What percentage of your books are authored by black women?
What percentage of your books are authored by black women?
I am not white, but honestly I don’t have a single book by a female author nor a single book by a black author.
I’ve considered getting some of Edith stein’s work. What do you guys recommend I read? I like borges, husserl, Jewish Kabbalah and Kenneth grant. What female or black authors should I read?
Their writings typically circle around trifles of everyday life and melodramatic "crisis" (non-crisis), all done in a style so drippingly sentimental it's gross.
None, but I'd like to hear some recommendations if you have any.
>I like borges, husserl, Jewish Kabbalah and Kenneth grant.
decolonise your mind bro, try reading americanah
by chumbawamba ngozi aidiche
Got anything on the more philosophical side or the more mystical or the more fantastical?
The real joke here is that nobody is reading the Christian Desert Mothers.
I have a couple books from when i was a teenager by Ayn Rand from when i was bluepilled, pretty sure she's Jewish
all the north africans from antiquity were mediterraneans, not white but not niggers either, kinda like greeks or italians
I'm not going to tally a percent, but I have a few. The only ones--of which I'm aware that the author is black; I may have some scholarly-type books of which the author is black and female (I don't check because I'm not a racist)--that I really like are by Zora Neal Hurston.
>north africans from antiquity were mediterraneans
as opposed to their being caribbeans today?
of four or five hundred books ... I think only "The Bluest Eye"
I probably have sitting around somewhere Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon and a couple other similar books left over from high school lit class. I don’t like to throw books away even if they’re absolute garbage.
is it actually garbage? I bought this a while back but never even opened it because I almost never get to read for pleasure anymore
Nought and that’s the way it’ll stay.
I’m exaggerating (a little). Her prose style is unremarkable. She relies on quirky characters set in improbable situations to keep the story interesting. It’s mediocre writing.
>mediocre writing
>won a Nobel prize
>thinking these things are incompatible
Out of the 2500 or so books we have (family library) I have counted 20 books, so that's about 1%. We have a lot by Toni Morrison and a few by Maya Angelou, Nella Larsen (terrific author! her works are super underrated), and Zora Neale Hurston. There may be a few more that I just haven't noticed though.
Do I count the ones where the pseudonym/heteronyms are black women?
Imagine being this desperate to hold on to race theory.
Some of them were Syrian, so in that sense not “black”—though certainly not Greek (ethnically; many wrote in Greek). And others were North African and Berber, which I think passes muster.
>more mystical/fantastical
Wizard of the Crow
You have any written by any Indian women or maybe Chinese perhaps some native American?
Wizard of the crow is more a political/cultural satire then anything mystical
Something something monkeys on typewriters. Can I get my tasty (You)s yet?
Yeah, but definitely gave me a fantastical/mystical vibe at times. Perhaps it's just the oral storytelling style.
dont care, doesn't matter
Zero. School forced me to get a couple Toni Morrisons, but they were abderitic, really lowered my opinion of critics praising her, so I got rid of them.
Is it about a guy who gets knocked down, but gets up again?
Not a single one of the Desert Mothers was either black or worth reading. Even mentioning them without stressing how much of an appendix they were and remain to the Desert Fathers is ridiculous intellectual dishonesty.
>t. did not read a single Nobel prize winner of the last two decades
I‘ve once read her unironically
>chumbawamba ngozi aidiche
from Larsen I only have Passing. is that good?
the church fathers were the boomers of antiquity
I trained as an archaeologist and I study ancient Egyptian literature. I have amassed a huge collection of translated materials from the 31 pre-Ptolemaic dynasties as well as the intermediary periods, although my area of interest is the Middle Kingdom, but I do have everything from court decrees to scribal musings to mummification manuals to simple records of everyday life. My collection contains approximately 0% works by black authors, male or female.
As little as possible.
>impliyng the nobel prize isn't a prize the elites give out to feel better about themselves
what is the purpose of that question? Either way that is an insane question to ask. How many books are there?