Christian socialism or theistic leftism

You must be out there. Tell me about how your theology (or beliefs more generally) influences your politics?

I actually unironically don't mind Dosto's tsarism/orthodoxy pairing. Also some Taoist political points such as good leaders going unacknowledged and keeping things in accord with the heavens.

>When the world is ruled according to the Way, the ghosts lose their power. The ghosts do not really lose their power, but it is not used to harm people.
[Tao Te Ching chapter 60]

Compare this to the cynics saying remove the smoke from our minds. And stirner saying get rid of the spooks.

>If princes and kings could follow it (Tao), all things would by themselves abide, Heaven and Earth would unite and sweet dew would fall. People would by themselves find harmony, without being commanded.
[Tao Te Ching chapter 32]

Anyway thoughts?

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Are you pro life?

No, I don't believe humans are even humans but only cybernetic organisms, living tissue over a metal endoskeletons.


Reminder that Jesus affirmed charity for the giver's sake first, and the receiver's second. Socialism also claims that Material conditions are integral to Man's dignity, crucial to Man's Morality, and are ends in and of themselves. Totally alien to the Gospels. That conflating SOCIALISM, of all things, with the Gospels is not even the worst result of Doctrine speaks volumes of just how abominable Paul is. Socialists don't even read Marx, so it's understandable from their end, but totally scandalous from Paul's.


Communism is an outgrowth of millenarian Christianity. It was the Muenster Revolt, except they managed to subjugate a third of the world’s population.

>Socialism also claims that Material conditions are integral to Man's dignity, crucial to Man's Morality, and are ends in and of themselves.
No it doesn't. Marx was pretty clear that he thought getting rid of class will allow people to pursue intellectual/creative endeavours more.

lol imagine being so alienated!!! for real!!

Doesn't he specify that better Material conditions resulting from class abolishment will allow the proletariat to be better people, not merely class abolishment?

You have been terminated.
OP have you read any Tolstoy? Specifically The Kingdom of God Is Within You. He tried to lay the groundwork for Christian anarchism and founded a few Christian anarchist communes, I think one or two’s still running in the British isles somewhere

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these child laborers died from a horrible disease breathing phosphorus and all they needed was jesus
why is marx so cruel and inhuman :(

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I agree but it is also a revolt against Christianity. I unironically think that marxism is a manifestation of the satanic and the outcome of his thought resembling hell likely not a coincedence. In more technical terms it is the replacement of the process of complex human interaction and a resulting group emergent morality with a vision and imposition of how the world is and is supposed to be according to static individualist, quasi solopsist conception. That this is understood as 'social' is almost supernaturally creepy to me. Assuming it's not supernatural I can only perceive it as a warning in archetypal language.

So he did? Anyway, why would you go THERE?

>these millennials killed themselves despite being born in bougie conditions, comrade comrade why has thou forsaken me

>get into communism because it embodies the egalitarian sentiments i thought christianity embodied
>realize christianity is a bunch of self-sacrificial lies designed to trick the masses into surrendering themselves to a psychopathic elite
>drop it like a hot potato

truly hell on earth compared to the edenic vistas of capitalism

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No. Wtf?
Glad to hear this user. Where on the left?
No i didn't know this. I was aware of his anarchism but not the collectivez. Cool.

You have a very ideological view of reality. What you're looking at (aside from a fallen world) is a massive population expansion congruent with an expansion in wealth and health. If they would know of a better place to be they would be there. You can of course criticize that but there's no pauperization, the exact opposite is the problem. You're making the same mistake as Marx. The grandchildren of the people in the third world will live in conditions which will resemble the early-mid 20th century in the west. Life expectancy is already beyond that. In our lifetime there will be no more hunger and work will become tolerable. This is obvious from statistics and what exactly are you going to whine about then? You need to criticize capitalism in terms of reality not 18th century fables.

Socialism is opposed to Christian charity. Socialism is "what is yours is mine" while charity is "what is mine is yours". Socialism is based on greed and is thus sinful. Read Rerum Novarum.

This is the reality and problem of capitalism. Not a picture of an individual who would otherwise not exist, starve or work himself to death on another manual labor job.

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you're painting marxism as more ghoulish than it was for your own ideological reasons, namely i suspect because it was godless. liberalism has become far more humane it's true but my point was it has a lot of past blood on its hands too. in any case, despite the stats on absolute poverty reduction, the current paradigm is not sustainable as it has driven us to facing significant major threats to the very continuation of the human species in the coming century.


See, I agree with your view of capitalism and liberalism and I would go even further - the goal itself is dystopia, the removal of all struggle can only mean the removal of the human. What are we other than struggle from the individual gene outwards? The liberal futurist utopia seems like a sophisticated vision of hell and if we want to live there we have to transform ouselves into demons. Then again I don't have a solution either.

Concerning marxism I think rather the opposite of the usual. The theory is absolutely catastropic and evil in the most fundamental sense but the reality isn't so bad because its implementation is impossible. After the initial slaughter and mass incarceration it just cools down into a static depression which might be the best feature of this system. Some countries even managed to avoid the slaughter and just settled into the second stage of depression. But all are unstable and short lived so not exactly an alternative.

i entertain marxism at times but it's just spitballing a way out of the void we're crashing into that you speak of. i'm not sure how much of it exactly can be salvaged and repurposed, but there was certainly something to it beyond "satanism".

It's the lure of the planned society, but no one can plan it, yet this is the problem; our development is lead by an aggregate of human appetite which in collective form acts beyond individual human consciousness. We have no control and if we assume control through political action, economic cooperation collapses into a morally and propably biologically intolerable state of stasis which will betorn down again by the collective appetite. There's no solution to this. I think the liberal state is the natural development of a rational society, it directs these forces in the most stable way into the most efficient direction. But no one ever demonstrated that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. So I don't know. I think we can do nothing but flip the coin on AI and see.

>wait and see
i guess, but how do you cope with the suspense? it's fucked.

Imagine it as death, our world is gone either way and there will be no room for us in the next. Live your life with the consciousness of approaching death. Nothing changes really, it's the way you're supposed to live anyway. I find it quite helpful to think in these terms in order to avoid the paralysis impending armageddon could inflict on my mind.

wise words, thanks user

Here's your reply.

I appreciate that user.

>Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Capitalists BTFO forever.

The joke is that if the princes and kings followed Tao there wouldn't be princes and kings

>in the past you have green areas and a nice city
>fast forward to the present and you have an NPC arena full of chinkdrones

>christ pictute with symbol of atheistic communism

They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, "Caesar's men demand taxes from us." He said to them, "Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, give God what belongs to God, and give Me what is Mine."


you might find reading these interesting, and maybe watch some John Shelby Spong talks for a more Bernie-tier approach

something else i'd look into is the radical antifascist resistance to Mussolini. i don't know if there are any english translations, but some italian political figures like Franco Rodano have written quite a bit on this topic

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I am a Catholic who supports social welfare, but only in a Christian and aristocratic capacity, and not when it contradicts the teachings of the Church.

For example, I would be perfectly fine with a universal health care system in the United States, but I'd want abortion, euthanasia, and sex change operations to be outlawed within that system.

The social teaching's been around since the 30's, right? The Church itself is basically a social-democratic institution at this point

What isn’t God’s?

no actual discussion yet
take this from a person who leaned heavily anarchist for two years, and then found Christ this year:
Leftists inherited the concept of the universal from Christ, but they dispensed with the Absolute because it is an obstacle to seizure of power. I never liked Marxist-Leninists, for this reason especially, so perhaps I had some seedling of the convictions I hold now from my anarchist days. That being said, the sentiment behind most left theory comes from a place of goodwill; who doesn't want to see their fellow man better off? The main problem with the left is their determination of which people hold the title of "fellow-man." Military is excluded, cops excluded, bankers excluded, landlords excluded... an unsavory list of characters, but at the bottom of it all is nothing less than a deep ressentiment for having no place in the current order. I feel this all the time. I hated these people once too, and I struggle with hating them now. But this hate goes nowhere, as history attests. Violence begets itself in the same manner that life does. Christ is the antidote to self-sacrifice in the name of Death.
One cannot read the Sermon on the Mount without feeling tremendous inspiration. One cannot read Paul's words "everything is lawful for me, but everything edifies not," without putting the magnifying glass on themselves. The Bible reveals the thorough bankruptcy of manmade laws and human authority, but instead of arguing for lifestylist law-breaking for the sake of, it gives man an alternative, where he can live life with radical love for everyone he encounters. I don't see anything wrong with this ideal. It is not achievable for man, but he is better off striving for it. It's also effective praxis against the status quo and its resentful enforcers. Most people who advocate universal love have intense hatred for certain segments of humanity. Absolute love is an imperative and bears on the individual directly in a way that most strains of leftism cannot compete with.
Check out Kingdom of God is within you

>The Church itself is basically a social-democratic institution at this point

The Church is God's instrument on Earth. It cannot be contained within merely political considerations.

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Christianity has no politics. To conflate Christian revelation with political ideology would only profane the former.