stop reading Proust
Stop reading Proust
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The Road felt longer than the whole Recherche.
Cormac McCarthy is a McDonalds-arthouse writer FACT!!
To do this I'd have to start reading him first
I don't think that mccarthy is very good.
McCarthy is not as good as Proust, the only truly interesting novel he wrote was Suttree. dispute this
Wellll.. It is my favorite, so no. In general I like McCarthy, and (like Tolstoy or whomever else) is allowed a major wrongheaded critical opinion or two.
Nabokov knows that this here corncob is unworthy even of the long past tradition of wiping one's own ass. let alone anyone of sound mind who bothers to pass their oft glazing eye over any tract rolled out by this potentially steaming log.
Proust was a fucking pansy though. also, fuck Nabokov
mccarthy is garbage, i fucking hate mccarthy
>Tolstoy or whomever else) is allowed a major wrongheaded critical opinion or two.
I assume this is a reference to his views on Shakespeare, in which case you might ask yourself whether you really think you have a higher literary IQ than Tolstoy, and if no, then shut the fuck up with this “wrongheaded critical opinion” you fucking retard lmao
if anyone wants a painfully good laugh, give this tryhard’s Paris Review interview a read. you’ll be absolutely in tears
literally who
Uuuuh, is this an actual interview or a spoof of his writing style? I can't tell. It reads like a McCarthy spoof
I'm 546 pages deep into budding grove, there's no way to stop help can't be real. No one is that pretentious
He the works of a man best known for his form in translation.
>INTERVIEWER: Your guests—these are other writers?
>MCCARTHY: The meat is all talk. It murmurs and sibilates. We stand and watch the conflagration of charcoal. The flame maze, the char, the sauce and slaw. In the glowing embers of the mesquite, the old dead wood, you see the incipient sting of godlessness. The smokehouse and the smoke and the burn in your eyes with which to fever it.
I can't believe I used to respect this guy. My God.
I love Tolstoy- but if IQ's the measure here and an ape like yourself can blather an opinion then I'd venture to guess that Shakespeare's 'IQ' surpassed even Tolstoy's, and that Tolstoy sensed it. Recall that he also vaunts Dickens in Shakespeare's stead-- do (you) too share this genius opinion, retard?
McCarthy never gave the interview to Paris Review. The only one he had was the Oprah one
I refuse to believe that this is real. In the interview in which he shits on Proust and also on Oprah he talks like a normal human being.
Shakespeare is anglo meme trash, shut fuck up, retard
It’s real lol, Paris Review is as legit as it gets for writer interviews. They’re storied.
>Recall that he also vaunts Dickens in Shakespeare's stead-- do (you) too share this genius opinion, retard?
Most sensible people do, but go on feeling superior to Tolstoy if it helps you compensate.
>Barbecues, mainly. And this is part of it. Calling the dogs in, all limbs and sinew, the vermicular homebound patterns they weave in the scorch of the grass. The glint of the grill in the sun’s fire ellipse, its entirety as it bends toward hyphenate unyielding horizon. I like to soak the mesquite chips for at least half an hour. Then there’s the marinade for the brisket, or the dry rub, the laying on of hands. A replication of primeval violence. In your fingertips the harm of generations, the wish to make right, the failure to cleanse and absturge. Raw matter. Chile ancho, dried chipotles, paprika and salt, pulverized plant and rock, the sad spice and crumble of the earth’s red crust. I put the beef in a plastic bag for two hours before my guests come.
God there’s nothing more annoying than brainlets spewing authoritatively about things they know literally nothing about. Yes, this is a real McCarthy interview. What the fuck do you think the Paris Review is? The onion?
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
It’s real. I read it every now and then for the toppest of keks.
It was in their April Fool’s issue, together with Pynchon’s interview HAHAHA. You are the true brianlet
Swan's Way > Anything this kek ever wrote
t. retards
I knew that shit couldn't be real. It's too over the top.
... It’s not an April Fool’s and it never even hints at being such. This is something that the Paris Review has done for many decades and takes very seriously. It’s in their official archives. You’re just wrong.
It continues to be real. Stop taking a single assmad brainlet’s baseless take as reality. Or do, whatever.
I think we can all agree Within a Budding Grove is the best book in the series.
I just don't know, can it be real? How can anyone be that pretentious? I can't fathom it.
They conducted the interview by mail. He responded that way because it’s the Paris Review and he’s a wryteur. He’s a tryhard.
The Rushdie piece is from that same issue. They might put in their archive but literally neither Pynchon nor McCarthy gave interview to them
Go ahead and click on 'purchase this issue' and they literally tell you that it's just a joke. You sorry retard. Nothing worse than people who can't admit that they are wrong.
Guermantes, then game 7.
>most sensible people
I didn't know I had enlisted their spokesperson....
Let's see what Quora has to say about this, shall we? Just submitted the question.
Huh guess you’re right, never went as far to try to purchase it.
>You sorry retard. Nothing worse than people who can't admit that they are wrong.
lol settle down ebic conquistador, we’re casually online. nothing worse than people who can’t be right about something trivial without feeling like Napoleon.
lmao, the guy who insisted on the interview being real wrote a lenghty post where he called everyone who didn't believe him retarded, but he quickly deleted it, supposedly after he saw get fucked, you braindead moron
I liked the road tbqh
he wasn’t alone, I’ve also thought it was real for years and I think there was another user too. you’re getting too amped up over this, pretty pathetic. use that energy to get a driver’s liscense and move out of your mom’s.
Why do so many people on here love reading that bug eyed juif homosexuel. What could I possibly gain from reading his 5000 page ramblings about baked goods from his childhood.
Yeah it’s pretty tricksy of them, there’s literally no indication of it being an April Fool’s unless you go to buy it, which obviously very few people would actually do. Whoever wrote it did a damn good job.
the interview might not be real, but mccarthy's pathetically pretentious prose is. you only need to pick up one of his books and read to see that
>i-it wasn't just me
fuck off retard
Tolstoy was a mong. Seething christcuck
absolute state of seething non-anglos
god i hope this is bait. if not, laughing at your life.
>Shakespeare's 'IQ' surpassed even Tolstoy's
God, shut up already, insert Shakespeare in this way is real pleb mark
The insertion's some samefag's--
Failing context and the usual hackneyed bits reveal that species of idiot, idiot.