Atheist here. I have decided to believe in God

Atheist here. I have decided to believe in God.

I have just finished the Bible and Quran and found them unpersuasive.

What do I do now?

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Why have you decided to believe in God? Is it because of me ? :3

Read Aristotle, Plato, and Plotinus. Then study Christian theology: the catechism, meditate and pray on the New Testament, the holy trinity. You'll see that Christianity is founded in real solid philosophy and backed by testimony ancient and new. Read Feser's book.

Use your imagination, interpret ad libitum, and pray as if your life depended on it (it's better than meditation). Easy peasy.
>No one meditates
>--Paul Valery

God I wish I was her

Why would you start with potential revelations before you even believe in God? There's no sense to it.

That water does look incredibly refreshing.

*chair clattering*

She has very very nice eyes

You won't find God in books. You will find him out in nature.

Read Feser and join a discord server where you can talk about the prostitutes you've fucked while bitching about the degeneration of society post-60s.

You can‘t decide to believe in something. You come to believe if all the informations you gathered start to make sense and fit together.
The issue with spiritual believing is that there are no clear informations to gather and put together. It is all highly speculative. The key here is faith. You will either get to a point where you surrender your logic and your scientific approach to decision making to faith or you don‘t. The best way to push yourself to the point of surrendering is to expose yourself to those experiences that make you feel small. Those which make you wish there actually WAS a higher power guarding you. Start gazing is one of those things. It can get you to contemplate the unfathomable vastness of an infinite universe. It will make you feel insignificant and all your worldly troubles laughable. That would be a good moment to insert faith in higher power for maximum effect.
And yes, i‘m aware how cheesy this is.

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He's definitely in language. In the beginning was the Word after all, user. In books, nature.. wherever language hums accompaniment

*Star gazing

>Those which make you wish there actually WAS a higher power guarding you.
Sounds gay as hell. No wonder so many priests are homo.

Why does that sound gay?
Do you feel like you can carry the burden of infinity on your shoulders alone?

How deep does this rabbit hole go he wonders to himself. Is there more here than meets the eye? There is chaos and pain, yet there is beauty and delight. Is it all for nought? Oh, of all the strangest coincidences, to glimpse existence itself in a sublime light just to have it return to the void. Is that an oasis up ahead that I see?

The Bible isn't a conversion tool, it's a way of deepening faith.

Came here to say that.

Ask yourself questions about the origin of religion and its nature. Ask yourself what God is, if you find books claiming to be God's word unpersuasive. You sound like someone who is on the road to a more intimate kind of spirituality than what you would get at a McChurch.

>a more intimate kind of spirituality than what you would get at a McChurch

That‘s sadly extremely easy to do.

Don't have to. The burden carries itself.

Define what you think God is. Then simply live and see if life corresponds to your definition. Tweak until perfect.

Yeah, i‘m aware that was pretentiously worded. What i meant is that your personal burden (the feelings of loneliness, separateness, unworthiness, yadda yadda) might get lighter if you can dump some of it on faith.

Do I know you?

You're a deist. All religions are memes. The God is real.

Typical Christcuck reply. How do you know anything about something so immense like the God?

>humans can reach perfection

oy vey

Repeat until what is perfect? You or life?

Read this. Orthodoxy is a more personal account, but it's worth a read as well.

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Repeat till you are content with your own definition of god

read St. Aquinas

lmao I'm not 15
there is no great burden

Stop drinking alcohol.

Based reply and pic

What did Jesus mean when he commanded us to be perfect?
Follow ze guide. It will take you less than a weekend because Jesus & JHVH are the top 2 easiest tulpas to manifest.

Listen. I’m the one you wanted to hear from, so listen closely. Get on your knees, close your eyes and pray. Talk to God. Tell God you want to talk. Tell God how you’re feeling, be brutally honest. If you are sincere, if you’re heart is truly open, even it’s filled with infinite doubt, if you sincerely wish to speak to God, he will. You’re relationship with doubt is ephemeral, you’re relationship with God is destined.

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>Get on your knees, close your eyes
Not this time, preacher Dan.

This might unironically work.

Nobody wants to talk to god, he's a creepy boomer /pol/ incel

>he's a creepy boomer /pol/ incel

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