What a load of bullshit, holy shit.
What a load of bullshit, holy shit
Now do (anything by) Lacan and then do Rogozinski's The Ego And The Flesh.
kindly someone who did not read his clinical studies on hysteria, Kant or any pedagogical introduction to Freud
I am just reading his Interpretation of Dreams and I found a passage by him saying that the child that is preferred by his mother goes on to show strength, courage and be successful in comparison to the other kids (i.e. momma's favorite shows more strength and is more successful) but the absolute opposite is true. This is fucking bullshit.
Never thought highly of him, but after reading this I despise him immensely.
Yeah, he had an agenda...
All those big business men are momma's boys
What specifically do you find unbelievable? I find meaning in dreams quite often although I will concede he was wrongheaded and prejudiced in some ways
Jung blows him the fuck out, read Man and His Symbols
The man who can't read Lacan
Read Lacan if you are not a pussy OP
What was his agenda user?
Freud makes way more sense when you realize he was a coke head.
Where do i start with psychology psychoanalysis philosophy lr whatever it is called. I am interested.
Don't, it's a waste of time and complete bullshit
Freud lacan jung. Allvullshit?
Psychology is bullshit. The fact that, empirically, a majority of psychological experiments can't be properly repeated, is itself only one part of the picture. The methodology itself is faulty.
Maybe Jung might have something, but the foundational psychological theories, as they relate to purported mechanisms of the mind (and the ones that relate to actual practitioners, psychiatrists, and shrinks), are largely hot air.
>ITT people who feel like they are entitled to express an opinion when they don't know the basic differences between Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
100% agree.
It's just another iteration of the same structural entity.
>Heretic/Suppressive Person/Toxic Person
And on and on and on
The drugs are a specific therapy and the therapies are based on the theory.
It's an effort to create a narrative about biological functions and possibly to enact some change. We don't have anything better currently, antidepressants are a joke.
Also trauma theory is legit
>the absolute opposite is true
and you know this how?
That's ain't it chef
Civilization and Its Discontents is worth reading
Literal superstitious peasant tier, you conflating psychology as a whole with fucking psychoanalysis. Lots of behaviourists made the exact same line of attack that you did, except against psychoanalysis rather than psychology as a whole; and they're more pertinent to modern psychology than Freud & Jung are
Seriously fucking sick of pseuds, off yourself, you contribute nothing good to anyone who loves you or the world at large
Jung is about as credible as phrenology, why anyone would waste their time with that shit is beyond me.
Effective psychological practice still has a meaningful heritage to Freud and psychoanalysis in general, even if there are a lot of problems with those earlier ideas. But yeah writing off either psychology or psychoanalysis is very silly.
>durr psychology is freud and jung
smartest board on 4channel strikes again
t. Freudian
what about him? he is right when he talks about Freud, what he states are just historical facts.
he is a great philosopher, et toi ?
Good supporting argument
Skinner and Maslow et al were just as ridiculous and Scientology-tier as Freud n Jung.
>kill yourself
Wow so actualized
Nah Jung knew what was going on
>Not understanding psychoanalysis.
Alright, chief
It may have had some positive effects, but as far as his theory goes, it’s only a small step up from phrenology, and it’s hard not to hate him for the absolute hacks (Lucan, Jung, Reich) he inspired.
Your mom didn't love you and that's why you turned out like you did.
"The people hated the quads, for he told them the truth"
>absolute hacks (Lucan, Jung, Reich)
>if it's convoluted it must have merit
Spotted the Deleuzefag