>previous book owner uses novel as a drawing book
Previous book owner uses novel as a drawing book
People who say "emotional labor" should be gutted
Wtf would you highlight an italicized word? The author has already made it stand out for you.
Funny part is that she admited that didnt get most of the book. I dont know why people like to "paint" their books like this, it clearly doesnt help.
Last time i saw shit like this i was from highschool when girls liked to do this alot.
Why does it bother you, user?
your stupid just like niggers
I highlight a lot when I need to read fast and write and essay on it right after- that way all the good quotes are easy to spot- but OP's pic is just silly, I don't imagine all of those different colors mean anything do they? if they did you'd get lost just trying to organize as you went
It’s ok to be white
b r a i n w a s h e d
>I highlight a lot when I need to read fast and write and essay on it right after- that way all the good quotes are easy to spot
Yes, im not shitting on that either, its good to sometimes highlight things to make it easier to get the ideas when will pick it up again.
>I've been with some girls but I've never felt anything after being physically intimate with them.
She said that they meant and one of them even was for shit that she didnt understand aswell. So yeah, i doubt even she will know what the fuck is going on there when she reads that again.
His stupid what?
i remember this fucking thread, one colour was for things she "gets", another one for things she kind of gets, one of things she doesnt get and the rest, wait for it, have no point
i remember that dude who bought das kapital or something, highlighted only the part about the joos and then got rid of the book
>highlighting the entire height of the line instead of drawing an aesthetic line through them in a single color
not that user, but I hate it because it implies parity between the struggles of "feeling things" with the struggles of "destroying ones body in the interest of achieving fleeting goals" which is signifigantly harder and more desrving of respect
Highlighting even if superfluous can help those of us with attention span problems to stay engaged with the text
>one was for things she didn't understand so well
That's not something you're supposed to go back for. When you don't understand, you stick with that bit until it makes sense. Otherwise, how can you understand the rest?
Fuck you
>send tweet
Marx invented the term
she still put more effort into Hegel than 90% of posters
this is really early on I think too. Hegel shouldn't be read unless you have a firm understanding of western philosophy. I wouldn't have been able to understand half the shit he was saying if I didn't read Critique of Pure Reason
wasn't marx also jewish, though?