Do you like John Green?

Do you like John Green?

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Is he David Foster Wallace of our generation?

I don't enjoy his whole grain crunch

how much cum do you put in it?

As soon as you put an egg on a sandwich, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich.

I don't feel one way or another about him.
I've never read any of his works.

Is there anything worse than men who wear t-shirts underneath collared shirts ? It's a male bra and it's pathetic. This is a surefire sign of a manchild or mentally unstable man on neuroleptic trying to hide the resulting iatrogenic putrid secretions from the his gynecomastic nipples. It's been my experience in life in dealing with such people that they are vastly incompetent and not to be trusted with any responsibility. The quickest way to gauge someone is to look for a t-shirt crease underneath their shirt. If they are, you know they're low IQ and a manchild at best, or severely mentally ill at worst.

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have sex incel

have sex, you must

Actually my least favorite author.

Hated him suddenly, then all at once.

Hank Green is much less pretentious sounding and far more interesting. So no I do not like John Green that much.

>that scene in TFIOS where forty men fuck a bowl of cheerios
I didn't understand how that was supposed to work, physically. Is there even room for all forty of them at once? Really bizarre, no idea why he put that in there.

Hank is cooler, but John assblasts this website constantly and I can respect him because of that, even if I don't care for his books

What do you mean lol?

He's slightly better than anime but slightly worse than fantasy fiction

This was a great thread.

>He's slightly better than anime
What kinda anime are we walking about? I agree that he's slightly better than the mindless "muh power levels" shonen shit. However, he isn't better than Hayao Miyazaki or Satoshi Kon.

"Undershirt" wearers (i.e. man bras) have ZERO sex appeal.

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Average anime. Comparing him to anime with similar themes and settings shows that he is better, at least in my humble opinion

thank you

Have any of you ever started liking someone just because they make other people mad?

Thank you for sharing.

His Crash Course World History is what got me obsessed with history, so i thank him for that. I have not read any of his book nor do i plan.
I like the guy.

He seems like a well meaning person. I don't think his writing is good, crash course is a good idea and does much more good than any harm from errors in it.

Overall, despite the disagreements I have with his thinking, he isn't a bad dude.

John Green has done more for literature than most purely by virtue of actually writing books and have literature courses for free on youtube.

Seems pretty clear to me.

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I like him as a person, but I don't really care for his books- which is fine, because it's not me he's writing for.