>virginity (yes or no)
>first kiss (if applicable)
>first love (if applicable)
>favorite book
Deeply covert, buried beneath DC
A sub-basement lair, highly sleazy
Where numerous screens richly showcases
Live feeds fed from the ladies' loo spaces
Lurking neither in sinks nor even their stalls
Sneakily broadcasting toilet bowls' all
Congressladies dimpled cheeks aflutter
Squeezing braapers with noisome sputters
No tourists can reach those hallowed commodes
Reserved for elected chicks by city codes
All throughout the long legislative day
Privy eliminations plummet away
Hissed expulsions of peristaltic logs
Thundrous flushings each the ivory bogs
Emictions lively, fading to sprinkles
Anal apertures wrench shut their wrinkles
Rarest toilet shows shone therein that Room
Unless a lense is choked by rectal spume
Until that powerful flush does banish
Floaters and sinkers, marbles to ghanoush
Twelve sharp cameras arranged in a ring
Peak seamlessly the slop their bottoms sling
Multitasking muted phones as they spurt
If ever they speak, those Reps are quite curt
Scanning screens for new eclipsing tushes
Its a fine way to spy varied bushes
Mellifluous messes loosed from sphincters
Rippled cadences by brown eyes' blinkers
Reps and Senators, those lobbyists too
All hunker their hineys to dump some poo
Why yesterday there's that Wasserman-Schultz
Profaning from expulsionary jolts
No bashful ejecter is Rep. Pelosi
She never strains, her bowels most cozy
Even AOC voids, her stools likes masts
Resisting livestreaming to lower castes
Woe to girls following Maxine Waters
Fecal patterns sprayed from plie squatters
Sometimes they peer queerly into the bowl
Never fathoming there's more than a hole
An artistic tool beneath their old glutes
Logging the zephyrs by ladies in suits
>tfw khv
refer to "sex"
>first kiss
>first love
>favorite book
[Tamagoro] Thank You Very Bitch
>13 yo
>never been in love
>a confederacy of dunces
>Age 17
>Age 17. Same girl that I shared my first kiss with. Still with her 5 years later.
>The Iliad
>>virginity (yes or no)
>>first kiss (if applicable)
>>first love (if applicable)
When I was 19 I hooked up with this 24 year old grad student I met at a bar. She never spoke to me again (probably because I was 5 years younger). I thought about her for about a week afterwards. Closest thing I've felt to Love
>>favorite book
War and Peace
Shouldn't this be on /soc/?
yes please
>>virginity (yes or no)
>>first kiss (if applicable)
>>first love (if applicable)
>>favorite book
Zone by Mathias Enard
>virginity (yes or no)
>first kiss (if applicable)
no, my partner doesn't like kisses unfortunately
>first love (if applicable)
18, my current partner. am 23 now
>favorite book
marx's economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844
one of my male friends in high school at 18 right in front of his girlfriend
sorry, aromantic as far as I can see, nobody I've gone out with has done anything emotionally for me
Demian, the Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
prepare for over twenty (You)'s by triggered conservatives
gay virgins aren’t allowed on Yea Forums, gtfo
>not a heathen
>In Search of Lost Time
>not a heathen
god gave you a prostate and made women inferior to men for a reason; he obviously thinks male homosex is morally superior, since females don't deserve pleasure and he wouldn't let our prostates tingle otherwise
>virginity (yes or no)
>first kiss (if applicable)
In 6. grade. It was a school dance thing, we were close dancing and it felt only natural. I can still remember how surprised i was at how soft kissing felt.
>first love (if applicable)
In 6. grade too. He was in 7. grade and the brother of one of my female friends i frequently visited. I still think that he‘s the one that got away. Because he kissed another girl, i left him. I’m still proud of me for putting my dignity over my desires, but it hurt.
>favorite book
I have stopped reading fiction long ago. Now it‘s always the one i‘m currently reading. Currently i‘m reading Survival of the prettiest. It got me curious because unlike beauty myth, it is based on scientific research and proposes that our love for beauty isn‘t a social construct. I find this important because that claim derived from wolfe‘s work is the base on which various third wave feminist uproars are built up on. Namely „fatphobia“. I can‘t yet say how insightful it is, i just started out but so far it reads promising.
kinda bi mostly straight i havent really cared to think too much about it
>>virginity (yes or no)
>>first kiss (if applicable)
>>first love (if applicable)
>>favorite book
shit idk pic related was the last book i really enjoyed
whore slut whore WHORE WHORE WHOIRE fuckign cunt whore die die die fuckuing die god why are you even here FUCK you do you have any idea how much pain your existence causes me YOU FUCKING WHORE SLUT CUNT god please be my gf im so horny and lonely
You sound like you desperately need a good, long hug. I hope someone soon gives you one.
advanced bait