What do you think about Borges's, user?

What do you think about Borges's, user?

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His el Aleph is one of my favorite books.

Probably one of his best works, user. Altrough I have a soft-spot for The Garden of Forking Paths.

one of the greats
always been partial to El Sur

Buen autor, es interesante como sus relatos están repletos de un aire metafísico... claro, creo que en cierto sentido lo sobrevaloran sobre otros grandes autores como Julio Cortázar o Ernesto Sábato, pero igual, buen autor.

another google trans fail

it's correct tho
>native spanish speaker

His "Tlon, ukbar orbis tertious" story literally awakened me

Cortázar escribe, literalmente, para niñas de 13 años con problemas de autoestima. Y Sábato no tiene una sola frase bien escrita.

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And yet Borges reccomends him in his Library Of Babel list...

we had this thread a couple of days back and the conclusion was Cervantes >>>>> Borges

First time reading Sábato and he Is pretty good.
Looking forward to reading his other 2 novels

Have you guys read Rulfo's Pedro Páramo? Probably one of the greatest works I've ever read.

Concuerdo con que Cortázar es una mierda, pero Sábato es un escritor excelente. El problema con Sábato es que tenés que leer sus obras de manera cronológica y sus primeras obras no son tan buenas como lo que escribió al final. El Informe Sobre Ciegos que aparece en Sobre Héroes y Tumbas es de los mejores textos salidos de Argentina, Abaddón el Exterminador es una obra maestra, pero es muy difícil de leer.

La cosa es así:
>Abaddón el Exterminador > Sobre Héroes y Tumbas >>>>> El Túnel

Lo mismo puedes decir de todos los surrealistas o los románticos apelando a la emoción y no por eso son peores intelectual o estéticamente (aunque claro, da más oportunidad a que el público mainstream de saquen burradas para justificar sus cursilerías melodramáticas).

>Have a more masterful grasp of English than most professional editors

>personally handle and approve the definitive translation of your own work into English because getting it right means so much

>decades later the most widely sold and available versions of your work in the anglophone world are totally new translations penguin commissioned to pull in some fresh cash

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What is the title of his short story about gauchos?

South. It's the one about the knife fight, right?

>It's the one about the knife fight, right?
Thank you very much. It's South.

As the memery goes that would describe half of them, but as my memory goes I can't think of another one at the moment

It's my favourite book



it's because he gave too generous a deal to the translator, now you can still find them online

Great author, but I feel his constant nudges to other authors and works often adds nothing to the story at hand, which always seems a little weird to me.