It’s Saturday, what are you currently reading?
What are you currently reading?
Other urls found in this thread:
why is your hand black
he probably just got home from his coal mining job
Phenethylamines I have Known and Loved
Because I’m black
All of Adolfo Bioy Casares novels. Just finished The Invention of Morel, it was incredible. Very skillful and moving, very well executed not unlike Poe's best short stories but with a difderent tone. Next is the Evasion Plan, I fear it won't compare.
Nice go see umphrey's mcgee or moe. desu
Dracula, kind of dragging at the moment though. I'm about 3/4 through and wish they'd have spent more time with the Count than just the first quarter or so as he's far more interesting than the rest of the characters obviously.
He was a great friend of Borges, do you appreciate Borges?
it's sunday
How do you like it? I have been wanting to read some Faulkner
fuck off aussieposter
So far, I find I’ll enjoy it (hinting, stating, I’m not that far in, Page 7, paused to post this to ask what /literature is up to and what everyone is reading) I’m going to finish it by Sunday tomorrow afternoon, I’ll return, my intention originally was to ask "what am
I in for?" But I can read it myself right?, right, happy sailing user :)
They are psychedelic rock bands. They run a hippie music festival called SUMmer Camp together, or at least quadruple headline it every year.
black people can read?
The book of disquiet. I'm not sure yet if I am enjoying it or not.
eestlane vau
Yes he's great. But I found more in the Morel story than what I usually find in a Bores short story. His preface tobMorel is pretty amusing btw.
Hahahah, Of course, I believe I can, I think I can, so I can, yeah?, yeah
I’m receiving that book next month, can’t wait to begin reading
Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges.
I'm reading Snow Crash today, hopefully I finish it soon. It's interesting but like 200 pages too long. I've been reading 3 straight chapters of why religion is like a mind virus. Like I GET IT
I heard a pop song based on this novel, so I'm reading it now
why you're a nigger
Xenophons Memoirs, The Letters of Tolkien, and Dead Souls.
The Seven Who Were Hanged
Fibonacci’s Liber Abaci. I noticed a logical ‘error’, as it were, in the beginning of the 13th chapter. :3
Just got this
how much that edition cost ye? looks nice, i can only afford used books on amazon/ebay.
Timestamp please. I've never seen a nigger read, no joke. Did you grow up in a wealthy household? Are you adopted?
The founder of the (formerly)biggest /pol/ irc channel is a somali swede libertarian yes really. Its kinda dead not but we had a good 5 year run from the original nork missile crisis to like last year.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
No, "middle class", midde class, my mother has a PhD in Coperate Governance, so yeah, yeah.
You stupid or what? Or live in America?
Dead Souls
Quite funny so far. After finally finishing Herzen's My Past & Thoughts it's a breath of fresh air. Especially since Herzen was so assblasted about
>not ALL noblemen
hey black, i'm reading some murakami
Which book?
Swedes, I swear.. Worst neighbours, I can tell you that much
Thanks, that's interesting. Good on you lad. What's your favourite book?
Pic related, and "Los años falsos" by Josefina Vicens, a Mexican novelist. Both are very good stuff.
>Just finished The Invention of Morel, it was incredible
A total bore. Georgie was the superior writer.
Culture of Critique
Shakespeare. As all of you should be.
This book honestly frightened me
Just read Macbeth last month and now I'm reading Hamlet. So far Macbeth is better. Which one are you reading?
sucks to be you
>Invention of Morel
>a bore
I've never see that level of soulessness even though I'm a Jew.
I read it in Spanish though, maybe the translation fixes something but not much. It all seemed like an elongated wannabe Borges novella. Unimpressive and devoid of life.
The Unconsoled
I'm nearly finished but I'm not sure what I think of it
The masturbatory exultation of Victorian virtues does get a bit old after a while doesn’t it. Helluva first chapter though. Wish he stuck with that tone the whole book.
I've read a pretty fair amount of Shakespeare, next up is King Lear. I'm thinking after that I should read a few of the comedies
Pride and Prejudice. I have to pause each time a name comes up to remember who they are. Took me til just now to realize Lady Catherine and Miss de Bourgh are related.
I legit read dracula and frankenstein when I was like 10. What a ride.
take a bath then lmao
tbf if you're on Yea Forums you probably aren't a postbellum black (nigger) so you're ok in my book.
Holy jesus can you shut the fuck up
Why do you mention Jesus? Doesn't your kind believe in the Yuyu Up-in-the-Mountain?
Currently reading The Aeneid and Gargantua and Pantagruel. I have to finish la Celestina too.
Fucking half this thread is "LOL BLACK PEOPLE", it's like 2009 Yea Forums. Talk about what you're fucking reading
fake news. blacks don't read. they listen to rap and play basketball which they call "hoop".
I wasn’t the one who responded
>Euro doesn't understand a joke
They’re joking, I expected this when I made the post, but since you mentioned it, what are you reading?
Just some light fiction. Never read Faulkner, when you finish let us know what you think of the book user.
What did you read?, and alright sure :)
Finishing this. Good for what it is, but can't understand why it was a best seller unless most of the buyers are Scandinavian basedboys trying to feel more manly.
And also, this is a great painting
I am just starting, my buddy out in Cali (I live in the Eastern U.S.) is also reading it so we can discuss it. It is making me think about (and rethink) my sociology classes and all that S.K. Gould I used to read...
Does anybody else here read books with a friend?
Just finished Hamlet. gonna read the tempest
Twelfth Night is a pretty good place to start with comedies. Feste and Viola are sharp.
I became a fan of the plays when I had to spend two weeks in a converted chicken coop in a remote area during a fierce winter. All I had was a complete collection of W.S. to read. I had never really gotten into him before except for the typical jr. high foray into Julius Caesar. At the end of those two weeks I realised that I held in my hands a book containing the greatest works ever written in the English language, The Plays.
Finishing up What is Art by Tolstoy, gonna start Alfred Whitehead's Adventure of Ideas in a bit
As You Like It is hilarious, and some of the scenes in All's Well that Ends Well are priceless. I still laugh out loud at Parolles...
None of these are funny. None of these are clever. Hideous and stunted minds, the lot of you.
finishing up No Longer Human" this weekend, alongside The Republic. I'll be moving on to Austerlitz by Sebald and the works of Aristotle next week. Haven't heard much about Austerlitz on here. Anyone read it?
Don't laugh...
After the Funeral by Agatha Christie...
I had a long week at work, it helps me to unwind to sink my brain into a whodunnit. I also like Erle Stanley Gardner.
I'm gonna say it
Read half of it in one sitting. Such a great book, don't know why I didn't read it earlier.
Unironically a fun read
They are just idiots trying (emphasis on trying) to be funny. All they have accomplished is to make themselves look like fools and shown OP to be their emotional superior.
-sigh- Please don't, it is not necessary, rather it is really tiresome....
Just go over to Yea Forums...
That book made me cry when I was ten...
Changed my mind
I like winter scenes in the Spring for some reason... Although not the greatest of painters his work is generally underappreciated...
Many thanks, user!
Wow, haven't read Rabelais in years, but I think it is time to reread him...
Congratulations! Why, you must be very intelligent. Give yourself a pat on the back!
cringe kys plebbitor, you belong in r/books not in Yea Forums.
Good night all, I will stop in tm to see how this thread is going. It has been pretty good so far!
What sönge
kafka on the shore. it's p. comfy.
>op posts obvious b8
>wow how stunning and brave
I’m halfway through 2666 right now (page 506), maybe it’s the translation, but Bolano’s prose is kind of boring most of the time. The story, characters, jokes,plot, and philosophical themes are all basically perfect.
Absolutely great book
Ah, great taste.
Only book I ever read with jokes that i remember is hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. idk what other kind of jokes are suited to the medium of literature.
>I'm a retard with no imagination
Thats what I read.
post feet
Just finished Being and Time. I just started Automata and Computability, more /sci/ than Yea Forums, but I may tack another book on. I'm re-reading Society of the Spectacle right now as well, but mostly because I found a nice copy at a local bookstore.
I may start the book Panarchy soon, which seems extremely interesting; surprisingly I've never heard it mentioned here.
i want to kiss you and lov you
> Reading the corncobby chronicles
Don't remind me of this. Was all ready to work at one only to be rejected last step of the process. Suffered badly the months that followed without any employment or money. People get a perverse pleasure of denying you the ability to work if they know you are desperate and have absolutely nothing. That would have made a big difference in my life.
reading this bad boy
Just wrapping up with Moby-Dick this weekend. I told my dad about it and he gave me this cool Royal Doulton mug of Ahab.
You're reading the Everyman's Library Moby Dick? I have that one as well. Were you bothered at all by the absence of footnotes and such?
Based as fuck
Yes, actually, that did bother me. When I started reading it and found that it had no notes, I bought that penguin classics edition for cheap that did have notes. It's a lot lower quality obviously but it has a small glossary of nautical terms and a few diagrams of whaling ships along with the notes. Honestly though, after reading it, the notes aren't really all that integral and I feel like they didn't add so much to the book that it was worth double purchasing.
Yeah, he's got a small collection of them and he was thinking of selling it anyway.
Good to know. I think I'll manage with this edition, then. Planning to read it for my next book.
Good choice. I think it's probably my favorite of all time now.
verry pretty, who paint?
>jannies deleting nigger posts in a thread designed by OP for them
you think you can ban me you smelly fat wageless nigger janny
ban me again janny boy nigger nigger
The Flounder by Gunter Grass
Henri Gervex
Allison's Kant transcendental idealism
this and Celine's journey
It is mostly shite, mostly
the cossacks instead of resurrection, even tolstoy would laugh at you
Reading Spengler's Jahre der Entscheidung.
Kind of depressing how bitter he is.
Hit post without thinking. Didn't say what I think of the book so far. Got too excited by the post button.
The character descriptions are great. Scenes with the fast talking doctor are really fun. He seems like the kind of guy I'd invite to drinks a lot, hate him the whole time, but appreciate what he says later. Robin's a bitch. Nora could do better. Jenny seems like a cunt too. Hope they figure it out.
Pickwick papers
you better be listening to the thing at the same time too or else you're missing the total work of art
I'm just about done with Suttree. It's my favorite McCarthy book by far, but man, it's a chore to get through sometimes. Especially those 60-70 page chapters that I rarely have time to read in one sitting.
I know you said you haven't read too much of it elsewhere in this thread, but how "accessible" is it? I've never read Faulkner, but I remember reading somewhere that he's got a weirdly archaic style. How true is that? After reading McCarthy and O'Connor, Faulkner seems like the next logical step as far as Southern Gothic goes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit intimidated. Also, based Everyman's.
How are you finding Blood Meridian, McCarthy-friend?
Also, the Everyman's Sound and Fury from OP's pic is £11. Book Depository doesn't have it though, so guess I'll wait.
Seconding As You Like it as Billy's best comedy.
I didn't particularly like reading King Lear. That may have been because I read it right after Coriolanus. It's one of the few Shakespeare plays I've seen though, and it was breddy gud.
There aren't that many names to remember, m8. Maybe you just have shit memory?
As far as light reading goes, Agatha Christie is kind of based and you shouldn't feel ashamed reading her.
Dumb question, but... I should probbably read some Kafka before reading Kafka on the Shore, right?
Based Everyman's poster.
Your feet
I would be reading hunger if I didn’t feel like shit and could concentrate on it.
I only have the last 30 pages left, and I just can’t do it. There are so many things that need to be done, and I’m here, suffering in a dark room, doing absolutely nothing.
It’s amazing how it’s actually a proper drama. I loved it when I read it. Siegfried’s forging of the Notung is a moment of genius! Lovely!
Thomas Mann essays on Richard Wagner
so far I like how well it works even without listening to the opera
you fags convinced me to read this. It's alright so far desu, I like nihlism anyway.
maybe when the fact of being black is enough to constitute bait in this community it reflects more on the community than the OP
ten little niggers
>Reading books when you can read visual novels
Started months ago and resuming where I left
All Quiet on the Western Front, just started it
Should I pull the trigger? Am I missing any must read English poet? I already have Byron and Pope
Let's cuddle and read Spengler together, user. Then it will be less depressing and it won't be gay because we can make sure our weenies dont touch
Hell yeah.
Buy that bitch
Read that shit
>being black is bait
i want to read but urge to shitpost is too strong
send help
I gave Faulkner a go with one of his earlier works (Soldier's Pay), but it left me underwhelmed. Some nice descriptions of scenes in what seems stream of consciousness writing, but the motives of some of the protagonists remain cloudy to me. Are his later works much different?
Finishing up Narcissus and Goldmund and I started The Glass Bead Game this morning. Thoroughly enjoyed both.
just got this
Portrait of the artist, about 100 pages. Some parts have been snooze fests but that parts that do hit HIT
fuck off
Nice, want to read it too
>thread designed by OP for them
or maybe op forgot about /pol/ invasion
fuck off op
Les particules élémentaires
vita nova by dante
It is skill not mere strength that makes the better woodsman; ...more lumberjack wisdom at the chariot race.this is the second time the skill of wood cutting is mentioned
so 2 lumberjack wisdoms and axes used to fight at the ships and in odyssey odysseus shoots through the axes.
also for the archery prizes, Achilles laid out ten double-headed axes of dark iron and ten single.
. They carried woodman’s axes and strong ropes, and drove the mules upwards to and fro on winding tracks until they came to the high slopes of Ida, of the many streams. There they set to, the long-bladed axes felling tall oaks with a crash. ... axes mentioned during the building of patroclus funeral pyre
that's 5 different mentions of lumberjacks and axes in iliad that i can remember
Cool, but the book is literally just a list of different types of trees, axes, ovens, and ways to stack firewood. Basically wikihow in book format
Apparently so, according to that brilliant user, he’s so smart, what a brain he has, and still successfully avoided my question about what he’s currently reading, maybe he doesn’t read, maybe he joins literature to fuck up the board, I don’t know, only he internally knows what’s happening, but user, what are you reading :)
>I know you said you haven't read too much of it elsewhere in this thread, but how "accessible" is it? I've never read Faulkner, but I remember reading somewhere that he's got a weirdly archaic style. How true is that? After reading McCarthy and O'Connor, Faulkner seems like the next logical step as far as Southern Gothic goes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit intimidated. Also, based Everyman's.
I’ll get back soon :)
I haven't read anything in like a year and a half.
1. Understanding World Societies A Brief History
2. The House With The Green Shutters
I tried reading his Tristan und Isolde libretto too, but that sadly doesn't work as a drama like the Ring does.
It's a one of a kind masterpiece.
I found it disquieting.
I currently read Zizek's In Defence of Lost Causes in the Japanese translation. I say 'read' but I don't understand Japanese so it was more a case of tracing the pictorial lines with my eyes. I thought to my self, whilst doing this rather laborious reading, my God I am learning nothing even though I am expending the same amount of energy and concentration as someone who could understand the text. Here I could claim, had I understood the text, is the classic Lacanian mistake. However I didn't so I can't.
Why is Yea Forums so racist, reddit?
Just finished Animal Farm. It was a nice sunday read, really enjoyed it.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the rest of it as well:)
I thought I'd read Lovecraft for the first time, since the weather here is finally getting cosy. So far I'm liking it very much, perfect for reading before bed.
I hope you're enjoying Houellebecq, I'm some way through Platform currently.
Halfway through the Odyssey right now, Fagles translation
Me too!
Extremely relevant.
I picked it up post-Baudrillard.
Excellent for comprehension of the modern information environment.
As I Lay Dying
Why are you showing us your feet? Keep that shit on /soc/
>OP wasn't b8ing
Pic related. I'm like 3/5 through, kind of a slow read but I'm enjoying it so far.
Great book on te turmoils of the inner life.
First book in this behemoth. Really liking it so far, but it does get a bit slow at times. The subtle world building is my favorite part.
danke schon
Watership Down.
nice cat
I’ve been curious about this books. What are the themes?
smelling the rabbits
Anna Karenina and Thus spoke Zarathustra
Currently re-reading Lolita. The prose is fantastic, and I had forgotten how much of a smug piece of shit HH was.
But, I haven't done any reading this weekend, spend't it searching and downloading all recomendations made by J. L. Borges.
On the 4th part of Umineko currently, it's a chore at times to be honest but I can't wait to see what bullshit gets thrown at me next.
I am thank you.
The crude style reminds me of Journey to the end of the night. It's interesting, because while Céline appears to be categorical in saying people are vile piles of shit, it seems to me Houellebecq thinks it is more a civilizational problem and that things just took a wrong turn at some point. I already read Whatever, I think i'll read his other books next
I love Lolita so much. Purple prose done right.
This might be a brainlet thing to say, but how do you feel about the French bits? They totally took me out of the book. That's what I get for learning German instead of French.
Reminds me of Angel’s Egg
I feel they added to the character of Humbert, since he's a romantic with absolutely no feeling at all.
>There aren't that many names to remember, m8. Maybe you just have shit memory?
There are a heap of characters bro, I can't remember the names of the younger Bennets, or the names of any of the Miss Bingleys and Miss Darcys. Can't tell if someone is a side or main character until you've seen them pop up over and over. I couldn't tell that Elizabeth was *the* MC until a hundred pages in.
not a lot of characters my anus
You’re worse than the nigger. I’d rather sit and drink coffee and discuss books with op then with you you disgusting race accepting retard
Well, I want you to live.
Basado y rojopastilleado
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
I found it dreadfully boring, altrough, I had read his other works before it.
Can't believe I ever tried reading Thucydides without all these maps and footnotes. Every history book should be like this.
Some academic papers about Rome.
based and bedpilled
or you could have google maps open
Walden and too much Yea Forums. The first is pretty mediocre.
> reading in front of your computer
absolutely pblebeian
I'm real bad about starting multiple books so I'm current in the middle of
The Last Dragonlord - my wife wants me to read it
The Sigh of Haruhi - The awkward translation is really getting to me
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2006 - Very good so far, I originally picked it up after reading a transcript of David Foster Wallace's commencement speech 'This is Water'
Why so defensive? I think it used to be part of the middle school curriculum. It's a beautiful book, nonetheless. I recommend it as a starter book to all my friends who want to get into reading.
Mytting, Lars. Great. A favorite between the ages of 20 and 40, and thereafter.
I'm currently reading Jekyll & Hyde, maybe I'll finish it tonight. I think I'll start Submission next (at least it looks interesting on the synopsis) and after that, some greek literature would be good.
The Theology of Plato, by Proclus, translated and amplified by Thomas Taylor, published by Prometheus Trust.
The Silmarillion
Read the first chapter of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when I woke up this morning. It was all very bittersweet seeing Stephen as a child observing the adult world around him and it affected me in a way I wasn't expecting.
Mark Danielewski - The Familiar #1
This book is mindbogglingly good at times, but also a bit of a slog. The day in the life concept is really well executed but the story lines aren't cohering and some of them aren't very compelling. Hoping that it will come together in later volumes.
Is Danielewski not the guy who wrote a book with blank pages, lots of schizoid drawing and shit like that? That sounded really gimmicky and I've written him off.
Is he actually good?
Yep. It seems gimmicky but the style has a unique effect that I've never encountered before. He calls it "signiconic". I would check out House of Leaves before this one if you're interested. Everything about it is purposeful and reading it is like solving a series of puzzles as you grasp at straws to determine what's real and what's fictional. It highlights the absurdity of academic writing by illustrating how it can be dominated by psychological projections of the author masquerading as reality.
“Signiconic = sign + icon. Rather than engage those textual faculties of the mind remediating the pictorial or those visual faculties remediating language, the signiconic simultaneously engages both in order to lessen the significance of both, and therefore achieve a third perception no longer dependent on sign and image for remediating a world in which the mind plays no part.” —Mark Z. Danielewski"
I just started reading Paradise Lost. I'm on book 2 and enjoying it so far. It's surprisingly "fun". I expected it to be more stiff and preachy like a knock-off bible, but it's nothing like it. It's like reading the Silmarillion except it's in verse now.
About halfway through, enjoying it.
University sponsored propaganda.
Oh wow by a PhD! How does she answer that question? Let me guess: systemic racism.
They use the English language like it's clay, they use their own definitions of words to describe something. People of color can't be racist because the system doesn't benefit them. By the authors definition, people of color can be prejudice but they can't be racist. That role is reserved for whites.
How radical is that position? She doesn't just not apply the term to non-whites in white countries but she refuses to use it outside of any white context. The part about the language is a version of 'polylogism', like the notion that Jews think in completely alien terms to Germanics. It's amazing what we're teaching people, it's not gonna end well.
>systemic racism
I hate that term so much, I hear it every day at Uni and it's always the same 20 people spouting it. The instructors use it as well and constantly shit on the white guys in class. There is a reason that why males hardly ever go into educational studies. Seriously, look into Educational Studies degrees and look at the gender disparity. Women love shitting on STEM by saying they don't allow women to join which is bullshit. No one tells women that they can't join STEM. Males in Educational Studies are forever shit on because they're white males. I get it, I'm white and therefor the devil, can we please stop talking about how shitty white males are and get back to the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky?
I really do love education but I hate how politics has infested anything dealing with literature, educational studies and writing. If you're not within the anti-white majority then you're not going to have a good time in Uni. And god forbid that you call out their logic because then you're just shit on by everyone in the class including the instructor and your grade is reflected in it. It's not a hard skill class so if the instructor says you didn't understand the lesson then you just don't get a good grade. Say goodbye to that 3.8 GPA.
this kind of extremely shallow thinking could only come out of burgerland. how the fuck can someone not realize that creating a polarizing and de facto segregating language can only lead to more polarization and segregation, not less? how can someone who supposedly works in the humanities not realize that language has an illocutionary function and that people getting angry at her is precisely the fucking point?
I mean there's a technical reason for that. Tragically, racial groups differ in intelligence. For various and powerful political reasons that has to be suppressed but this somehow has to be explained in the educational context; where are all the black college students, right? Without strict indoctrination about larger systemic reasons people would have to assume that the teachers themselves had to be racist to filter them out. And it can't be just an economic explanation as rich blacks do worse than poor whites. They still haven't figured out how to address the Asian situation.
Are you sure it's not a mutt thing or just you over-reacting? I go to a Canadian university, majoring in PoliSci. I should be exposed to the worst of this stuff, but I'm not. I've never once felt like white males have been singled out because of anything. Even when the profs lecture about European colonialism (in the context of I.R or comparative politics) they stay on topic and factual. I've taken an American politics course taught by a guy who fits all the "Limousine Liberal" stereotypes and yet he's a perfectly rational and amiable guy who stayed professional and dispassionate when teaching about race both in the historical context (slavery, civil rights movement) and the contemporary context.
My instructor argued in the authors favor saying that language is an ever changing thing. I can understand this to some degree but it's a cultural phenomenon first. You don't just change an emotionally charged word and claim that it's free game because language is fluid.
I have a theory that the writer when out of her way to blast a racial group because it's provocative and will sell better. That and blaming whites seems to be the popular thing to do right now.
It's probably just an American thing. I've only seen this in San Diego and Washington universities.
The U.S. is just the furthest along that route but your experience is I think anecdotal as I generally hear bad things about Canada. +It is most pronounced in the pedagogical field. Obviously it is worse in some institutions but the general tone of political correctness is set by the central organs. Not just in education but also culture. Canada will get much worse because the same dynamic is at play, mass immigration isn't a viable concept if you accept the science on IQ and have a realistic view of politics, as such the unequal outcomes have to be explained ideologically and around that will form in institutional power with the task to alleviate this declared injustice. In the U.S. this ultimately is about trillions of dollars just in the educational/redistributional context.
What is the "science" on IQ?
I'm graduating from a Canadian university soon and there's definitely an agenda being pushed on the topic of white privilege. My epistemology prof lectured on it for god's sake. I also had a white pharmacology prof that prostrated himself with self deprecating jokes about white people. It's sad to see, because he was a brand new prof relying on the feedback of his widely multinational students to be kept on, so I think he was kissing ass. It seemed to work too. He had an almost perfect score on ratemyprof.
Nonsense Jargon, Unbased, coherently incoherent
My problem is not that language changes, is the stupidity, because there isn't any other word to describe this beside utter, complete, sideral stupidity, of someone who wants to create a language based in racial segregation and racial identitarianism (because that's what her definition of racism de facto does) in order to combat them. It's like if someone wanted to create a national identity by insisting on the impossibility of communication between the various regional identities, utterly fucking stupid and I'm amazed that someone who works in the humanities isn't aware that language, especially the one that deals with politics, isn't to be taken at face value (her remark about people getting angry at her is particularly retarded, she has the evidence that this kind of shit doesn't work in front of her fucking eyes and what does she do? "reeee you aren't being rashunal"). fucking idiot. My English vocabulary isn't big enough to adequately characterize the idiocy of this person, but I hope I have been clear enough.
Archipelago Gulag
What is your excuse for not reading it yet, user?
Otherwise I am currently reading thé birth of modern politic
The scary part is that I had to read this for a early childhood education class. But I'm completely with you, I honestly hate this because it so clearly has a political agenda instead of an educational one.
True I am graduatin in a university in mechanic engineering and I can feel the agenda. It is mostly about poor women and poor faggot and the worst of worst the threat of climate change. I am completly sick of it ironically.
I have difficulty to believe it is not worse in humanity.
Nice, will be buying this! Thanks for the tip, user!
>You will never understand what it means to be black
Are they positive of what its like to be white? I never got this argument
White are dominant in white society. Lol if you are not happy why are you leaving here ?
What if they just enjoy each others company?
IQ is heritable and has predictive validity concerning life outcomes. The averages differ by racial groups. So if you wonder why an East Asian jumping off a boat does better in educational attainment and career than the descendants of the Mayflower you will find the answer in IQ and that obviously has wide ranging implications on all sorts of issues. So if you for example think systemic racism exists you're confronted with the reality that the average black with an IQ of 120 earns the same the average white with an IQ of 120, and the same goes for every other IQ range.
The author states that blacks stick together because whites can't comprehend their oppression. Poor whites and rich whites are the same and both benefit from systemic racism. Her definition for systemic racism is a system put in place by the dominant culture that only benefits the dominate culture at the expense of the minorities. She makes a slight hint to it being like a parasite. Blacks only understand blacks while whites understand everyone except blacks. Something something identity politics. Something something white men are bad.
I’m currently reading Lucky Per
I mean it kinda make sense that years of it could create some kind of cultural barrier thats hard to penetrate for most white people, but everyone including blacks cringe at white people that try way to hard to fit in with blacks.
"Le père Goriot" on my kindle.
It's bad logic because a poor black is going to have more in common with a poor white. The author's work is directly attacking whites and implies that blacks are incapable of bettering themselves or even learning how to talk to people outside their racial group. It's condescending to state or even imply that blacks are incapable of being social with non-blacks while whites flourish at it.
Give it back
Maybe it's the quality of the professors? I'm at UofT, and while people do exaggerate the quality difference, it's still there. It just sounds like your professor is a dork. I only ever had one professor who'd go off-topic, but even then what he was saying is more about providing modern examples for what we were discussing (political philosophy) rather than PC stuff.
Gogol, “Dead Souls”
Le rouge et le noir. Loving it so far
The first novel of The Expanse serie, Leviathan Wakes. It's pretty good.
My first Pynchon book and it's very good so far. I wasn't expecting it to be historical fiction. She Hangs on the Western Wall is my favorite chapter so far.
Jealous of that mug.
The book cover or the book itself?
I don't remember much about the story of that one, but I did like the design of the rockets and space stations.
Yeah he was a dork. He also referred to that Valerie Solanas meme about all men being fundamentally insecure. The other prof was an active twitter sjw. You're right, most profs leave their politics at the door but you do get the odd one that's especially viral.
In Cold blood
>She Hangs on the Western Wall is my favorite chapter so far.
>Not Mondaugen's Story and/or Esther Gets a Nosejob
I have the same kindle
why do you have everyman and penguin classics editions of it? i'd think just one would suffice. fuck new penguin classics covers too.
i'm about 2/3 through typee now, really enjoying it, just bought some more melville yesterday. now i need some advice from the Yea Forumserati on which to read next out of white jacket, moby dick, pierre, and israel potter.
Light in August.
>hee hee we are faulkner bros
>it's you
>the grand champion!
Based as fuck, my fav book
Newfag here, did i get the meme right?
Pretty boring so far but the sections on authors I like (Dostoevsky and Tolstoy mostly) should be interesting