Be me

>be me
>only listen to audibooks
>tell people I'm avid reader

Attached: 1490430579422.jpg (409x409, 46K)

>using phrase "avid reader"
>presumably rarely making use of word "avid" outside of said context
>speaking in stale, sterile stock phrases
>imagining oneself to be a serious "reader" in any conceptualization of the term

kek, asshurt readie detected

What audiobooks do you listen to?

>using phrase “stock phrases”
>speaking in stale, sterile common phraseleology
>imagine oneself to be a serious “shitposter” in any sense of the term

Harry potter

What else, avid reader?

I'm listening to sapiens: a brief history of humankind right now. I'm not much for fiction but can listen to most books that give an interesting insight into things.

>imitating my style
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Mein Kampf

report all shit threads anons

Define "shit"

But that's what you do.

Fuck, well spotted. I've noticed that as well among normies. They say phrases containing words that they couldnt even define. It's embarrassing


There's absolutely nothing wrong with audiobooks. Oral storytelling predates the written word and could be in many ways be considered a superior experience since it stimulates attention and memory.

Attached: YHotsb.jpg (619x572, 98K)

I bet you literally salivate over tiddies, trog

I recommend the 'Siege'-audio book. It's quite good.

Nice try, Socrates

literally me

>Cogito, ergo sum
>Browse the site knew has 4 chan
>Go to the literature sub section
>Feel extremly angry as I read left leaning posts
>Stare at my screen as a picture of a humorous picture about "Dante" appears
>Go to the wikipedia page about Dante
>Don't feel like ending the greentext
>Post it anyway because I already wrote quite a bit



How the fuck do you stay focused on an audiobook?

Recommend me some audiobooks websites or apps.