I present you the Brazilian equivalent to Wordsworth's Classic, Martin Claret
Worst covers thread
This is peak-Overman stuff
I never understood why they did this. Looks like an abortion.
Any good hue philosophers? I need recs
are there any brazilian books about senna?
Olavo de Carvalho
It depends on what interests you. In philosophy of science you have, for example, Newton da Costa who's one of the founders of paraconsistent logic. Vilém Flusser is Czech-born but moved to São Paulo and got a Brazilian citizenship (good if you like design and visual arts). But I'd contend the most relevant one today is the founder of Critical Legal Studies and professor in Harvard, Mangabeira Unger. If you'd like some old time sociology about the basis of Brazlian colonial society, the go-to book is Masters and Slaves by Gilberto Freyre. I guess everyone I've listed has stuff on Library Genesis.
Based. The lazy fucks who know him only by his rants on youtube or some gramschian youtuber/professor who brainwashed them need to STFU.
I have a Faust from these guys in my shelf for some incomprehensible reason
Are the translations bearable, at least?
Forgot the pic. I had one of these, but i forgot when i moved out of my mom's house.
His books are pathetic. He claims to be an expert on Aristotle yet does not speak Ancient Greek. I mean, what a complete stupid hack. His followers are so braindead that his most famous and popular book is a collection of JOURNALISTIC essays and articles. Jesus, it's so embarrassing to even see people defend that old fart.
Nope. The only way the translation is good is if it's a plagiarized one.
Kill yourself.
The world view of our country is already bad; why do you want to make it even worse?
Mário Ferreira dos Santos is the best.
The only one I already knew
Well, my main interest is theology and sociology
Then pic related will be right up your alley.
Based. I'd add Evaldo Coutinho.
He definitely seems interesting, thanks
Yes, exactly, thanks. Although I'll need a version in Portuguese
>he doesn't like his books with borderline porn art on the cover
Cringe desu
lmao you should've told me you were Brazilian, it makes my life easier.
I'm Northern European, I've just learned your lang amigo. Hence why I need recs
The name of that book is Casa Grande & Senzala.
I bought this two books and I was never able to read them. I mean, the summary of what is actually happening, I can, but the text itself, I understand almost nothing. First because I have to check the meaning of maybe most words used, second because even then the meaning of the text just doesn't seem clear when compared to what I'm suppose to have understood based on the summary.
Is this just because I'm a brainlet?
I wanted to be able to properly read the books.
Did you buy these editions??
Yes, years ago.
Don’t worry, you’re no brainlet. Odorico Mendes translation is atrocious: he used a parnasianistic-salad vocabulary and tried to squeeze Homer’s long hexameters inside the small space of the decassílabo; the result is an unreadable work.
I like this cover. Why don't you?
I agree with you, that cover is bad.
>depicting the monster
Completely unnecessary. Fuck whoever made this.
I guess cover illustrators have an issue with drawing faces. This shit sucks, you're right.
So is this the hue version of Leviathan? Because the Penguin books version of that cover is great (pic related), while this is complete shit.
Proportions way off, but if they were correct it would be acceptable in my opinion.
The curse of the Brazilian portrait artist strikes again. Why are they so bad at this?
I'm kinda liking this one, I know Faust wrote about the Devil and such and the cover gives me a demonic Aleister Crowley vibe.
If it was just the girl it would be ok but for whatever reason this guy has an issue drawing masculine faces. I give it 5 out of 10.
Dorkmode shit. As if I didn't hold enough contempt for the Brazilian people before.
Perfect cover. 10/10 but I don't think you posted this as a candidate for "worst cover" so it's understandable.
I kinda like the Princesas cover.
Definitely my favourite scene from the book
Read the OP, he compares these editions to the Wordsworth's Classics edition i.e. they're shitty pocket books. They've recently let go of these dorky covers, too. For example, this is their new Leviathan cover, which is surprisingly pleasant.
kek this can't be real
I hadn't heard of Wordsworth Classics, thanks for elucidating me on those.
>Wordsworth's Classic
completely based
why do you have to speak ancient greek to be an expert in greek philosophy? the only thing you need from the original text is some self translation of a part that is not perfectly clear for you using a dictionary.
completely based^2
not properly philosophical, but please check out Otto Maria Carpeaux. i wish there was a translation for his history of western literature for non-portuguese speakers, because it is fucking monumental.
Why do they keep fuckin doing this shit lmaooooo