I wish you faggots spoke Spanish so we could talk about how shit pic related is. The author is the Spanish equivalent of Rupi Kaur but with a teenager's fanfic prose.
She became famous because she had a Twitter account in which she said the average relatable dogshit everyone says in order to get more followers. She is the statu quo type of girl, the mediocre liberal feminist with the same dogmatic beliefs everyone else has.
However, everyone found her so empowering and profound and she thought herself a poet, so she decided to write poetry and aphorisms. And with the decline of the arts, how could her propaganda not be considered ""literature""?
This is a translation of a description about her:
"Bebi is the pseudonym of an author whose main activity is centered on the internet. Born in 1992, writer and online activist, she graduated in Criminology and obtained the specializations in Gender Violence, Criminological Intervention and Victimology and Organized Crime.
His unusual genius, his social commitment and his scathing speech triggered around 2014 his personal Twitter account to the peak of influence in Spain, a fact that makes possible the publication of his two poetic diaries, written throughout his childhood and adolescence: 'Love and disgust' and 'Indomitable'. Both converted into a collective symbol of rebellion and call to the struggle of women, make it one of the most stark and irreverent voices of the literary scene. 'Memoirs of a savage'* is the first novel of a writer without a name, who is only 25 years old and has already been named with the title of generational heroine."
*'Memoirs of a savage' in Spanish means 'Memorias de una salvaje', with the female gender, of course.
Just look at pic related, don't you get the mainstream feminist vibes?
Her name is Señorita Bebi (Miss Bebi) and she is considered a literary genius, when she is writing the typical propaganda made for teens who want to rebel. I can't stop finding girls 15-25 years old reading this garbage instead of actual poetry or prose.
Here's some aphorisms so you know what I'm talking about, I got them because my nearly illiterate sister reads her, of course, and it's the only thing she has read aside from compulsory school books.
Las personas se van, las ganas de llorar por ellas también.
People go away, the desire to cry for them, too.
Tu traición me duele en lo más profundo del coño.
Your betrayal hurts me in the deepest of my cunt.
Triste. Como tus ojos y los míos mirándose desde lejos.
Sad. As your eyes and mine looking to each other from afar.
Eres el veneno que esta suicida estaba esperando.
You are the poison this suicidal girl was waiting for.
It reads like a tumblr post. And this is a bestseller in Spain.