what are some kino true story military & war books
What are some kino true story military & war books
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am I pleb if my bookshelf if mostly full of these and I'm not even american and didn't go to the military
Pretty good book about the Freikorps of post ww1 Germany
Fun fact: the US lost almost half of its helicopter fleet in Vietnam. As many were lost to malfunctions as to enemy fire.
Source if you're interested.
Yes, those are mostly fictionalized where it counts the most. Does that book address the issue as to why Stevens was there when protocol dictated otherwise? If not, then it is a failure as a book.
>be my friend
>be crew chief
>reject helicopter for mission due to maintenance requirement
>have ship's captain insist on mission anyways
>proceed to have helicopter immediately crash into edge of carrier on way to plummeting into ocean
Guns Up! is a neat little account of an M60 gunner in an infantry platoon in Vietnam, definitely a great read. Best part is where he smokes weed for the first(and only) time and then the firebase hes at gets immediately attacked, so he ends up sobbing and praying the entire time because hes freaking out. Theres another great bit where some Korean dudes kick the shit out of a bunch of ARVN as well, IIRC.
We Were Soldiers Once is definitely outstanding, especially the second half which is about what happened after LZ Xray, which is gut wrenching.
Company Aytch is probably my favorite Civil War memoir hands down, and is as humourous as it is dark. You will end up hating General Bragg (as you should) and wanting to buy a chicken.
House to House is a pretty good memoir about an Army Silver Star awardee during the second battle of Fallujah. It's pretty brutal and depressing, dude did some pretty wild shit.
As far as fiction goes, I would reccomend Dogs of War by Forsyth, The Forever War by Haldeman, and the Aubrey-Maturin series (Master & Commander) for consideration. I've personally never been a fan of Tom Clancy's books, but he has the reputation for a reason and should be looked into.
Thanks mate, only one I've read was We Were Soldiers Once. Gonna read all these.
>dude did some pretty wild shit
Want funny incendiary grenade story?
Not him but Bravo Two Zero is an accurate depiction of crossing desert terrain. It will ruin every future Hollywood depiction for you. Hauling water is a bitch.
brilliant book. have you read The Good Soldiers?
No, I have not. I was specifically recommended Bravo Two Zero on account of my being a desertfag. I do not read many of these unless someone gives me a specific recommendation that I feel applies to me.
Nice, glad my autism could come in handy. Also wicked full house, so checked.
I had forgotten about Bravo Two Zero. Inside Delta Force is a pretty neat book too.
>be dude I know
>be PJ and EOD in Desert Shield/Storm
>get issued case of 16 fancy experimental incendiary grenades
>super whiz-bang so no institutional knowledge
>must rely on instruction manual only
>manual is scary
>says Satan's fury is contained in each conveniently packaged little pill
>be tasked with destroying Iraqi gear
>sure - why the fuck not?
>toss one on pile of gear
>*squirts small stream of fire*
>*eventually ignites gear*
>dudes that wrote manual are pussy retards
>proceeds to repeat above process for the first half of the case
>they do job but are unimpressive
>be searching basement of occupied building
>decide pile of shit needs to be destroyed
>be tired of going up and down stairs so be lazy and invert safety/evacuation protocol
>*tosses one on pile*
>Satan himself makes personal visit
>fire and brimstone of a thousand Puritan sermons all in tiny, enclosed space
>run up and down five floors of building
>screaming all the time that you are an idiot and accidentally lit building on fire
>barely get everyone out as building is rapidly engulfed in flames.
>never meant to actually burn building
>meant to temporarily maintain occupation
>total fuck up
>element must relocate to new position
>proceed to use the second half of case of grenades during the next month
>have half be duds and half be bottled hellstorm
>tfw I can't find a pdf of it
Want non-mil story of same dude?
Storm of Steel
Goodbye to All That
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Kino thread
Friendly reminder that /k/ has a /wfg/ Writefag General periodically, from which some of you might benefit.
Yeah fucking right. If I want to read about awkward NEETs having romantic angst over guns turned into anime girls I'll just fucking kill myself./wfg/ is an autist containment thread.
That general is a mess.
epic use of hyperbole Yea Forumsro, i too love dane cook
It is, indeed, but drifters lurk that may assuage you on ignorance regarding technical points.
Does this count?
Campaign in Russia: Waffen SS on the Eastern Front.
Get ready for a wild trip across /comfy/ Ukrainian Izba villages, winter hell, all the way to the Caucasus and back again to a Berlin of shattered hopes. Degrelle ain’t your average soldier, I’d reccomend reading into his history.
PDF’s are found online; eloquent description of the changing Eastern European landscapes and some ideaological stuff as well.
Main idea: the Eastern front was seen by many as a crusade against Godless Bolshevism and foreign Asiatic hordes
Chickenhawk is typical self-indulgent shit.
are there any books about spec ops that have literary merit and show what it feels like to be an elite warrior?
how dare you post good literature in this thread
The Things They Carried
any rhodesian bush war lit?
Honestly no. They're usually incredibly amateurish, or just flat out ghost written.
Three Sips of Gin by Tim Bax is hands down the best Bish war book ever written, and the most underrated soldierly memoir. Fireforce by Chris Cox is another excellent one.
thank you breh
Very entertaining read
Thanks for the response user-bro. I have yet to wait for the philosopher-operator who will write truth about a war
I totally forgot about that one. Good shit.
Konstantin Simonovs shit is pretty good
Lots and lots of good recommdations in this thread. Here's mine
Such a good book. Mills went on to be a captain for Kansas City PD. The guy jumped out of a 2nd story window broke his leg and still caught the perp.
Idk if it has been recommended, but "Hitler's Furies" was pretty good. Some of it is tame like school marms forced into Eastern Europe to educate Poles about the Aryan race, or desk clerks in the SS who see Holocaust body count documentations etc. But then there is the B-flick übermensch shit. Like the wives of SS officers who partake: shooting jewish servants from the balcony of their villa for sport, or the one dominatrix who would go into ghettos and have SS putzes torture people for her right in front of her for pleasure and spear baby judes on bayonets and drink their blood. Some wacky shit.
Is there any good green beret memoirs or air force PJ?
Has anyone read HR McMaster's book on Vietnam? Any thoughts?
This. Undeniably kino and most likely true because the Marines who talked to the reporter were retaliated against by the brass.