It's only been 3 days and I feel my soul die every time I walk out of the building after work.
Entire days, hours of beautiful sunlight, sunken into spreadsheets.
A bell that rings at the crack of dawn, signifying another round of my desires crumbling to the wave of brain fog accompanying the disgusting cafeteria food
Surrounded by fucking NPCs who laugh at jokes that aren't funny and talk about subjects that don't interest them.
A group of people who have been coming to the same place, for decades, to drown any aspirations they had when they were young but are somehow perfectly fine with this and actually ask for more hours.
A sullen realisation that when the faceless men tell me to "get a wife and kids" in order to make work worth it, they aren't really telling me something that will help me but instead projecting something that placates and assures them that they haven't wasted their golden years.
A growing panic that eventually, I'll give in and become just like them.
A growing desire to end everything
A growing fondness of the idea of eternal nothingness.
I cannot reconcile the fear of aging and losing my youth with the naturalistic push for me to have children and perpetuate my genes. Similarly, I cannot reconcile the idea that I need to get a job in order to have money to enjoy life and yet all that will result in me doing is slaving away my youth so that I can have a few years of leisure tainted by the trappings of age when I retire.
Eli Jones
Studied finance and am working as a business analyst. Funnily enough, I only realised I took the wrong degree when they put the graduation cap on me.
Everything I've seen colleagues and I do in our professional lives has furthered us along a path that we despise.
A floor of men, the best in the region at what they "do", only doing so because they have mouths to feed or they felt it was the "next logical step"
Christopher Johnson
Some take solace in the fact that if they do become wealthy, they can give a life to their children that they never could have had.
Alexander Rivera
Have fun with the consequences of your actions. I wish you the best.
Jackson Kelly
Look into financial independence and early retirement. I hate my job but I’m gonna be able to retire in 2-3 years and I’m 36.
John Hall
Noah James
Thanks, I'm putting every dollar I have into crypto and my vanguard fund.
I run a marathon every year and as long as I can retire before a marathon becomes a massive hurdle, I'll be at peace.
Ethan Hill
dude you're 3 days in. talk about dramatic, grow up david foster wallace jr
Luke Campbell
Relatable, OP. But wallowing in it doesn't make it better.
When I worked in an office and had similar feelings about being locked away from the sun, I was able to convince management to let me walk around outside for 10-15 minutes, more than the normal breaks, if I was able to show a proportionate increase in productivity. It might be helpful to recognize that not all your coworkers feel the same way as you. Some people prioritize the security of a stable profession/occupation over living life "to the fullest".
You can check out the weekend warrior lifestyle - but to be honest I ended up quitting that life and am now just an unemployed bum who has been lucky enough to have family members die at appropriate intervals and get $10k floated by a time or two to avoid going back to soul crushing drudgery and instead mostly go to libraries and parks.
I slept on the streets for a while as voluntary poverty, just for the perspective. I hope it works out for you, truly
Owen Thomas
>I only realised I took the wrong degree when they put the graduation cap on me.
Peak NPC
Leo Adams
>accompanying the disgusting cafeteria food just bring your lunch lmao
Jason Ortiz
>all this bitching >making a salary Fuck you. I really am so tired of the struggles of domesticity. Some people’s lives revolve around trying to find food. Be grateful ffs
Kevin Green
>Be grateful for somzthing that makes you want to kill yourself because I have it worse
Fucked up logic that wont solve OP's problem even if he applies it.
Anthony Gray
Then he and you should both unironically hang yourselves You’re alive and mentally sound enough to bitch into a computer- not to mention you OWN A FUCKING COMPUTER Horrendously ungrateful is a fantastic way to describe you, deadbeat fuck
Alexander Flores
The problem is fabricated by OP as a way to deal with mundane existential woes; he should just get over it lol
Andrew Wood
>jus b grateful
Great facebook advice mom, but really you don't solve existential angst by telling people they could be poorer. There's reason this has been an issue since at least the times of the Ecclesiast.
>muh computer
A computer is mostly a tool for being a wageslave or playing autistic contests and ruining your eyes. Unless you genuinely enjoy working on spreadsheets, playing video games or programming it's not that much of a great help for happiness.
>hang yourselves
This shows the depth of your commitment to honestly adressing the problem. It's also strange to see your recommend gratefulness while visibly seething with rage.
I'm getting out of this shithole board, you should too.
Cooper King
Stopped at existential angst I’m not fucking with you user, you should kill yourself. You’re beneath a blight- you’re a fucking miserable swine with no soul Kill yourself, you’re a real distraction to the living
Eli Collins
OP, have you stopped to wonder that your job has he same function as the imaginary guy with whom your girlfriends cheats on you? You endlessly complain about this state of affairs: it's emasculating, you've spent a lot of time working towards her, you feel bad thinking about it, but it also gives you anger and a target: my woes exist because I'm being cuckolded. You start to blame women, chad, anyone who dares to cross your path. After years of enduring and wallowing in pain, you break up with your gf. And instead of feeling liberated, you feel even worse: now you're sad but there's no one to be the recipient of your rage, there is no external cause for your lack of vitality. When you get rid of the imaginary cuckolder, what you get is yourself.
Adam Martin
Ok user I will readily kill myself. I suppose trying to face my problems means nothing next to suicide advice from a stranger accross the internet.
Thanks for your illuminating perspective on life user, you're doing God's work.
Asher Torres
>it's been 3 days >guys i cannot do this lmao
Liam Bailey
Your problems are not real, they cannot be solved Walk away from them or let them consume and destroy you. It’s up to you, no one can do anything about it, and you’re frankly kind of boring in thinking anyone cares Suicide is probably your best option at this point ;)
Matthew Johnson
Unnecessary edginess aside you can probably still learn another profession which might be more suitable to you. It's frustrating to go to school again but it's possible.
The only reasons I can see for work are: - your work leads you to some goal unrelated to the work itself, like feeding your family or early retirement - you genuinely like the activity you do for work (very unlikely unless you happen to be one of the lucky people who like doing things which are in demand, like programming or something) - you like the people you work with (unlikely and risky) - your job is very easy and basically adult daycare (these jobs used to be pretty common but ironically are nowadays mostly available to those who have expert knowledge on some niche area, and the people who have this sort of jobs are very protective of them)
We just happen to live in a world where the not-so-ambitious people are fucked and this change has been relatively recent. Just talk to some older coworker and he will say that the job was much easier 20-40 years ago. I don't see how this can be fixed, if anything I expect it to get even worse. I understand suicidal mentality perfectly, I'm basically alive out of spite and even in threads like these it seems like the biggest reward or success is the ability to annoy less successful people online.
Carson Allen
nice, very deep. this is a process of maturation for some of us... because only when you are alone as can be can you face yourself
Colton Lewis
This is why I'm building a house in the woods and leaving all that. It's 10x cheaper than trying to live in a city. Once I have a place to live with no mortgage or rent I can easily live the rest of my life working a relaxing part time job. My needs are small, only want to work on my projects and read, I'll still be able to save money and travel every once in the while. Writing, painting, fixing up old shitty motorcycles, creating video games, tending a garden, all inexpensive pursuits. I will never accept the 'realities' of adulthood, it's either succuss in my escape or death. My family has already accepted this choice, now the real work starts to manifest it
If I can't do this in America, I'll work here, save a bunch of money, and then fuck off to a cheap country and retire. Anything is better than the alternative imo
LMAO imagine getting this angry, take your own advice ya fucking loser.
Ryan Flores
It's not going to get any better.
Ryder Thompson
Ok we make sure they all get food Nobodies hungry Now what? What will be the next pacifying platitude once there's nobody left on earth without a supply of food and water? When will it end? >op
Brandon Green
Peak NPC would be never realizing at all.
Jason Lee
i think im fucked also since im an accounting major. im currently a junior. i could change majors but to what?
Sebastian Lopez
it's all the same shit everywhere if you don't have a clear passion for something
Nathan Sanders
i guess the art majors really have it all figured out after all
Carter Bell
>It's only been 3 days and I feel my soul die every time I walk out of the building after work. Then you're a moron, working is easier than schoolwork because decisions aren't final. Oh wait, you didn't care about your grades and probably scored poorly. Yet you managed to land a to coincide right after graduation. How fortunate it. Almost like you knew someone. >Entire days, hours of beautiful sunlight, sunken into spreadsheets. You should be fortunate your parents were able to get you a job after school. If you don't have connections, you graduate, struggle, even starve long before you find a job. >A bell that rings at the crack of dawn, signifying another round of my desires crumbling to the wave of brain fog accompanying the disgusting cafeteria food Try eating nothing at all for days. >A group of people who have been coming to the same place, for decades, to drown any aspirations they had when they were young but are somehow perfectly fine with this and actually ask for more hours. They're idiots like you. You are them now. You want to become great? You want the real catalyst for transcending all of this? SUFFER. Your problem is that you've had too good. Try prolonged unemployment after thousands of applications, try living without connections to family. Have all your friends abandon you because you have no money. You don't know how good you have it.
I should have specified that you should have a passion for something which will get you employed. Even the somewhat well paying fields with kinda good employment situation (no field has an actually good employment situation) are a pain if you just aren't interested in it. It won't change if you change it to something easier or anything, though of course you can get lucky and notice that you like your new major more.
However if you can turn you art degree into something other than student debt it IS a better choice than an accounting degree if you find it miserable.
Jordan Kelly
It's because nobody is willing to take a risk At least fail a few times before settling You'll move into that life willingly, if you're wise, no bitterness will be present, allowing to you to enjoy the comfort instead of resentment No needy dependents present in your life restricts this path. If you're not an insect, the denial of this requirement will return in the future. Facing it instead at old age is something none should experience Some kill themselves, some drown in drug abuse, some just check out entirely and become a genuine npc, doesn't matter the specifics. Either take a big risk, fight for some kind of change, or don't play at all, otherwise stfu
yeah you're right. ive put too much time into accounting to drop it all and change majors anyways. im just scared to end up in a soul draining job. i heard working with nonprofits is suitable
Jacob Foster
yeah ill be sticking through with my major. if i find myself hating everything i do i can go back to school and try again. I never want to be in a position where i waste years of my life in some shit job. never settle
Xavier Roberts
i signed up for an accounting diploma but couldn't even make it to the first class. i signed up for only 1 class infact
Aiden Foster
sucks to hear man. was the course a lower division accounting course? ive gone through so many accounting courses and im satisfied, im just questioning my career path and life goals
Oliver Hernandez
It's alright, I have two degrees soon and I feel like both have been mistakes but I don't really regret going through either, they give perspective and I don't live in the US so I don't have an unbearable debt either. Remember that your degree doesn't determine where you work at for the rest of your life. It's honestly sometimes really difficult to get through in this life if you just aren't particularily passionate or interested in things, the current job market fucks over mediocre people hard even though the majorite of people will always be mediocre. The whole life is very career-centric now and naturally not everyone will enjoy it.
Connor Allen
Ryder Thompson
watch American Beauty, read Camus, or read Kazinsky. Those are a few of your options. On month 8/infinity of postgrad wagecucking myself. It doesn’t get better. You just learn to cope.
Nathaniel Butler
yea ur right. im glad im in a position similar to you where university will not put me in huge debt either. it makes it a lot less stressful for me.
Asher Collins
Haha fucking idiot suck shit. At least your realising it before your in too deep. True.
>prioritize security They're either cowards who are to dumb to face their fear or idiots who are to afraid to learn, d'ya mean?
Based Žižek poster.
Chill salty stoic
Cool painting.
Honestly whats peoples problem with just catching the bus if your not born into a patrician family and don't enjoy life?
Jacob James
based, despise the people answering this post with "BE GRATEFUL YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EVEN BE A COG IN THIS ASOCIAL MACHINE" without irony.
Sebastian Hill
Guess there is always hope that something will change and you'll start enjoing it.
You have to imagine Sisyphus happy but in pratical terms you have to have something that sustains you because it emanates meaning. You might not want to hear it but that's why a family is so important. If you can't stand it well then get a job which is less important to society and allows you to pursue whatever you deem more personally relevant.
Justin Edwards
Nice quints
Nathaniel Barnes
you're fucked for eternity haha
Michael Gomez
I'm not going to imagine Sisyphus happy, he isn't. I'm not going to embrace the absurdity of the work task manufactured by capital nor am I seeking some personally fulfilling meaning outside of society which is in itself always an absolute falsity. Absurdism is dealing with reality and our state of being like an absolute bitch. A child does it better. I'm going to grapple with it, the whole notion of seeking inherent value or meaning is simply worthless because we are upside down, skating on thick ice. I'll try and break through it.
Robert Ward
Sucks to suck.
Gabriel Cruz
>start working >nighttime public bus mechanic >love having whole day for myself >work provides satisfaction as I come back home in the same bus I've fixed at night
Meanwhile OP fell for the white collar meme
Jace Ortiz
you aren't your job, name, social security number, body, whatever little characteristics that you've given yourself or given to you. take some time to meditate on who you are, and distance yourself from despair
Jaxon Davis
I've been working a soul numbing job for several years now. Seriously, it's not that bad. It's bad, but it's doable. Especially when you consider what this user says . He speaks the truth. Life essentially sucks for everybody. But we're in a position to actually live a comfy life enjoying some of the good things that life has to offer. Having looked into the abyss you know that life is short and you'd rather spend what little time you have doing things you enjoy, but remember life has a price to pay. Make it your goal acquire that freedom as soon as possible. Life comfortably but start putting away money to make early retirement possible as ASAP. (look at blogs like to help you achieve that goal)
Nathan Davis
Jonathan Edwards
some say it takes several years of meditation to know yourself. do you know yourself ?
Eli Bennett
of course my friend. at the end of the day we all have to cope. not so ?
Welcome to the rest of your life bitch boi. Just find a way to sneak in reading or shitposting at your job and itll become slightly more bearable.
Aaron Moore
Nolan Gray
you make a compelling argument, but i'm gonna have to stand by my original viewpoint.
Austin Robinson
it's safe to assume no one here knows what they're talking about
Aaron Walker
What a fucking pussy. 3 days. God, such a disgusting whiny, masturbating in narcissistic self-pity cunt. Search for a job you like then, you dumb cunt. And try to derive meaning from your effort outside of work as well.
Juan Young
alas, it is so. we're all just seekers. seekers hoping to find the answers to life on this Vietnamese basket weaving site.
Zachary Ortiz
It just takes time to get used to the workload, initially you would get depressed just due to being tired and expecting to not be able to keep up in the long run. As soon as you get into the flow, life will start feeling comfortable again and you will find your work to be nowhere as draining as you projected. Other activities will be more satisfying as well, as long as you are not ridiculously underpaid or in a dead-end job doing 12-hour shifts.
Logan Anderson
So you don't want to become like them, what do you want to become? What do you want to do? What do you want to spend your time on?
James Nelson
>I cannot reconcile the idea that I need to get a job in order to have money to enjoy life and yet all that will result in me doing is slaving away my youth so that I can have a few years of leisure tainted by the trappings of age when I retire. The pain of not getting a job so you can't afford to do what you want to do is going to be far worse then sacrificing time doing what you don't want to do so you can do what you want to do.
Liam Young
You’re not alone OP. I’m with you.
The way to cope is to take back your life. Think of work as just a place you have to sit during the day - real life begins when you leave. Every night is a Friday night, and every morning is Monday. When you leave work, what do you do? What do you do on the weekend? Why do you section your life into “work” and “not work”? Does your not work life consist of just preparing for work? Then you’re doing something wrong.
Logan Martin
>I will never accept the 'realities' of adulthood The "realities" of adulthood is that its up to your self to keep your self alive. How you do that is up to you
Ryder Price
oh you poor thing
Juan Hall
How was sleeping on the street like? I've been considering voluntary poverty for a long time now
Samuel Jones
>t on the streets for a while as voluntary poverty, just for the perspective. I hope it works out for you, truly
plus one respect user
Jose Gray
I'm assuming you're making over 60k with room for improvement. Work your ass off and retire in 10 years. Don't buy a new car, don't buy the new iphone, don't buy a new house.
Most importantly, diversify your life. Your life cant revolve around getting off work and going to work. Spend time in nature and add fun to your life. Stay off the drugs, you'll be ok user
Christopher Harris
ignore the LMAOBEHAPPYURACOG posters; rage, rage against the dying of the light
Jeremiah Stewart
imagine doing all of these and then the dollar collapses or something
Samuel Flores
you're supposed to invest the money, not save it
Connor Hernandez
This. OP is vindicated. Modern work is nothing but needless torture with little to no financial reward but to slip by another month of bills just to stay alive. At least farming and hunting are fun and fulfilling (hint: people have gardens just for fun, but no one pushes papers for fun. funny, that. i wonder why we're all depressed and miserable.) Neocons will seethe. we agree to trade our lives for a little bit of security, which never really does come, and we've made this decision when too young to understand the implications. for me i have debt and health problems and i'm trapped, like it or not. this is not a life i would have built for myself had i known the possibilities that had existed when i was 16-18. unfortunately by the time you learn the skills necessary and opportunities that truly do exist, you've likely already been locked into a cage.
Wtf just find a job you like. At least you have opportunities.
Henry Phillips
No you are not, specially if you're from the US.
Jaxson Price
>I’m gonna be able to retire in 2-3 years and I’m 36. Nice.
Oliver Bell
>Some people’s lives revolve around trying to find food That's the problem of capitalist distribution not a production. Why should I concern myself with a problem I(or op) cannot solve?
Henry Price
Mate please just do stem if you go back to school, just study philosophy on the side even if autodidactism is a meme.
Cooper Walker
>we make sure they all get food >what will be the next pacifying platitude? you say it like it's so easy. it's just a "platitude." in reality it isn't. we have enough food to feed the world a few times over and we don't because of political struggles and dehumanization. the man with the full belly doesn't care enough about the randos across the world who are shitting their stomach linings into the jungle
Robert Rogers
Bill Gates cares.
Ian Kelly
I don't get this, if you studied finance you probably make a decent living and you can find a job with relative ease wherever you want. So just use your money to do whatever you want in your free time and/or move to wherever the fuck you want to be.
I studies what my passion is first (history) but realized job opportunities are zilch, money is shit and I'll be condemned to remain within my shit country forever. So I did business economics afterwards and when I graduate I can move to wherever and use my money to pursue my interests and invest in bonds and stocks for early retirement (maybe). I might even realize my dream within 10 years of moving to a place along the Mediterranean.
You're in a priviliged position, many people don't even have a degree which pays off and have to work along NPC's everyday but for far less money and with shittier prospects. Just use the resources you have to make the best of it and try to set achievable goals.
Hudson Jenkins
It sounds like you don't have anything meaningful outside of work either.
Mason Thomas
Lol I literally sent out nearly 400 applications to get the job I'm currently at but nice of you to project on me though
Hudson Garcia
Because I have zero spare time on weekdays for anything else