Why's everyone on this board so mean?
Why's everyone on this board so mean?
I‘m not being mean, i‘m just trying to make you see
I don’t know you tell me :3
Overall the world can be an aggressive place though. It does show you we are somewhat ‘normalized’
You're probably just a pleb. What did you read here that made you so upset?
lmao this image is hilarious
I'm not upset, just disappointed
why don't you find butterfly irl and commit suicide together?
Oh my sweet summer child
I'm just mean to misogynists, racists and niggers.
Because fuck you that's why.
I like it desu
pathetic Chav
Ok dad whatever you say
what's that mean?
No bully.
You did it a little today right :3
imagine using social media
I only met kind people on this board. "Start with greeks" was unironically the best recommendation I could get. 4 years ago I started with the greeks. I'm still into it, I still reread greek in regular basis. It is a great journey.
Thank you Yea Forums-friends
Because life is mean and you are mean or rather you are The mean. You're retarded.
It’s just banter, grow a thicker skin
Because of all the shitposting and off-topic nonsense
>rate my taste based on a list of books I've never actually read but will claim to have
>hay guise I think people who don't follow my autistic and incredibly specific philosophy are retards
>lol I'm gonna spend the whole thread shilling for something I don't actually care about to get (you)s
>I have never read the bible but let me tell you why everything you believe about christianity is wrong
>[/x/ tier ranting about kant, nick land, or marx]
Sharing a board with these "people" doesn't really make anyone want to be kind to other posters.
attention seeking ginger fuck
Is it bad i wouldn't care if this guy was purged from the world, OR in a actual purge, I bet he would go to the mall to try to steal some gucci to post on his sad boy instagram.
You two should just get married already.
Did this man fucking hurt you?
Intellectual hyperytophy causes mania
Surprised no one posted this yet.
We're forced to deal with retards and dishonest faggots every day.
Also, although this might qualify as a meta-thread this is not literature.
Anybody who post ":3" (it's just one person anyway) shpould be rangebanned
Again another jealous faggot who is probably buttmad I assraped him in another thread. Buddy, just so you know, I've got an eight inch penis. Tyler is the name
without elitism things turn into Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>I've got an eight inch penis
Am laffin
Most people should know that by now :3
>so mean
I think that you meant to say average.
Welcome to your first day on a computer. Good things await you.
tldr; do it for her
Do not skip Xenophon. The Art of Horsemanship is a good primer and gives an interesting glimpse into the physicality of his circumstances as an Athenian. As a bare minimum, I recc this and Anabasis.
Hey, FUCK YOU imposter. I'm the real :3
cute. you realize neither she nor I fall for this shit?
I think you got her to think I posted porn one time. That's about it.
>implying I care about what a commie boomer thinks
She's just deluded and beyond the point of return. She skimmed though wiki's of foucault and striner which makes her smarter than 95% of lit.
Like a teen atheist, she also points out how she's """ex Christian""". I wonder if she has ever read Bible in her lifetime. She probably read niet-chan for lulz, I bet she lacks iq to grasp niet-chan.
Deluded women are cute isn't it ? She's Terry Davis of Yea Forums board.
She’s like mid thirties tops :3
I wish she would realize why she’s lying. It’s to make people like you feel more comfortable. She should be more like me and make you hurt a little more.
Make you bleed. :3
t. Nick Mullen
That post was truly awful. It is plainfully/painfully obvious that you do not belong here. But that is okay! There is a positive solution. Rather than trying to fit in, you should strongly consider going to a site more suitable for posters like you, such as reddit, tumblr, or maybe even Gaia! You have plenty of options. You will be happy, and we will be happy. Best of luck, but don't come back. Bye~ (´・ω・`)
I don’t want to -belong- here. Neither does she. She shits on you all daily. Which is why I said I hope she REALIZES why it is she lies. Key term there
Might want to work on your reading comprehension, you’re on a literature board after all. :3
This is the most reddit post I've read today.
Also, fuck off newfag.
Bad health, and a bad attitude to it. This is why the bitchiest threads in /fit/ are models of brotherly frolic by comparison to the average here, and even /g/ is less treacherous with verbal knives flashing from dark corners. Sometimes I think that's one of the reasons Ibsen, packed with primordially sadomasochistic trolls, or Iago, Lord God King Of Impotence, are never treated on this board. It hits too close to home, especially for those whose sheer disaffection has made incapable of self-deprecating comedy or benign egotism.
Also, what does that even mean?
What makes a post a reddit tier post?
T. Someone who has never been to reddit.
>not being able to recognise copypasta
>white knighting
>attention whoring
>personal attacks
What did you expect? Cherry pie to the nines?
I‘ve seen all of this countless times on Yea Forums. Wouldn‘t that make it a Yea Forums tier post then?
Oh stop. This is the only board with a relationship on it. :3
That should tell you something about the people, whether I want to be associated with you or not. This is by FAR the chillest board. Butterfly will not be posting all day because of me.
I’m showing you how to have faith in others. And maybe I’m also showing them why they should ;_;
Stop watching anime.
Scum chart by scum artists, but the point stands
If you're going to bait, at least dress it with the zaniness of glitter, whatever you've done to detain the sky-bull from her strafings-from-on-high today.
I hate ugly people.
Honesty always have a cruel bite within it. You're just getting a lot of it on 4channel dot org.
Ban his whore with him
You forgot “jezabell posting
>anime posting
Anime posting at core is the essence of Yea Forums. One more reason why you should fuck of bck to leddit.
We out here
>butterfly tranny posting
I’m assuming this is an isolated incident, then you read my other posts correct?
I’m willing to believe that butterfly just don’t post without my permission.
The core of 4 chan is my dick in your moms vagine
>r****t advertising
Fuck off my board, spamboy
>the bitchiest threads in /fit/ are models of brotherly frolic by comparison to the average here
not since lookism fags invaded years ago
So did you masturbate to me or not :3
Every time I posts here someone calls me a faggot or no one responds at all and I can't take much fucking more i just wantedd wto discuss books with otherd because i dontk now eanyone in real life i cant take it i cant take it i cant take it I CANT TAKE IT
So, what are your favourite books user?