Marx isn't taken seriou-

>Marx isn't taken seriou-

Attached: china marx.jpg (1199x788, 1005K)

damn he lived for 200 years

Butterfly you may not post in this thread >:3

Fuck you I do what I want.

China's not even fucking Socialist. Why do they love him so much?

It's 2019 dude, nobody cares about this guy

Hes basically a religious figure at this point. Ironic

Why does the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA love Marx so much, I wonder.








It's not actually communist. I bet you think the nazis were socialist and the North Koreans are democratic.

They would like to be fully socialist in the future. I think that's pretty clear from Xi's words and actions, no matter what the party did before Xi's leadership

fiente* déso

You aren’t Butterfly :3

how communist are xi jinping and the rest of the leadership, really?
China would be god tier, imo, if it rejected communism and embraced oriental traditionalism along with techno authoritarianism. oh well.

>China recovers from Mao and becomes an immensely strong nation by making tentative steps towards capitalism and changing leaders every five or so years
>Xi throws both of those things out the window, makes pushes back towards socialism while also declaring himself leader for life

What, exactly, is this guy's endgame? Why would he ditch the two things that have worked out so well for China in the last half-century?

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Boisé et vénèrepilulé

He didn't declare himself leader for life. The party's congress ended presidential and vice presidential term limits

I think they're pushing for full development before going socialist. They're doing capitalism a lot better than the west with their more authoritarian top-down capitalism and it's thrown the necessity of capitalism and democracy being together into question.

you have to go back pablo

China is state capitalist you brainletts, some parts of it are free market like the special economic zones, but all big business in china including banks and energy are owned directly or indirectly by the state.

Xi isn't trying to bring back socialism, but a more paternalistic Chinese state that pumps money into the more peripheral areas of China. What he labels as "Chinese dream" is kinda like Roosevelts new deal without the social benefits, dumping money in public works and infrastructure.

they are communists as they believe in communism, but they do not consider China a communist country. communism is only achievable through the development of material dialectics, so the position of communists in China is that capitalism is still the most efficient method of advancing the dialectic. old-school Marxist accelerationism

"Communist" is a pretty strong and characterizing political word, is not like "democratic" which is basically a buzzword as it is used by billions of different parties through the world, and "socialist" which is used by socialists, socdems and the so called social right. Besides this, there is a political continuity between Mao and today's party, so your analogy doesn't make any fucking sense in both ways, your ADHD ridden underager

t. revisionists

Has it ever dawned on any of these communists that maybe Marx was wrong and socialism is not inevitable? Didn't Marx think that the dissolution of capitalism was imminent in his own lifetime? Yet now it's been more than a century.

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the industrial revolution had only just started in Marx's day sweaty. The global population only became mostly urban like a decade ago. The chinese party understand this

>by making tentative steps towards capitalism and changing leaders every five or so years
That only works as long as international capital is willing to invest in your country and you have something to gain from it. With decline of the West, Chinese won't be so obliged to set up their economy in manner that would suit western bussiness. Plus their capitalism was always a "bird in a cage" in the words of Chen Yun.

Marx is taken too seriously.
Nietzsche got a lot of shit but Marx got away with it and is still as popular.
Damn him

One of my ideas that I'm never gonna realize is a giant installation titled "Anytime now" placed in the middle of some square consisting of a giant buttplug shaped statue whose exterior surface is entirely covered by articles, both academic and journalistic, announcing the surely impeding and completely inevitable death of capitalism, from the 19th century to the present day, in a from top to bottom spiraling order like one of those Roman columns celebrating the res gestae of the emperor.

Height of the statue would be around 6 metres.

Can you be a communist without being an egalitarian?
Obviously not but what is the equivalent for nonegalitarians?
I want to be a meme ideologe but I want to keep what I earned and not feed commie leeches and egalitarian offended cucks

yes, read Zizek

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Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? what do those two dates mean? I can't think of anything more humorless than the Chinese government.

Marx's 200th birthday

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Marx criticizes the simplistic notion of egalitarianism in the first part of his Critique of the Gotha Program.
Many socialists, both in the past and today, advocate a vulgar kind of egalitarianism (see G. A. Cohen) but this is not the case for Marx.

>combines the worst aspects of capitalism and communism to create the world's fastest growing economy
How come more nations haven't tried it?

>China is still Communist
Is this the latest Communist COPE?

>The Peoples War will liberate the Third World! First Worldists BTFO!
Deng Xiaoping implements market reforms
>The Soviet Union will win!
Russia collapses
>Market socialism is still socialism. Muh Tito!
Yugoslav wars
>Socialism of the 21st century as exemplified by Venezuela is the way forward. Viva Chavez!
Oil prices go down, BTFO
(you are here)
>W-well, Cuba has good doctors!
>Ch-China is still communist!
(4 years from now, Mexico starts trying to annoy the US:)
>AMLO is the new face of the Communist movement. Viva La Reconquista y fuck los yanquis!
Can't wait to see how this one ends.

As sad as it makes me, I can't argue against you user. Is socialism really unattainable bros? Will we never escape wageslavery and capitalism?

You can experience socialism in Cuba right now.

So many Nazis and Incels in this thread, but what can I expect from Yea Forums? A bunch of retarded and inept young men who think they're a bunch of intellectuals, but can't even muster up the intellectual curiosity and moral integrity to recognize and admit that THEY have been behind 90+% of the wars, massacres, epidemics, famines, and conquests in history. Its people like the entitled little retards and autists of Yea Forums that are respnsible for homophobia, transphobia, slavery, global warming, WW2, the holocaust, starvation and disease throughout the third world, etc. Its hilarious that you guys genuinely think you have anything worthwhile to contribute to the world, when you guys are the type of people to fail a FRESHMAN sociology class because ypu want to got into class everyday and argue with the teacher, without ever opening your mind to beyond just what you've been conditioned to believe by patriarchal, western , capitalist, WHITE, MALE society. There is more to the world then imperialistic Western socio-epistemic categories like "truth", "knowledge", "evidence", "justice", "freedom", "logic", etc. Maybe it is time we give up the Eurocentric concepts, and embrace a more inclusive and holistic understanding of the relationship between nature, society, and oppression, but given that literal Incel and Facist organizations and website like Yea Forums still have so much cultural influence, we still have a long way to go.

>China more capitalist than the west
>When being full on corporativism

Spotted the brainlet who doesnt know what actual capitalism is

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That's some prime Poe's Law here, mein negger.

I'll take the bait : why dont you go live somewhere with subhuman bug morals like China and Japan so you can taste what it is to be free of "western crap" ?

nigga what

Attached: translate.png (1080x2160, 195K)

Where are the m---

Despite anything I’ve done or said Butterfly still does what I want her to.

This is turning me on severely. I am extremely aroused. Butterfly I will give you permission to admit you’re wearing the collar. :3

Anyone read this?

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Tell me if you’ve worn the collar butterfly

Actually answer the question :3

Since you’re the one who bought a collar, you put it on.
Play dog.
Dogs don’t use the internet.

I didn’t buy a collar. you did. Admit that you bought a collar and well be good.


It's clear bait friend. It reeks of pasta.

Remember what we talked about earlier.


Does the Chinese proletariat own the means of production? I bet you think nationalization is socialization.

The only true enemy of capitalism is Christianity. Capitalism has gained control of all of the world; therefore, to defeat it, you must embrace that which transcends the world.

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Christianity has adapted itself to capitalism just as it did with feudalism and fascism

I will start taking Marxists seriously, when they realise that sarcastic mockery and condescension, are not the only forms of communication which exist. Until then, go away.

god, please do ANYTHING else other than listening to Zizek lectures. It really shows

>umm, actually, I will start taking Marxists seriously, when they realise that sarcastic mockery and condescension, are not the only forms of communication which exist, kay kween? Thanks sweety. Until then, go away. Cool? Cool.

The Zizek debate really flooded this board with Chapofags


>Has it ever dawned on any of these communists that maybe Marx was wrong and socialism is not inevitable?

If life is to continue, then some form of society based on the idea of reciprocal symbiosis IS inevitable; but I am aware of the fact that "socialism" and "reciprocal symbiosis" are frequently nowhere close to being the same things. Socialism is a straw man, the authors of which want people to believe that socialism and symbiosis ARE the same things; while the differences between the two allow elite psychopaths to remain in power.

Lol you just showed you know little of what they're doing. While Western governments bicker in deadlocks China has shown to be more dynamic, flexible, and more ruthless and brutal in their capitalism. Not a good thing mind you, but something to be worried about.

The only two things which cannot be appropriated by the mainstream currents of liberalism, democracy and capitalism, are extreme right wing positions and religious fundamentalism. The first always has a metaphysical objectivism much like the second yet without a religious wrapping. Instead it often has a group ideology based upon an essence of the group, seen to be present in differing places (blood/race, culture, etc).

A *Roman* (pagan half restored, grand inquisitor style) Catholicism is potentially restorative.
'When you look into my eyes, you shall see Ancient Rome.'

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Yeah, big business in China aren't totally in bed with the Party, my negger

They are playing the old Hegelian "dude just trust in your government because they will always know better than you" card

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>When you look into my eyes, you shall see Ancient Rome
where is this from?

Oh yeah. Jack Ma is a member after all, but the party is still committed to a communist future but has compromised with capitalism for now.

It's a rightful if scatological diatribe against the Anglo race.
"Fion" means asshole and "fiante" birdshit.

Look how quick these responses were.

We are like two tapirs in heat. One minute after the other. Actually this is the most impressive thing yet.


>The authoritarian totalitarian government is totally gonna give away the power to the proletariat, ish the dialectic immanent in historical process, you shee
I hate commies so fucking much.

I already responded to the same fucking argument you mongoloid brainlet. Why do people whose worldview is based upon a supposedly materialistic view of history retreat into the realm of Idea and Notion when confronted with the FUCKING facts?

Xi Jinping has socialism as a target for 2035. All we can do is watch and speculate, and I never said anything other than what the party says. We'll see what happens.

And the USA is not a democracy

As a matter of fact, both countries share the same ideology - STATISM - but the flavour of this ideology are indeed different.

And China specifically, given the (still very low) levels of economic development, has by far the most robust number of social programmes in the entire world.


tg mange du sable gros fils

>Why do people whose worldview is based upon a supposedly materialistic view of history retreat into the realm of Idea and Notion when confronted with the FUCKING facts?
wow epic bro :)

Leninists who believes China and the Deng clique is still socialist will tell you they are just "developing material conditions" until the time is right.
21st-century Marxists like Jehu would rather tell you that we need to reduce work hours right-now until we have 0 hours of wage-slavery per week and then we would have communism, or Srnicek & Williams that we need to go full socdem on steroids to get communism. They like Nick Land, heavily disagrees, are "leftcoms", but also very based and redpilled.

Communism is basically the very human ideal, but also almost feasible since the Industrial Revolution due to our mastery of efficiently transforming our surroundings, of instantiating a kind of semi-post-scarcity society in the writings of Marx & Engels.
Mao and Stalin did in a way helped going down that road by modernizing China and Russia very quickly in a few decades, even though they did some very stupid stuff like the Cultural Revolution, just like many leaders of the past desu.

I don't think it's that unbelievable humans could live in a post-scarcity society in ~2800 A.D., unless we get eternally raped by Peter Thiel™ AI-powered mechanical tentacles.

Du calme Jean-Marc, il ne fait que rigoler

ptn bsé et HLMpilled

>Post scarcity
Meme, unless you manage to invent a way to produce an infinite amount of space and somehow abolish the positional nature of said space, and of goods in general.
Nice gallery of authors that everyone and their grandmother knows about, but I don't see how it has anything to do with the original chain of comments
>Communism is basically the very human ideal
Marx said that behind every ideal there's an hypocrisy :)
>wow epic bro :)
Please go back to shitposting on chapo.


>he hasn’t been around women
You don’t think women can do amazing things? What the FUCK where have you been?

Also that’s a name tag, not a tripfag learn the difference. My sweetie qtpie is probably too busy having fun walking around with a collar with my name on it to post. :p

Laughing at all the Marxists ITT that think that Zhongguo hasn't gone full fascist at this point

>>China recovers from Mao and becomes an immensely strong nation by renting out its slave labour*

So which country will be the next vanguard of the proletarian revolution after it turns out China is not actually Building Socialism? Place your bets bros.

I really wonder what Marx would think of this image if he could see it

Probably some latin american shithole for the umpteenth time but will fail like usual

>muh infinite amount of space
That's why I said "semi-post-scarcity", it doesn't sound that marvelous but we could eliminate programmed obsolescence, reduce work hours and still have a functional society right now, no? Get rid of that GDP autism, start taking economic measurements closer to use-values, commute less and spend less gas everyday by working less, make smartphones with replaceable minijacks, and so on. Does it seems that impossible to you with 2019 A.D. technology?
>Nice gallery of authors that everyone and their grandmother knows about
Are you seriously implying Srnicek & Williams and Jehu are mainstream in the world you live in? Please lend me a ticket to your alternate universe.
>I don't see how it has anything to do with the original chain of comments
I don't care about what you fags were discussing before, I'm drunk and weedpilled desu.
>Marx said that behind every ideal there's an hypocrisy :)
Wow every ideology BTFO then I guess

Marx's analysis taught them how to use capitalism as a weapon against the West.

>To beat capitalism we must use it and trample even further on human rights

pretty based and redpilled ngl

You can have a zero work-hour life right now, just become a hunter-gatherer.

>post scarcity means everyone gets their own private jet
strawman. it just means good QoL for all. insatiable greed for status symbols should be treated as a personality disorder.

Based scab

Attached: 4-hour-day-4-day-week-why-not-IWW-labor-poster-strike.jpg (640x1107, 158K)

The concept of human rights as we know it today was designed to bolster capitalism and make it appealing to neutral parties during the cold war. Taking it out just leaves capitalism with one less leg to stand on.

What is quality of life? What is quality? What is life? What is deserved? What is right?

I'm serious, one can have a life free of wage-labor right now by becoming a hunter-gatherer. The conclusion to be drawn here is that Communism as envisioned by the likes of Jehu would approximate hunter-gatherer society except where technological society runs itself and automatically produces goods for us and makes politics/power relations trivial. Meanwhile, all technological advancements have in practice have resulted in increased centralization and require more sophisticated labor to maintain them. This is basically a foil of Landian thought by people who've never interacted with technology in a meaningful way.

I wonder if some Amazonian tribe would ever accept a random westerner or if they'd just tell him to fuck off and kill him

>tactical skepticism
What is "is"?
Then how come World Bank projects 60% of jobs will be lost to automation in the next 2 decades? Are they just scare mongering? In the past machines were dumb, that's changing. We're entering unprecedented territory.

Well, they try to shoot down the helicopters that attempt to contact them.

It's just the latest of many scares that won't ever materialize. The World Bank thinks a lot of stupid things, and anything they say should be regarded as politically motivated.

There was literally nothing wrong with the cultural revolution, the great leap forward was the mistake.

>Russia collapses

Attached: putin04.jpg (720x580, 46K)

Ok basically you are telling me to take the Kaczynski blackpill. It's 4:00 AM where I live and you are right maybe, but I want to believe in DIY shit, international cooperation in sharing resources, and whatever, but in the end I still need to find a job before July because I'm on the dole, and I want to work less than 40 hours a week at some boring corporate office till the end of times because this shit is driving me mad, so fuck your gay status-quo apology, have a job and suffer silently like the rest of us, instead of shitposting here.

Not scepticism. If you are going to use quality of life as a metric, how will you measure quality of life?

This is uncharted waters. Machine intelligence is already outpacing humans on certain tasks. I predict soon people will trust machine diagnostics more than physicians, who fuck up a lot. I doubt most people can be retrained as high tech engineers.
What WB's angle, they want UBI now? Why?

>I doubt most people can be retrained as high tech engineers.
you don't say lol.

>he thinks russia is a legitimate country

Basic needs met, self-reported happiness. Objectively, there is a hard upper bound to dopaminergic rewards. Chasing the dragon with brand apparel should be treated as just as pathological as slot machine addiction.


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Which needs are basic? Doesn't western capitalism already do this? If you (or someone) decide that a particular set of consumption choices is harmful to society, what actions are allowable to contain this behavior? If you (or someone) are actively regulating behavior, how can self-reporting be considered reliable? If basic needs aren't being met, who is blamed and what corrective action is allowable?

All of these technologies require continued maintenance and ongoing development, software doesn't just run itself once you figure out the basic idea.

>What WB's angle, they want UBI now? Why?
WB wants as many bodies as possible buying things. Furthermore, UBI can be used as a tool of political control: Relocate jobs to Africa or Southeast Asia, have everyone depend on UBI, and then cut it off when the censor finds out that you've said something Bigoted (tm).

I don't support becoming a hunter-gatherer, I'm opposed to liberal democracy in general (it's not real, so in practice I'm opposed to rule by the Party).

What about the Communist ideal makes it worth achieving?
Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious.

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No. The enemy of capitalism is government, be it authoritarianism or American-style “liberty” which passes increasingly strict laws and regulations which leach away at a successful economy and eventually destroy it.

>What about the Communist ideal makes it worth achieving?
its perfect for lazy people who hate working but still want free stuff

Being able to work which is one of the most meaningful experiences a human can have but without the exploitation and alienation

>"Being able to work one of the most meaningful experiences a human can have"
Is it? If you're in a career you're passionate about then sure, but most people (from my experience) see their job as a means to an end.
I work at a warehouse, all I do is move around boxes for 5 hours. how would I not be alienated from such a mindless task under any system?

One of the key aspects is that Automation removes menial labor so that people can work at higher things rather than being paid to be a robot.


Whole lotta dumbasses ITT.

>Which needs are basic?
See Maslow for the gist
>Doesn't western capitalism already do this?
Outside the West people are forced into slave labor conditions, live in active war zones over resource conflicts and so on
>If you (or someone) decide that a particular set of consumption choices is harmful to society, what actions are allowable to contain this behavior?
Status signalling with conspicuous consumption will be seen as a ludicrous outmoded practice in a classless society. Consumerism is not innate but the result of sophisticated (mass) psychology - weaponized social science in this manner will be illegal. The first line intervention for pathologies such as psychopathy or drug addiction or remorseless greed will be therapeutic, or if that fails and it is truly harmful, incarceration, as it is now.
>If you (or someone) are actively regulating behavior, how can self-reporting be considered reliable?
Behavior is already regulated in many ways. Self reporting is imperfect, but the neuropsychology of happiness will be more developed by then. As it will for understanding pathologies that are now untreatable, such as narcissistic personality disorder and greed.
>If basic needs aren't being met, who is blamed and what corrective action is allowable?
Pillaging from the distribution system will be criminal. There'll still be laws and shit.

The Party decides what you get or don't get.

I'm no longer a commie but back then I found the idea of a classless society fascinating, not having to be restrained by your social circumstances, following which ever career path you wish regardless of your financial abilities, even in terms of partners you won't have to worry about wealth and social standing, the more I thought about it the more it changed how I viewed life as it is, it felt like an unaliable sense of freedom.


>Doesn't western capitalism already do this?
Fuck up and lose all your money, see if capitalism will help you when you're on the street.
I'm not even a commie, but American capitalism is supremely lacking in ensuring basic survival in worst case scenarios.

West is sliding into full nightmare totalitarianism despite liberal capitalism's false promise it would keep us free.

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The point here which people seem to have missed is that the underlying power structure of "Communism" and "Neoliberalism" are quite similar. Given that this is true, perhaps more effort should be put into identifying why this is the case.

>this kills the chink lord

Attached: 1536711331655.jpg (615x409, 21K)

>gets arrested for poaching and trespassing
Don't try to fool yourself there are a variety of means that prevent you from going full stone age.

Neoliberalism used to mean austerity, free trade/movement, and privatization. Basically libertarianism. Now it seems to mean a giant woke nanny state.

The leading causes of death among our poor come from over eating. Who is starving?

Can't too busy furthering neolibs goals by creating sjw cringe compilations.

>Don't even mention food
>Strawmans food
Neolib and Neocon are the same thing after all, the only difference is where you fall on abortion and separation of church and state.

Behind every "Free" there's an expansion of the Party's power going on covertly.

Oir poor are fat. Homeless shelters are plentiful, and primarily avoided because of restrictions against drug use. Housing is almost guaranteed. Clothing is cheap and plentiful. And again--the LEADING cause of death is over eating, followed by drug abuse and crime. What humanitarian crisis are you referring to?

>What, exactly, is this guy's endgame?
Executing everyone who uses commas incorrectly.

>Homeless shelters are plentiful
A lie
>primarily avoided because of restrictions against drug use
True in some cases but generally avoided because of mental health issues, another problem.
>Housing is almost guaranteed
A lie especially as occupants have to be cycled through
It's also funny how you write off the problem of being morbidity when while tragic, is not the main issue. Homelessness is the issue, the fact it even exists is evidence of the limitations.

>got the most people of any nation in the world, good natural resources, a mostly servile populace, and loads of industry
>it must be the government overreach that saved China

>complaims about handwaiving
>handwaives drug abuse
If only progressives hadn't pushed hedonistic drug use, and ended our mental institutions, and so on and so forth.

>Biden's son has a stake in the producer of China's social credit facial recognition company

The US is subverted to a comical level between China, AIPAC, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, domestic oligarchs, and apparently Ukraine now? Truly democratic republicanism was an error.

But hey, don't worry! We're going to Venezuela!

I forgot about our friendly Venezuelan and Cuban exiles that shill for invasions in said countries and are influential in the key state of Florida.

early Christians also apparently thought Christ would return in their lifetime, if that's any indication this sort of thing can be extended indefinitely. I expect academics a hundred years from now to still talk about the immediate collapse of late capitalism completely undeterred.

>I expect academics a hundred years from now to still talk about the immediate collapse of late capitalism completely undeterred.

>Don't you worry, fellow communists. We're definitely in late stage capitalism now! Just watch - by 2220, capitalism will be dead!

He is as good an excuse to trample on the chinks as any.
Looking for a new one that has any legitimacy wouldn't make Xi any honey, would it?