Why do athiests pretend everything is not too finely-tuned to not have a creator?

Why do athiests pretend everything is not too finely-tuned to not have a creator?

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Something having a low probability of ending up in a given state does not mean it was not the result of chance.

How do appendixes and wisdom teeth fit into that?

You're right. But what gave the thing a probability to begin with?

Is "probability" something that actually exists as an attribute of something or is a human mental construct?

Too distracted by my nipples

A randomly generated universe should have bigger scale inconsistencies than fucking wisdom teeth.

That's a good question. I think "probability" is a human construct, but the phenomenon of one action/thing having multiple potential outcomes, with some being measurably (by humans) more/less likely than others, is something that could exist without people

We don't know, the consensus is on the side that entropy does, indeed, exist.

Rejoice, nothing being definite also means there's the ever slight chance that jeebus reall was son of god and your savior.

>the universe had to be created yesterday
No, and I don't understand why this is a common attack. How does a creation conflict with natural selection or any other natural phenomenon? The creation determined only the natural laws of the universe, and not necessarily anything after that.

Yeh but even if the winning of the lottery was the result of a low chance, it's not like you run up and believe you are going to win.

The fuck does that mean? A world with inconsistencies? A world is consistent with its own rules. Wisdom teeth and appendixes aren't inconsistencies in the first place, they are consistent with a world that has evolution of organisms.

Imagine being so scared of dying that you resort to following a death cult which was created in the bronze age.

Because we're here to ask the question.

I'm not so much afraid of dying as I am of living without haven done anything

Imagine being so glib as to minimize 2000 years of philosophy and cultural production, warfare, social welfare, political dynastics, etc.

Stupid phone

Imagine thinking a "philosophy" stretched over two millenia through thousands of cultures with millions of different interpretations yours happens to be correct because its yours.


The principle is simple. Is there a God? Yes or no. Believing that there is one does not necessitate that you also believe that the conception you have is true, and that others are false. That belief only comes about when one follows the dogma of a specific religion. Arguments for and about God could have a bearing on truth, and to discount all arguments of this type is to overlook the most fundamental and universally applicable ways that people use to validate their beliefs. If one truly wants to deny God, they shouldn't attack contradictory textual information from the bible or Quran. Instead they should attack the philosophical proofs that validate the most general idea of God. Like God being an unmoved mover, or God being the Necessary Existent.

Thank-you! That is the concept that, upon hearing it for the first time, angers and confuses people who insist that the world is fine-tuned for us. But they put the cart before the horse: because our evolution adapted to the environment in which it came to exist, from the present, it looks like the environment was designed FOR us, rather than we taking the shape of our environment.

And the fine-tuners don't acknowledge that there are billions upon billions of cubic kms in space where life is NOT conducive to human life and where there ISN'T any fine-tuning...only in this miniscule corner of the universe, indeed.

I didn't argue the correctness of my interpretation, rather the value of all interpretations inclusively. Atheism is merely the absence or disavowed of such thought. How can that claim to be productive? All atheism has ever argued is that religion hinders the progress of reason, but has never fully demonstrated the inherent value of such progress. I'd say the claims of religion and reason are equally valid and I look to all possible outlets and exercises for my thought and emotion. But have fun being "right". Butthole.

What the fuck does chance mean? Being atheists automatically makes you a determinist. There is no chance here. Oh, but wait, you are the special kind of atheist that cherry picks which part of science is true and which is... "not to be believed", right?

creationists will not reply to this post.

Because god supposedly created humans in his own image. Is he a monkey? Or maybe its just a 'metaphor'

What do you mean by finely-tuned? Can you give an example?

The way it looks to me is if we're going by cosmic scales we're the equivalent of some mold growing on a tiny pebble, alive for a fraction of a microsecond, which points towards accidental emergence of complex biological life rather than it being created, which is part of the reason why the church put Galileo under house arrest, had trouble accepting evolution and so on.

Maybe earth was made for humans

The natural world has no inherent state of equilibrium.
Natural states are the result of a dynamic back and forth.
"Nature" is resilient: it responds to change but never reaches any semblance of equilibrium.
There is such thing as "order for free" in natural systems but it is not really an indication of equilibrium.
One example might be the way bubbles form a grid when boiling rice.

Is quantum physics deterministic?

Example: Anatomy of humans.

Quantum physics don't really effect our daily lives now, do they?

Explain all the maladaptations without evolution.

What makes us say the world is "fine-tuned"?
What other planes of existence do we compare ours too?

What makes it fine-tuned? Give an example of a being from a lesser fine-tuned existence


Why do you bring up evolution on every breath?
Evolution has no contradiction with theism. Even if we were evolved from another species, that species had equally intricate anatomy as us, or any other life form. This intricacy is finely-tuned.

But it didn’t always. That’s the point of evolution. It outlines the process by which complex things come from the very simplest thing in a mechanical fashion that does not necessitate conscious interaction or design, but occurs by a series of accidents that accumulate through billions of years in a specific environment. Evolution denies a view of design.

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on. All attempts to think and theorise just leads the focus away from the fundamental situation that is YOU. It's a balm from the existential anguish and suffering. Lead the focus back to you and in time you will find all the answers you need. Knowledge and books will then just be pathways to the inner. They are not the endpoint. When you have reached and seen and understood the inner you will also understand the entire cosmos.

>Why do you bring up evolution on every breath?
Because evolution is incredibly inefficient design as opposed to engineered. Either the god is very stupid, or there was never god's hand involved to begin with. It's true that it doesn't prove/disprove god. But it's a good evidence that whatever created human wasn't very smart, as traces of trial-and-error is all over the place.

Holy shit this makes sense thanks desu :)

You mean that something being improbable doesn't make it impossible? A bit like how it's improbable that there was a Creator?

>evolution is incredibly inefficient design
what does that even mean. It did the job of evolving humans, purpose served.

no predecessor of humans had 'simple' built. Not like we were a wood once that started breathing after thousands of years. No stuff is 'simple stuff' if is capable of evolving to life one day.


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because “finely tuned” is a stretch. also pic related is a bourgeois motherfucker who would def get the rope.