The Dark Knight Returns
You the guy from that Yea Forums thread? Nice
Correct. About time I read it again anyway.
meant for
Pure kino.
Back when Miller could draw.
Thanks, OP.
He didn't lose his ability until after 1999.
As much as I liked the animated movie, I still don't like the fact they went with the generic DC straight to video art style
Would have much preferred what was in these pages to be the style
Even the batman animated series gave a small five minute adaption of the mutant leader fight which was cool and able to add it's own thing but missed some points
Ironside Batman sounded great on the BTAs adaptation.
Oh yeah that was the thing I felt was the best from BTAs adaption
Hearing darkseid play Batman felt so good and I wish that he would do it more for older versions of Batman
Still I do like robocop voicing batman