Creative writing student. Rate

Creative writing student. Rate.

Attached: weird.jpg (3120x3796, 1.99M)

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Looks like hieroglyphs of something. Try learning to write before doing so creatively

My penmanship is tortured like my soul.

are you ten years old or do you have palsy

If these were notes taken quickly and you could read them, fine. But to present this as a sample for critique is a waste of everyone's time

We all break down different layers of construct, etched into the Mind of God like faces on Mount Rushmore.

Disneyland shares the same reality as child-killing cannibals. The belief that the psychopathic mind compartmentalises reality seems to be an inversion of the truth. It is WE who can't comprehend why corny radio show hosts make cringy jokes while Jeffery Dahmer injects boiling water into the brains of 14 year old Vietnamese boys.

so this is the power of creative writing students

Attached: 0879371f7964c96963c6ad61f32c4952fb4482e283588bae07eade0700ab5608.png (1024x974, 716K)

It's good and you know it

It just looks American

I.e. Shit

You're trying way too hard.

Dude how much are you wasting on your studies?

It's free. You don't need to pay to study something nowadays

its terrible.

kek, this is awful. Do you know your IQ?

I'm sick of everyone thinking IQ is the be all and end all of any skill in any domain. My step grandfather has an IQ of 156 but can't top 300 points in scrabble. Shut up, elitist trash.

b-b-but more number is more better

>high iq grandpa who lets his flawed offspring win in a fucking game of scrabble preventing their imminent suicide, therefore his line continues
Sounds smart as fuck

I do actually. 122

Legit test btw

What ya think of them apples?

Kek I knew you were going to claim an outlandish number like that.

It's probably real, as the 120 bracket is the worst.

>too intelligent to be satisfied with platitudes
>not intelligent enough to be really good though
>the end product is cringe that tries too hard

The world is unhappy because of the abundance of 115-125 IQ middlemen (journalists, failed creators, critics, dubious politicians) that are "almost there". They can land a key position, but they're just not good enough to fulfil it in a satisfactory manner, and they will usually barrage the truly gifted ones as a result (because they feel threatened).

Sorry for the rant btw.

Richard Feynman was 125 IQ

that's his own personal claim and he never said which test. if his IQ was measured today with a general test, he'd probably be 130 IQ
t. scored 10 points higher/lower on an IQ test that emphasized different things

130 or higher, cut off text

That's because you can achieve great things with "only" 125 if you have good moral qualities (fairness, clairvoyance, willpower, great work rate, etc.). Conversely, highly intelligent people can be failure due to a lack of moral rectitude. It all comes down to what you do with what you have.

Kind of a compliment, smug fart sniffer.

Your profiling is on par with astrology.

do you mean intuitiveness?
no, astrology is indirect profiling (personality based on birth date) while what he is doing is more direct profiling (behavior based on intelligence quotient)

Mate, he's ascribing personality traits based on something completely unrelated. Astrology!

the degree of link between intelligence and personality would be determined by your philosophical stances on the mind due to the lack of scientific data, but some link between the two is far closer to reality than thinking your birth date determines your personality through an unknown spiritual connection.