"Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them"

"Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them"

what did he mean by this

Attached: pict.jpg (225x225, 5K)

That unfortunately the right is mostly a larp at this point. While there are some whites who remain loyal to the cultural practices of their ancestors, it's mostly just a failing attempt to convince themselves that they are actually fighting against the dissolution of their people/society in some meaningful sense. This is in my opinion the biggest issue with the alt-right is that yes, the ruling class which is largely Jewish and Asian does not have white Americans interests in mind, yes sexual liberation has been a disaster for white society and white living standards, yes deindustrialization has been a catastrophe for the white working class, but these things occurred because white people let them on a fundamental level. Women have the "right" to poorly emulate men not because of some God given whatever (and surely not because of their capacity to act as effective substitutes for men) but because the men as a whole have become to docile to even recognize why it is a problem on a larger scale, let alone actually reassert themselves and take control of the steering wheel again. Jews are in power because white men don't have the will to work together and make sacrifices to ouster them. These global capitalist tech/finance firms are allowed to do all of these awful things because white men are no longer willing to die to fight for a society they actually believe is worth living in.

Using his profetic powers he managed to see an amerimutt and he got scared

he saw my cringey /pol/ posting 3 years ago

he's taking jabs at anglos and their obsession with race. coincidentally, anglos have given up any sense of identity 200 years ago, they're basically disciplined rational subjects at this point, not so much 'humans'. Ever wondered by the most alienated, identity-less people on earth where the ones boasting the most about race and genetics? (Americans, westernized third-worlders etc)

He believed that the racial qualities were so obvious that all hope is lost when people have to point things out.

People that obsess over race are often those who seek to construct a cultural identity by refering to a conjectured golden past. This assumed past was made possible because of the cultural and intellectual superiority of the people. The superior culture being the product of a superior race. Ultimately they consider themselves to belong to a superior breed of humans. Now because they refer to the past and not to the present, this is a sign that they actually failed to bring forward any achievements in the present. Thus they exactly fail there where their assumed ancestors excelled.

more like objects

seriously, what was spengler's IQ? how do you even become this smart and have such intuition and foresight? is anyone alive today on his level?

Attached: spengler pacifism.jpg (850x400, 66K)

>the ruling class which is largely Jewish and Asian does not have white Americans interests in mind,

What? Non-jewish whites are vastly over-represented in positions of power and influence. It's true that Jews are even more over represented, but I have no idea where the Asian thing is coming from.

LOL this photograph... was he some sort of clown or what?

Expansion of chinese elite I would assume.

He's mad that a meritocracy doesn't work the way he wants to.


>Non-jewish whites are vastly over-represented in positions of power and influence
Excuse me? White people are "over-represented" in white countries? Do you even understand basic stats?

>how the fuck do ratios work

>White people are "over-represented" in white countries?

Yes, and globally.

50% of American billionaires are Jews(~2.4% of US Pop), but non-Jewish whites are over represented in positions of power? Seems legit.

Meritocracy is a meme. Power in a democratic system isn't a meritocracy it's a team sport.

Race (which isn't to be understood in a darwinian sense) is the vegetative state of man, you do not rationalize it, you live it. There's a point where reason overtake the vegetative state and that's when a culture becomes a civilization, people then torture themselves to find answers that their ancestors naturally had without thinking about it

>Non-jewish whites are vastly over-represented in positions of power and influence.
Wait till you check how overrepresented jews are.

Are you actually interested in looking at the power representation vs demographics data? I don't think you're going to like how it works out. Globally, yes Whites are over represented in positions of power relative to where the majority of the global population lies (primarily Asian and Sub-Saharan African), however within the white majority countries in the Anglosphere and western Europe the Jewish influence is fucking insanely over represented.

If such a thing's existence must be insisted upon, its factual status is dubious. For example, gender hierarchy: those men who try to convince women, by pointing to empirical facts and history, that they are below them in a de jure hierarchy, are the least convincing of all on the matter.

He believes in a spiritual race somewhat like Evola, that biological race doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, for example the Englishman, Irishman, and German emigrated to America to create the American race. His view is that Culture and nations create race, rather than the other way around. The thoroughbred spiritual racialist should exemplify everything his nation and people stand for. The materialist biological racist is a degenerate, clinging to past events that made his people great instead of looking to the future and continuing that greatness. That is what he means when he says biological racists are poor exemplars of their people and spiritual race.

Did the quarterback take your lunch money, faggot?

Trying to rid ourselves of racism is putting ourselves above nature rather than accepting that we're part of it.

>What? Non-jewish whites are vastly over represented in positions of power and influence.
ok retard

> Jewish influence is fucking insanely over represented.

Mormons are also over-represented as are Americans, Methodists, Texans, people who grew up in two parent households, blah buhblahbhuhblah. So, yes, the dominant ethnic group( whites) can be broken down into any number of more successful subcategories. Why so obsessed with the joooooooooooooooz?

Because Jews don't see themselves as part of "whites". They see themselves as an independent entity, and are very explicit about that. Literally just read any of the Jewish papers and they will tell you how Jews are not part of Whites. You can very easily argue from a genetic perspective that Ashkenazi Jews are fairly European genetically (generally between 60-80% Mediterranean/central European) but they see themselves as an entirely separate entity and behave accordingly. They fight "White supremacy" because they correctly assess they are not part of the same tribe as what is considered "whites" of today. They don't have the same behavioral tendencies, they don't have the same cultural norms and standards, they don't look towards the same ideals, and they don't have the same general political/social modal operation. They are not White, and they know that, and they teach their children that in Jewish schools and synagogues.

yes, that's my fucking point lmao. Do you?

They are much closer to whites than any other group in the US.

Is that seriously the argument you're going with? That Jews are closer to whites than the other groups that primarily Jewish organizations have advocated the importing of?

>Excuse me? White people are "over-represented" in white countries?
you realise america has a white minority, right?

Attached: 1531709355160.png (264x245, 46K)

Fair enough. I'm usually on the fence about including america as first world (It's their use of AC and love for grandiosity that gives it away)

You're greatly exaggerating the number of Jews that do not consider themselves white but it hardly matters...

>behavorial tendencies, cultural norms and standards, ideals, socio/political operation...

Also true of people from Portland and they're incredibly white.

While the terms like "white" and "white culture" may not be entirely vacuous, you're giving them far to much power.

I don't know the stats but from my experience Jews aren't liberal solely because of stuff like the Holocaust(IE they aren't anti-white and nothing else), it mostly comes from them being urbanites, rich and cosmopolitan because they exist as their own self defined group.

I'm not opposed to nationalism by principal, I'm just saying that Jews are probably the best group for whites to find similarly minded people within.

i think the first world, third world, etc categories have fallen out of favour
i like the more up-to-date highly developed, developed, developing and undeveloped labels
but america is definitely not first world by living standard definitions, HDI is a meme so ignore that shit

Attached: america has regressed to developing nation status.png (898x257, 31K)

What matters is that people that believe themselves Jews act against the interests of the majority of their host because of said belief. Of course it was a reinforcing phenomenon because, if they weren't singled out for being Jews, they would have been less likely to think themselves as distinct and act accordingly. Now, there is some hope because Jews are increasingly intermarrying which may mean that their sense of a distinct identity is crumbling.

I have been around the world, and let me tell you that the jewish financial metrics weren't invented to rank countries according to their development lol. Else lybia would be up there.

The number one way of making sure a country is 1st or 3rd world is their use of AC. Third worlders love to blast AC to the max, without regards to comfort. Just like in America. I'm not joking, get out of your heads. You can sum up the entire state of politics worldwide with a few simple phrases, no abstraction:

1. 95% of the world's problems are created by circumcized people (Jews, Muslims, Americans)
2. You can gauge the level of submission of a leader according to his clothing. Wearing a suit means you are a puppet for global finance (Gaddafi, Castro, Khomeini, Kim-Jong, Hussein etc.. western-bought african dictators wear suits, while their inbred, independent cousins style themselves with as many military medals as possible)
3. Air Conditioning

List goes on, I actually took it up to write a small pamphlet, I have written down about 20 soon-to-be platitudes about politics. I might finish it one day

Absolutely dishonest, ignorant and illiterate reply. Learn about the history of jews in Medieval Europe before spewing bullshit.

True vagabond right here

>sexual liberation has been a disaster
this guy doesn't fuck lol

There absolutely is a rising level of intermarriage among Jews compared to the past.

Attached: alright2.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Jews are white, you're just a failure

>he hasn't read the dating site data

back to /pol/ faggot

If you have to import people that actually have semblance of family structure to keep up replacement rates than yeah its not working out so well.

But everyone is using air conditioning these days. Even Japan which was notorious for resisting its use has started to use it. Or do you mean that there is no first world left anymore?

Yes. I was refering to jews being singled out for being jews and that's it. In reality, their history in medieval europe consists of being given the rights as normal citizens, then them refusing over and over again. They chose to keep separate.

SHUT THE FUCK UP you worthless shitposting newfaggot retard jesus fucking christ how many fucking times a day do you type this worthless fucking nothing? Kill yourself you retarded niggerloving pussy.

Cranking the AC to the max is 3rd world. Using it to cool the air while keeping temperature at a comfy level is 1st world.

Kids are a huge responsibility.

nah. go get shot kike

sustaining your society is an even bigger one

Not really. If you care about society more than providing the best for your kids, then maybe you shouldn't have kids.

You retards are going to be dragged into the streets by your pet niggers before 2050

Lol. Ok.

You mean that the obviously underage /pol/kids spouting scripture and white nationalism are actually mutts who don't go to church?
This theory is too outlandish to be true.

Well the world outside most the west doesnt care about this notion and will have them regardless. The west has the best possibilities (especially europe) to properly raise kids. Bad family structure and individualism is the main culprits.

>Implying internet zeal is enough to reproduce a society.

People in the past didn't need to be convinced to continue society, they just did, what makes you think it's ever possible to convince them?

if you don't have kids
society disappears

Attached: smile of harold.jpg (518x573, 59K)

Glad to know about the rest of the world. But a family isn't something you start as a competition.

That's not an argument most people will take seriously, that's why it's irrelevant.


Actually Brits and Australians were probably less racist than Americans were, during WW2 there were numerous race riots in both countries by Black troops who realized they were treated better by said groups than by Americans. The US had numerous race riots up until the 60s, when it calmed down a bit.

Sexual liberation is such a misnomer.
The movement towards polyamory is a function of economic factors, such as the increases in real estate prices and concomitant stagnation of wages. When a house is a million dollars, doesn’t it make more sense to have a romantic/erotic group of three or more that could band together to buy?

It does make more sense. But how are you sure that's the reason they do it?

Depends on how long these "groups" actually will stay committed to themselves and their investment

I don't think I have ever talked to a polyamorous person who wanted that sort of arrangement because of money.

>if wypipo turn into pussies they’ll all get raped by niggers
there’s about a million 14-year-olds on /pol/ at this very moment who are at his level

It's a bit different since it already happened though. Accuaretly describing current events seems a bit easier to me than accurately predicting the future. Also, I'd like to throw in that you're a gay fag you fucking retard never post in a Spengler thread again, thanks.

Does it matter whether they think they’re doing it for other reasons? Humans are not fully rational and come up with rationalizations of unconscious impulses. “Rational actor theory”? I just laugh...

if you think that’s impressive, watch this:
>if the Chinese turn into pussies they’ll all get raped by niggers too
heh.. hope I didn’t just blow your mind there

Based and redpilled tbqhwyf

But that's like saying if cheese turns blue it won't be delicious anymore.
It's retarded as it won't happen and has no basis in current or past trends. Also I believe I told you to get out of this thread. Please do that.

>how do you even become this smart and have such intuition and foresight
Your quote is clear evidence that his insight is incorrect. The dark ones wage war on themselves, leaving their white masters able to extract resources from them without high cost of occupation.

>People are overrepresented in their own society

I was expecting you to say this. Yeah, they aren't doing it because of money, they are hipsters that are trying out an experiment with themselves, whether they are benefiting financially is secondary.

America isn't what it used to be

You seem to interpret dark ones incorrectly tbqh senpai. I'd recommend learning German to prevent yourself from looking like an absolute pseud (hard p) on Yea Forums in the future.
Boy, I bet you're glad for anonymity right now.

>It's retarded as it won't happen and has no basis in current or past trends
someone needs to work on his prophetic skills. it’s all right though, I get not everyone can be on the same level as me and Oz

No one is discussing Spengler itt, you should all off yourself especially if you are one of these retards that quote him and haven't read his books

Great contribution user

I'm reading Jahre der Entscheidung right now and it honestly saddens me how bitter and cynical Spengler is.
Absolutely filled with self-hatred and depression and not even managing to fool himself - or anyone else - about it.

you'll never be a woman lol

What do you mean? I have all his books but I'm only halfway through volume 2 of decline.

I didn't notice it in Decline at all. Nor in Der Mensch und die Technik. It was starting to creep up in Preußentum und Sozialismus and started to hit in full force in Jahre der Entscheidung.
So don't worry about it for now. If you keep reading him you'll probably notice it as well. I'm not an articulate person, especially not in English so I'd have a hard time explaining. I could try if you asked me to though. But again, you'll probably notice yourself if you keep reading him.

I have heard he wasn't a happy man when he lived

No. He certainly wasn't.
He was an idealist, a romantic and a scholar. All of that being things that he despises.
He was, in the end, a failure in the things he endeavoured, and smart enough to know that himself. I'm saying that having great admiration and love for him.

A hundred years ago no niggers were raping Europeans in Europe.
I consider this change a detriment to the value of human life in Europe. Not only because niggers are here, but because of what they do in addition (as if it wasn't enough to just be and chill whilst being ugly).

Is this Crowley?

>All these people getting arch-mad at just for correctly interpreting the quote OP asked about
JFC it's brainlet central in here

Rasse (race) has a more wide meaning than in english; on the one hand it means race (as ethnicity) and on the other something like "character", "integrity" or w/e; like a woman with temperament would be a "Rasseweib", or you would say a figure like Napoleon has "Rasse"

so basically race-obsession is a feat of the last man

As expected seething Americans in this thread,they are truly obsessed with race.Pretty pathetic

It's Mineral Man

multiracial democracies tend to be obsessed with race

I was close

Attached: download.jpg (134x186, 5K)

He was bluepilled on racialism, therefore he isn't worth reading.

He traces the lineage of the importance of portraiture and through it race in Western history and is able to not only explain why Westerners invented the concept of race in the first place, but also why "racialists" are fools. He specifically uses the word "degenerate", several times.

please post here when finished

He also calls pacifist bourgeois intellectuals Untermenschen. It's fucking hilarious.


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The rest of this thread is rubbish.