Intellectual love can exist only between two men

Intellectual love can exist only between two men

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*man and a boy

What a pile of incel cope

>"Intellectual love can exist only between two men"
>posts a picture of two queerboy gaylords in bed together

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>Intellect can only exist in men.

Made that more efficient for you.

Ah, le plaisir du pédéraste! je le connais bien.

No it can't. Gay men are repulsive creatures who devote their lives solely to hedonism.

The truth is that humans can't really love anything. We just think we do. Only God is capable of love.

Woah, this time OP doesn't even try not to look like faggot

Ergo, men cannot even love God

you've been baudelaire'd faggot

>No it can't. Gay men are repulsive creatures who devote their lives solely to hedonism.
>The truth is that humans can't really love anything. We just think we do. Only God is capable of love.
>Ergo, men cannot even love God
You two just opened up a mammoth can of worms for me

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Man never loved God. It feared Him.

I fear my dom, but I still love him and his big diick

intellectual love is gay

Not true :3

I'm a male and I have a pretty solid intellectual love with my female partner of 8 years

so, suck my dick user

So many Nazis and Incels in this thread, but what can I expect from Yea Forums? A bunch of retarded and inept young men who think they're a bunch of intellectuals, but can't even muster up the intellectual curiosity and moral integrity to recognize and admit that THEY have been behind 90+% of the wars, massacres, epidemics, famines, and conquests in history. Its people like the entitled little retards and autists of Yea Forums that are respnsible for homophobia, transphobia, slavery, global warming, WW2, the holocaust, starvation and disease throughout the third world, etc. Its hilarious that you guys genuinely think you have anything worthwhile to contribute to the world, when you guys are the type of people to fail a FRESHMAN sociology class because ypu want to got into class everyday and argue with the teacher, without ever opening your mind to beyond just what you've been conditioned to believe by patriarchal, western , capitalist, WHITE, MALE society. There is more to the world then imperialistic Western socio-epistemic categories like "truth", "knowledge", "evidence", "justice", "freedom", "logic", etc. Maybe it is time we give up the Eurocentric concepts, and embrace a more inclusive and holistic understanding of the relationship between nature, society, and oppression, but given that literal Incel and Facist organizations and website like Yea Forums still have so much cultural influence, we still have a long way to go.

*Man and a prepubescent girl which he grooms into becoming his perfect Yea Forums-trad-Christian wife

this is a troll post right?

>Gay men are repulsive creatures who devote their lives solely to hedonism
Gay love exists user. I know you think humanity can't really love but whichever word describes the bond between a man and woman also describes the bond between a gay couple. Your view of gay relationships is telling.

platonic love is def the most pure form of love
occasionally homoerotically charged but never consumated, usually just two bro's who enjoy each being together for no reward aside from the other's presence
>he's not homiesexual

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