How can I be booktuber without getting my face out on camera? I feel very lonely and I think it would be a way to overcome my shyness but... well, I'm extremely shy and I don't want to become "famous" either.
How can I be booktuber without getting my face out on camera...
put on a paper bag on your head
Film everything on a gopro strapped to your head away from any reflective surfaces
This. Invent a mask. Create yourself a new face.
what if he always has a book in front of his face
Unironically this, o-niisan
Do it op
Sphinx mask to mystify brainlets
Learn to edit.
Film your hands.
Do voiceover.
Depends on what you want to do.
I love lain
Preferably the book should be taped to your head as a mask. Bonus points if the book is Infinite Jest
That anime is fucking dumb.
Mega bonus points if you cut holes for the eyes
Use the mask filter that macs have
>sets real face on the pfp
>uses mask to hide it
makes sense
Ask a deviantart whore to draw You a rant-sona
Let me guess
Texnolize was better.
Every fucking day of my life... this is litteraly fucking hell.
No shut up
You shut up, everybody loves lain here
You don't have to film your face. Web pages, or pictures relevant to what you're talking about are more pleasant to look at. You could just have a picture of the author or cover of the book even and talk over it.
Some examples if you don't get it.
When you read a lot of hipster shit like Yea Forums does your book tubers for the stuff you read are in it for making appearances out of themselves. But these people weren't around in 2012-2011-2010-2009-2008-2007-2006 except for small college lit and John Green types. Showing your face to review a book is unnatural.
texhnolyze is understandable for people. In my memory people claim lain and ergo proxy are 'boring' because they think what the fuck is the meaning and nothing comes out.
Texnolize is also completely surface level reasoning
"I MAD!"
"friends mean capitalists lets exploit the MAD!"
"Oh no i got exploited!"
"Oh no our system of exploitment backfired!"
"wow such vitality so grim and gritty better than the surface wow"
Look at what Zero Punctuation did for vidya. Sure, the dude has since publicised his face, but his success rests on crude animation and a much tighter editing process than his peers.
Simpsons did it
Texhnolize is indeed better.
My cock is a better fit for your ass than any strapon
I doubt it
Every teenager perhaps
I want lainfags and their pseud show/cult to leave.
Reminder some faggot on r9k tried to build a suicide cult based on Lain years ago.
Wonder what happened to that Danish Nog
idk i think it's still a thing but it's filled with basedridden teenagers/young adults whom happen to be trannies and whatnot, much like frogtwitter i guess but more cringe-y
Yeah, didn't think that was still up
Haibane > Lain
>don't want to be called attention whore
Animate MMD character as a presenter. Anime booktuber is a market waiting to be exploited.
Wear an epic Guy Fawkes mask
You could wear a costume or put effort into editing/graphics to make it enjoyable. Could do both, shifting between and mixing in a consistent manner, depending on what you're doing.
I was thinking of doing something like this too, I'm attractive enough to put my face up but I don't want such things on the web. I suspect it'll be really important to my freedom and privacy in the future, talking about increasingly advanced and automated surveillance and censorship btw.
Based and not-ironicpilled.
And use obnoxious 2000s music in the background for the true 2009 experience.
Just add vidya gameplay on background while you discuss the book
not a bad idea
What other shows are there like SEL and texhnolyze?
I've also heard about Ergo proxy, but a lot of it is criticism, is it worth a shot?
just do 100% audio with a fix background
also lame is a whore
This. Call it "A Bookish Individual" or something...
Do what Tarkovsky did at the end of Andrei Rublev and just do a bunch of cool close ups of paintings
Make slideshows that help visualize what you're describing, and do a short intro on camera to keep it personable.
This. Become a speedrunner who is known for just rambling on about philosophy and books
Wear a costume, hide your face with glasses and hat etc. Do you have the chance to censor eyes and face in pixels or a stripe? If you can't show your face in any way you should just use images related to your speaking in your video. It is important to know what you want to say and have notes, and don't shy away from showing the most important keywords and quotes.
Also live streams would be more lucrative, though harder for a beginner.
No body will care until you put on the mask
These dubs speak the truth
put some nice montages
comfy videos
Film on a table and actually flip to the points of the book you're talking about.
As others have said, just wear a mask. It could even be a brown paper bag with a face drawn on it. Hell that would probably draw in a few people just for the novelty.
unironically genius
Would watch
do you mean a anime draw with voice recording instead of a video recording?
Serial Experiments Lain