Take the blackpill
Take the blackpill
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I don't know who most of these men are
what happened to the last one?
lurk moar
I think the last one one the right is Celine. I don't know but it seems he and Nietzsche were the only ones non freemason in that pic
it's not Celine it is Baudelaire. My bad
Deleuze, Whitehead, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Marx
Wiesengrund Adorno, Debord, Schönflies Benjamin, Artaud, Beckett
McLuhan, Virilio, Cioran, Bernhard, Nogueira Pessoa
Musil, Kafka, Burroughs II, Trakl, Leopardi
Bataille, Blanchot, Jarry, Ducasse (Lautréamont), Baudelaire
From top left, going right
Deleuze, Whitehead, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Marx
Adorno, ?, ?, ?, ?
?,?, Cioran, ?, Pessoa
?, Kafka, ?, Trakl, Leopardi
Céline, ?, ?, ?, baudelaire
absolutely disgusting
You mean "Take your estrogen pills"? Fuck back to discordl, tranny.
Define blackpill
There's almost nothing linking these men together
missed one
Filthy bloomer, get the fuck out of my board rreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
How good is Musil? Im thinking of whether i should pick him up or not
cioran had kino hair
Super weak. Even I knew more than that and I just shitpost on here from time to time.
90% of them are Schopenhauer fags, pessimistic Marxists, edgy modernist novelists and poets, or batshit insane Nietzschean frogs.
There is a common thread here: they all think there is something wrong or funny about modernity
>No Baudrillard
pls respond
no thanks
i already took the superior pill
napolean is overrated af
>hurr durr here is your daily shit 3x3 or 5x5 thread of pictures of famous people in which we name drop them and gaze at their immaculate portraits rather than engaging in any actual discussion about their ideas
>uuhhawwww take the [INSERT FLAVOR OF THE MONTH COLOR HERE] pill
Marx is incorrect, the poor wagecucks deserve exploitation because they are inferior to us noble types
Very good. Possibly my favorite novelist. Not sure what makes him blackpilled, though. The Man Without Qualities is a very modernist novel in which absolutely nothing happens, so be prepared for like some thousand-odd pages of the plot going absolutely nowhere. It's a novel of ideas, though, and you could consider much of the novel fictionalized philosophy. Everyone I've recommended it to has hated it, and when my gf at the time went to (I think) The Strand in NY to pick it up after I rec'd it to her, and the clerk said something like, "I don't know why this book attracts the douchiest people." I feel like it's more widely spoken of than it is read, which I suppose isn't surprising for a book of its size and difficulty.
and for the record, I don't think the 'douche' comment was intended for my ex necessarily since she's pretty unassuming and reserved in her interactions lol. I wish he would have elaborated, though.
But anyway, that has nothing to do with the actual quality of Musil's writing, which is phenomenal.
No he's just a retard
what other books/writers do you like?
Why is Spengler always missing?
Some of my other favorite writers are Juan Goytisolo, Pierre Guyotat, Jean Genet, Mishima, Beckett, Borges, and Gombrowicz.
... yikes
No it is Baudelaire.
Pic is céline
Genet Mishima Beckett and Borges. not sure why but that grouping sort of cracks me up, not the user you're responding to doe.
I've viciously vacillated between ideas like these and bleeding heart causes but am not sure the bleeding heart aspect isn't just a craving for affection
Take the steelpill, you'll have the time to write any book while you're in jail anyways
HOW can I take the BLACKpill when all these """men""" are WHYTE?
Epic simply epic
they look based
In regards to what?
Human life will die, just as it has born.
Human societies and cultures will die, just as they have been born.
It's not like I didn't know this.
Humans will always lie, and will always ignore important things in favor of banalities. That's why you don't go to humans for help, unless you have a simple and easy problem they can manage.
Schopenhauer wasn't against modernity so much as he was against Germany.
List the good things Marx has caused.
>A detailed, frank analysis of the political economy underlying capitalism in Capital
Caused. He's done some work, but caused. We're not fine with 'good intentions', we need 'good things' as well.