>Western civilisation isn't decaden-
Western civilisation isn't decaden-
Literally no one disputes that.
I'm glad this is the western civilization discussion board and not the literature discussion board
maybe georg lukacs?
Jews, wamans and goytoys aren't people.
literally and I mean literally no one is not saying that. Stop being stupid.
Nobody says otherwise I don't think. People only seem to be at odds over whether or not it's bad or not.
Uh oh, seems like you forgot your >Books for this feel? line, now this thread isn't even formally literature related
I'm quoting Evola or Adorno or something
Sluts existed in all times. The only difference is that before where excluded from society and now they are part of society
>Yea Forums complaining about board quality when you faggots STILL haven't managed to bully Butterfly of the board
yeah ok lol
stalker user is trying his best
S-shut up, we're doing our best...
When was the civilisations all time high? How do you even determine that?
That's the catch. Everything always sucked. There are only brief moments of respite and triumph and only for individuals.
All civilizations are decadent. If you think otherwise you should stop reading your shitty nitpicking books and start studying true history
the 50s
they're not just a part of society, its the new norm
Jews and women are people
Its stupid just to say it "sucked' its sucked in different ways to how the west sucks today
I'm not gonna lie, I used to be a libertarian before I found out about her, then I realized that humans devolve into animals when given enough freedom and prosperity.
I'm not sure if getting killen by the fucking plague is as bad as having to deal with faggots trannies and other kind of degenerates.
yes, the majority
I want to cum all over her face
So then, under your view, the enlightement was a period of corruption and decadence because beyond the surface one can easily see the sexual promiscuity and moral depravation.
Your arguments are weak and aren't based in nothing beyond your opinions and feelings
The enlightment was indeed a period of corruption and decadence
every civilisation is decadent, even the greeks used to fuck lil boys
Never happened
My point is that the categories of "decadent" or "degenerate" are based not on rational or philosophycal values but more in emotionals or ideological conceptions of the history that tend to divide the history of civilizations on three periods: rise, decadence and destruction.
This division is biased towards the values that the person sustains; using the category of "decadence" as a kind of deviation of the only correct and valuable moral and intelectual values of the person or the society observes.
it did, and Plato thought it was so rife (and disgusting) that he wrote polemics against doing so
the idea of societies being more "decadent" than others is so gay
So conceiving our present as a period of decadence is absurd because we live in a era of advanced technology, less violent period in history, medical progress and a high standard of living (of course talking about the west). Most of the critiques of "decadence" and "degeneration" of our present ignore those facts and others which makes to be so pessimistic about our present truly an irony
In 2015 the average life expectancy lowered for the first time since the industrial revolution due to number of suicides
You mean directly on to her braces, of course.
Whores have existed throughout history. What's decadent about it?
Yes, and? How does that contradict my view? Did you expected that everything would be allright? Of course not, the market goes up and goes down all the times but mi point that the good things about our present makes it better than any moment of the past is still there. Also I would like to remark that the poverty in the world has been going down since capitalism exists
the third reich, obvs
The really decadent part is that she's getting paid more than doctors, scientists, smart people... Same with celebrities/entertainers in general.
This wasn't the case for 99% of human history, where your value and the amount of money you could make was capped by both technical/logistic limits and societal values.
This is a fundamental problem of modernity, especially when coupled with globalism and global media.
I really hope she's doing something intelligent with all that money. I'm getting old Yea Forums.
This guy makes even more money, BTW.
God, she's hot. I'm one of her patrons. Hopefully someday I'll get the opportunity to talk to her. I think we'd get along.
The academic consensus (before the 60's) was that western civilisation peaked with the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas
An extraordinarily weak premise, stupidly doomed to be defeated again and again and again. Even as b8 or low comedy I will never be able to understand this apparent Will to Fail.
>I'm one of her patrons
Unironically kill yourself piece of shit
Have sex
He doesn't get enough credit. I find it really funny to look at his stalker posts and then find a random, genuinely insightful post of his elsewhere
What's the problem? Nothing wrong with supporting a young woman I adore. A beauty like her shouldn't have to work hard in life.
>have sex
have sex
Just an interesting example, I didn't mean to make any other statement with it.
I'm fine with that
He's terrible
On the contrary,the profoundly disgenic doctrines of catholicism, based as they are in slave morality, are the root cause of the decline of western civilisation. Western civilisation peaked with the Athens of Pericles and the Rome of Augustus, manful, aristocratic power, the unabashed celebration of youth, honor beauty and strenght. Christ is the god of the weak, the original SJW. You can trace a direct line from the flagellants at catholic processions to the bdsm dogmen and dragqueens at globohomo pride parades. If I hate trannies, and LGBTPoCWoCs, the freaks the left keeps wheeling out and shoving down normal peoples throats, it is not because they represent in any way a threat to the 'traditional' christian order, but because when I look at them I see the hateful visage of the nazarene staring back at me.
Maybe, but he's not nearly as bad as butterfly
Degeneracy posting is just a cope whereby you transfigurate something you can't get into something undesirable.
>Western civilisation peaked with the Athens of Pericles and the Rome of Augustus
>Western civilisation peaked with things that aren't part of western civilisation
>t. Nietzsche
That wasn't western civilization you fucktard
western civilisation is faustian pagan, but it is being gnawed from within by semitic cancer.
>t. Spengler
why do you like this meme?
Wrong. Have sex
I would rather have that cunt here than /r9kpol/
Come to think about it, it pretty much is
in the US mabye, Germany was in scrambles
This is not a "problem", thots making it is super super rare. Look at how many top 1% hot chicks are models living with other models in dirty stables.
Where are those estimates coming from? It seems extremely unlikely that the average supporter of either of these women (lol) would be paying $60 a month
Imagine having to cope this hard with the fact that your glorious muh cornerstone of western civilisation is based on kids getting smashed by pedophile teachers.
>a Yea Forums without Butterfly
too beautiful to be true
greek pederasty was a noble and elevated intellectual pursuit, its not really comparable to to the cesspool that is modern faggotry or the lgbt lifestyle, you fucking pleb.
>Western civilisation peaked with the Athens of Pericles and the Rome of Augustus
You pleb, these were decadent societies filled with polis-dwelling boyfuckers. Looking at naked statues is for cucks and fighting with armor is for pussies.
Western society peaked in prehistoric times when people directly obeyed their impulses without contemplation and lived in complete harmony with their nature.
Wrong. Now get in the delousing chamber, jewess
I just want her to lie down while I put my crotch above her face and pound her throat into the mattress, feeling her tongue sticking out and squeezed between my shaft and her lower lip as she wets the hair on my balls with her drooling, until her muffled moaning brings me to ecstasy and I pull out, sit on her chest and hold her head down with my free hand while the other jerks me to completion as I pour my cum on her smiling braced teeth before wiping my glans on her cheeks before forcefully closing her mouth and watching her throat bulge as she swallows my seed
This stupid cunt should die.
Women literally ruin civilization.
We have this thread every fucking day
Pre-modernity. It wasn't exactly a 'golden age' but it was a time when, mercifully, we didn't have the capacity to destroy yourself.
ladies and gentlemen, the incel...
I unironically want to go back to neolithic Europe, back when there were still lions, hyenas, mammoths, rhinos, cheetahs, jaguars, hippos and whatnot. Just to see what it was like and then die because im too much of a pussy to commit suicide
Have sex
literally go back to retarddit
There are lots of women who are attracted specifically to fat, hairy sacks of shit, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that guy fucks at least every now and then
So you're a tranny or a fat SJW, which one?
what if i metaphorically go back to lebbit
Absolute cope
I want to see butterfly's tits at least once before we oust her
user... I.....
wEsTeRn cIvILizAtIoN
Reddit meme, go back there
>There are lots of women who are attracted specifically to fat, hairy sacks of shit
LMAO, oh yea user? Found a lot of those around have you? Haha Jesus Christ.
>There are lots of women who are attracted specifically to fat, hairy sacks of shit, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that guy fucks at least every now and then
based and costanza-pilled
>The entire Seinfeld show was an enactment of Jewish sexual fantasy that women don't find Jews sexually repulsive (they do).