. It basically only applies to domesticated life, and maybe to extremely rare naturally homogenous patches. The situations where a Malthusian trapping can occur are rare and it definitely isn't essential to natural selection. And his political recommendations are straight retarded.
Malthus was an economist, and not a creative one at that.

marxism will never be science but please keep coping

>haeckel not a scientist
>Gould not a scientist
>Kropotkin not a scientist (published in Nature)
>Bergson not a scientist

>Gould not a scientist
>Bergson not a scientist

>Malthusian traps lead to niche differentiation
Wow it’s almost as if environmentally imposed population shocks lead to behavioral and morphological change
I included him in the list because he was literally the main inspiration for Darwin’s theory of natural selection and it’s a necessary piece of the puzzle as a philosophical principle

also, dude, he was a reverend who did shite econ as a hobby

Gould is a scientist isn't he? Like not much more so than black science man, but a scientist nonetheless.

who gives a fuck
all the people in that list have an understanding of evolution that is actually helpful for grasping the concept and they aren't watered-down empiricist hacks like Dawkins or E.O. Wilson

Unweaving the Rainbow