What do you do to start your novel, Yea Forums? It seems no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to start it whatsoever. No matter what I do, at first I thought I was simply procrastinating, delaying the uncomfortable truth that I'm a mediocre writer. And that my dream of being a writer would never come true. But, now I'm starting to realize it may be something more to it. Can you help me, Yea Forums?
What do you do to start your novel, Yea Forums? It seems no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to start it whatsoever...
Have you planned and outlined your story?
What even is this image?
Yes, multiple times in fact. What kills them is that I don't know how to begin the story.
please delete this image i cant cope with the fact i wont have such a qt tuhu one day
Not sure then. People say 'just write' but I don't know if that's helpful.
Write without caution then edit later. First draft. No one looks.
free flow writing is a meme, user. Don't give bad advice.
You wouldn't understand. Its for people who have patrician taste
oh no no no no no, oh o ooo
I got a bit of inspiration for something new and more fun than serious literary crap recently and what I did first of all was just spend some time working out character details. Who they are, what they want, and why.
Then it feels like much more fun and less of a chore, and I can write something that feels more authentic.
Then dont start with the beginning. Write that part later.
You're supposed to free flow write to get into the mood to continue writing, not incorporate it into your actual work.
Nah, it's the mediocre thing..That pic is somehow very disturbing. Something about severe adult autism and sexuality imposed on a domain appropriate for children.
Dubs for the amount of times you'll ever do anything of importance in your life. Your dream of becoming a writer is indeed a dream. Maybe try writing erotic hentai light novels. Gutter trash like that would suit you.
I doubt that's OP.
People keep saying this, how viable is that? How do you incorporate the beginning if you exclude it?
you'll eventually reach a point where you do go to write the beginning and when you've done that you can go back to whatever you've already written and rewrite it as much as you need to make everything fit together. Rewriting will always be there for you.
Writing needs time. Change how and what you write. Reading a lot helps. To improve your writing there's many options. Search up writing advice online, get more then just what I post
>Get something to write on like notebook, clipboard, index cards in a fucking paper clip whatever.
>dicktionary, rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, get that shit
>practice your drawn spelling
>Get a portable recorder to record your voice
>Study any of the following books which interest you;
How To Read A Book by Adler
The Elements of Style by Strunk
Poetic Meter And Poetic Form by Russel
The Trivium by Miriam
The Oxford Essential Guide To Writing by Kane
There's likely other books but FUCK IT that's a long enough reading list. Also, some more personal less general advice;
>Take sticky notes, write down a sentence. Write again in different ways until note full. Stick em on wall. Try fill a room eventually
>If you ever put something in bold or CAPITALS or use an exclamation point, scream it into a camera and watch it back. If it's convincing, leave it. If not, do whatever you want with your life
>Blind characters are easy to write. Pretend you're them by just closing your eyes
>Try use less words.
>Get multicolored pens, markers, big erasers, make it fun
>Sniff the markers before you write with them.
>Pretend you're the character for a whole day
There's more advice out there. Search up Benjamin Franklins practice of translating news stories to poetry. Next week he'd convert em back. Find what works for you.
>Setting is stupid, but you still want to write it?
Wat do, /lit?
Rewrite it, and stop writing genre fic.
There was a time in my life when I doubted myself easily. I thought that I could not write, or that I was a mediocre thinker that had illusions of literary grandeur, a man no better than a commoner, but just with enough sense to grasp all the fine necessities of great literature that I couldn't hope to achieve myself. I will therefore, start in a tone of honesty, saying that no great words came to my mind that would immediately give any significance to my story, yet it is a story I have to tell and therefore I will.
(user's novel starts) X was a man of fine tastes, feet, as underage as they get.
>(user's novel starts) X was a man of fine tastes, feet, as underage as they get.
Go on.
That's it.
Start anywhere. I'd recommend starting as far back as you can go, then just write forwards. As you write section after section, eventually one particular sub chapter will stick out as an ideal starting point.
It's much easier to just write out everything knowing that it's incorrect, because once you've done so, you'll be able to look at your work and tell what's wrong. You have to do it wrong before you can see how to do it right, and there's no answer anyone can give you for how to do it since every story is unique in what it needs.
For myself I wrote a list of information that the reader needed to know that was unqiue to the story and thus needed to be shown, and then wrote several scenes that convey that information to the reader. After about the 4th time of going through that process it started to feel correct.
>how to read a book
>it's a book