"I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."
Tfw you thought this was going to be a let's shit on David Benetar thread but then it was actually a Yea Forums thread.
Cooper Walker
Austin Gomez
>we are creatures that should not exist by natural law wut
way to sneak theism in the back door there buddy
Ethan Hughes
>tfw you can't into any kind of depressing philosophy because you unironically enjoy living
Juan Baker
All philosophy makes you question life, if you question life is because you have struggle, if you don't have struggle is because you're a normie and you have to fuck off.
Julian Sullivan
Sorry to burst your unhappiness bubble m8
Ayden Myers
Happiness is, struggle it's a conscious state of mind.
Aiden Moore
Look it's a fun show, but Rust Cohle is just James Bond for jaded incels. - other characters constantly talking about how smart, cool he is - super good at drugs, drawing, weapons, hunting, the katana - edgy as hell and doesn't care who knows it - super strong and handsome - whenever he's not around, all the other characters say, "Where's Rust?" "Seems like something Rust would know about"
Cooper Ross
You're just jealous ;) lil crush maybe..?
Camden King
> I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. It's the first step needed to fix the real errors.
Andrew Barnes
>- other characters constantly talking about how smart, cool he is everybody is constantly shitting on him, did you even watch the show? Marty makes fun of him constantly, the other cops think he's a weirdo, he can't keep a relationship, multiple characters make fun of his alcoholism, etc.
Noah Ross
Is that thing of eternal recurrence blatantly inspired by Nietzsche?
Zachary Taylor
Michael Carter
Yeah and the rest of Rust's philosophy is basically just Ligotti.
Tyler Perez
Antinatalism is wrong because without people there is nothing.
Without an eardrum to vibrate, or a retina to be exposed, and no mind to create a representation based on this information there is literally nothing. Reality would become one big disordered soup with no sense of scale.
Connor James
there are plenty of other animals with eardrums and retinas and minds.
this line of thought reminds me of a slatestarmemex post: slatestarcodex.com/2017/08/16/fear-and-loathing-at-effective-altruism-global-2017/ >I got to talk to some people from the Foundational Research Institute. They do a lot of research, and a lot of it is very good, but they’re most infamous within the community for their particle work. It goes like this: the universe is really really big. So if suffering made up an important part of the structure of the universe, this would be so tremendously outrageously unconscionably bad that we can’t even conceive of how bad it could be. So the most important cause might be to worry about whether fundamental physical particles are capable of suffering – and, if so, how to destroy physics
Evan Gutierrez
I was actually hugely disappointed in season 1. It had such promise— elite pedophile ring, evil in high places, an unveiling of the rot which is all around us— but in the end, who was the villain? Some inbred white hillbilly innawoods. Yawn.
Jordan Perry
This is a great post. Thanks for sharing.
I have to be honest and say that my discounting of animals rests on bigotry. It can be argued that they have a less sophisticated experience, but it’s hard to say that a cow can’t feel the same spectrum of pain and fear a human can.
Jordan Diaz
It’s interesting for me that most of people that deny that animals are simply meat machines also think that humans are - at base - meat machines
Joseph Miller
Disappointed, there's always room to shit on Benatard
Gavin Bennett
Everything after the time jump was absolute shite
Ethan Rogers
have sex
Charles Reed
He was right.
Childhood is when you think Rust was right, adulthood is when you realize Marty was right.
Carson Adams
Yeah it's like it could be this big Eyes White Shut thing encompassing and unifying all aspects of the show, but really it's just evil and obsessed Forrest Gump.
Jonathan Campbell
>Marty was right.
About what? Being a traitor with actual no responsibility and destroy your family?
Logan Young
This, Rust managed to go through a lot of shit in his life and obviously put some thought in it, Marty was just a stupid braindead until the second half of the events.
Mason Perez
cringe and heresypilled
I don't know why you brainlets look up to Rust. He's fucking beat and he knows it. The entire story is about his redemption and finding hope once more. Believing that good is not only possible, it is worth fighting for. Faggots.
Caleb Phillips
He had more grounding in reality and living, and he learned gratitude in the end.
Jackson Rogers
alright rewatching S1E1 because of you nerds
seriously go back and listen to Rust. he's a fucking pseud making pseud claims. such as humanity evolved itself apart from nature and so deserves to be removed from nature. edgy garbage.
Jayden Nelson
antinatalism is pretty based but this rambling is retarded
i used the shift key for the episode and season letters and to capitalize Rust because he is a proper noun deal with it
t. living in your head rent free and speaking softly
Austin Gonzalez
oh yeah and btw it was always a family drama from the start you big ignoramus. from the very first. marty has two daughters and a wife he is not faithful to and rust has a wife that abandoned him and a daughter he lost. it was a family drama from the jump. marty's fuckin and rust is volcel-in' because of his apprehension about living as a doomed creature. eventually he recovers. maybe. in case you need the message beaten into your brainpan: the best things in this world and the only reasons worth living are our children.
Ian Wright
(it's the argument against antinatalism. how can you be so incredibly dense. someone should put you in a reactor and heat you up.)
Wyatt Reyes
The better question is - why is Rust popular with Normies? The ingrained nihilism that is part of everyday life today?
Luis Cooper
because detached nihilism is the midwit's answer to suffering
when they finish developing a brainsteam they realize that goodness depends on them. the call of the void is a shitty life partner. manchildren become adults when they learn they need family obligations. women stay children forever. notice none of the main characters are women. all of the women in true detective exist only to inflame and frustrate the real humans (men) including the antagonist.
Carson Morales
Is this bait or are you actually a brainlet?
Logan Cooper
He was just a patsy. The pedo ring was real.
Jonathan Ross
not that user but he's not wrong. see bishop barron's delight about guys like hitchens: atheists who spend all their free time poring over religious texts, completely in love with the idea of God (but being too proud of man's achievements to embrace him)
Samuel Harris
Can you post the source, that sounds interesting
Zachary Hernandez
literally the first result for >bishop barron hitchens ya cunt
They're doing that in a way that stresses how enigmatic and tortured he is, which is enormous wish fulfillment for little beta incels
Alexander Long
No its Zapffe which was cribbed by Ligotti
Owen Cook
>Antinatalism is wrong because without people there is nothing. anthropocentric nonsense
Charles Martin
If you are white and don't have kids, the kikes win.
Owen Jones
Let them win then, my existential decisions are not predicated on some eternal beyond-life struggle against an ethnoreligious group
Daniel Jackson
okay but my eternal life has already begun here on earth and the jews who by definition have rejected christ will not be joining me for the rest of eternity so why not just be a chad and let them have the earth
Elijah Hernandez
the jews invented christuckery and the idea of heaven. this is cuck thinking.
Dominic Walker
no dummy that was the greeks and christians
Noah Brown
Parker Williams
>reality would become one big disordered soup with no sense of scale
where do you think you are
Mason Brooks
We humans owe our very existence to the not-nothing that was here before us.
Jordan Lewis
I didn't mind the finale and actually thought the last scene was incredible. Could have ironed out the exposition though, the pacing was off for sure
Jaxson Murphy
There is not a single argument in any of this. It's full of expressions to vague to be communicative; key terms are undefined. This is just a series of beliefs presented with absolutely no justification. Fauxlosophy, at best.
Ryder Hill
Dumbass breeders showing their true colours in this thread. Sad!
Isaac Campbell
This Is there anything more stupid than bre*ders
Gavin James
Wish they continued at least another season with these two characters, other ones are quite bland compared to them.
Owen Mitchell
No they were doing it in a way to show that he was coping with his daughter's death by becoming an unlikeable edgelord. How can you miss the point that much
Brandon Rodriguez
Imagine not wanting to conquer the universe.
Anthony Barnes
Aaron Sanders
Fun fact: the whole first season was based on the censored parts of Demons by Dostoyevsky
Ayden Sanders
The ending act was pure kino, when Rust has the hallucination in the dark I was tripping.
>seriously go back and listen to Rust. he's a fucking pseud making pseud claims This was my impression first time I saw it. I don't know enough philosophy to really judge, but what I was hearing sounded like an attempt to sound clever with little behind it
Brayden Morales
I've only watched the first 2-3 episodes of season 2 and it felt like what was an intricate story with different themes explored pretty well (season 1) turned into a generic cop show like NCIS or Law & Order so i dropped it like hot garbage
Joshua Reyes
It's just shorthand Zappfe >The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by overevolving one ability is not confined to humankind. Thus it is thought, for instance, that certain deer in paleontological times succumbed as they acquired overly-heavy horns. The mutations must be considered blind, they work, are thrown forth, without any contact of interest with their environment. >If the giant deer, at suitable intervals, had broken off the outer spears of its antlers, it might have kept going for some while longer. Yet in fever and constant pain, indeed, in betrayal of its central idea, the core of its peculiarity, for it was vocated by creation’s hand to be the horn bearer of wild animals. What it gained in continuance, it would lose in significance, in grandness of life, in other words a continuance without hope, a march not up to affirmation, but forth across its ever recreated ruins, a self-destructive race against the sacred will of blood.
Christian Stewart
anti natalism is only rivaled by new atheists in their bourgeois naivete and arrogance
Sebastian Turner
>conquer the universe >im-fucking-plying you'll ever accomplish anything so grand I'm not even anti-natalist, and believe that people can find happiness in creating family, but this is pure cringe. Genuinely fedora tier. You're not conquering shit, your greatest accomplishment is going to be a 6/10 wife, middle/upper middle class status, and 2.5 kids, not conquering the universe.
Henry Williams
You've gotta conquer the universe if you want to live forever, bro.
"I have been thinking that the reason life exists is that it's a gift and not the burden we carry for the rest of our lives. We take it out of the world as fast as we can, and we can do it, but how can we truly live without it?" "Yes. I find it interesting that you do. I mean, if death is the ultimate gift, why do some people feel so strongly that they're just not worthy or valuable or important? It really just seems kind of silly to me." "Yes. It does." Carm, who had been waiting to hear someone explain the gift, leaned forward and hugged her. "It's all just a joke," he said. "It shouldn't be a thing. It shouldn't matter. We should try to put on a façade of sanity and goodness to fit in with all this horrible shit. Just, like, not exist." "That's not how the world works," Ruby scoffed.
Lincoln Stewart
Is there something as good as TD1? I need more
Evan Torres
Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul.
also fags will disagree with me but The Shield.
y'all don't know about the money train
Mason Edwards
The wire, sopranos
Jace Morales
fuck the wire david simon is a democrat pig who made his fortune writing black thug stereotypes
Jose Cox
Shield is the best show I watched along with TD1 and OZ
Nicholas Green
>everybody's nobody No, some people are somebodies. It's the nobodies who should kill themselves. Let see how long the somebodies survive without them.