WB is considering replacing Ezra Miller with Daniel O'Brian

WB is considering replacing Ezra Miller with Daniel O'Brian.

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damn. would be pretty good. apart from the obvious (that he knows how to run), he was pretty good in 'american assassin'.

after his face got all fucked up mark hamill stile? i doubt it

not happening


Holy based if true but like said.

They should do it before they get another Amber Heard situation.

said nobody

It's over.

Replace Barry with Wally West.

>Daniel O'Brian
That's his slave name, he's back to being Brian O'Danielson now.

What happened to his face?

I got the joke. It's not making me laugh, but I get it

I wonder what would be the legality of deepfaking this twink's face over the entire movie they already shot.

He suffered severe injuries while filming the final Maze Runner movie.

His face looks fine in all the recent stuff I can find with him in it

>source is literally some unreliable pajeet clickbait journo site
fuck off

So The Flash is less a story/movie and more of a 2 hour meta plot device to reboot not only a cinematic franchise but the leading star of the solo film in question? Is that about right? What a mess

I remember people fan casting him as Spider-Man when amazing 1 was being made

no, the story is actually interesting and sounds good. look up the leaks.

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user I love the character but you need to fuck off with your shilling. I've read the leaks, and it's a goddamn mess. This isn't a Flash film, it's a vehicle for other DC characters under the premise of a shit story "Flashpoint" more concerned about nostalgia and salvaging a film universe.

Do you know what I want out of a Flash film?
>Actual Flash villains
>Flash being the focus and not bogged down by guest appearances
>A story that's allowed to be self contained.
Fucking Williamson's Year One could have been good

I'm old enough to remember when he was rumored to be spiderman

And I'm old enough to remember when Keaton's original batman was still fresh.

>moving from being considered to play Spider-Man to being considered to play Flash
Poor Dylan, is career is falling.

I liked him a lot on Teen Wolf back in high school so I support this completely. Way more likable twink than Ezra.

The movie seems to be largely about Barry with Supergirl and Batman in supporting roles, not unlike the Flashpoint comic. The whole movie is about him learning to accept what happened in his past and there are three Flash's in the climax without Supergirl or Bruce.
I'm a huge Flash fan and I'm fine with it.

Get Lucas Till, you retards.

>the story is actually interesting and sounds good.
The story is just an excuse to bring back Keaton for a few movies. It's got barely anything to do with The Flash besides "he's there".

blatantly untrue

Marvel already did Flashpoint, it's all over for DC.

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>Barry with Supergirl and Batman
That alone is a problem.
>"I'm a huge Flash fan"
>Alleged "fan" is okay with overrated trash like Flashpoint being the FIRST MOVIE
Fuck off shill

They have to reboot the universe one way or another and Flashpoint was the way to do it
I don't see how else they could have accomplished it

My biggest gripe is that Barry needs a mentor. I’m admittedly somewhat of a Barryfag, and to me one of the coolest aspects is that more than any other hero I can think of, Barry is almost entirely self made. The only aspect of Barry I can think of that didn’t come from him was his name. Even his powers ended up coming from him, and this fucking movie has Batman making him a new suit and mentoring him in the ways of the hero. Fuck that, give me Barry 100% on his own with only old newsreels of Jay to give him and idea of what to do.

He's right. The universe Barry visits is just a alternate version of DCEU with Burton Batman thrown in. It doesn't make any sense. Supergirl takes Cavill's place but Batman is just a different actor lol

Here's a better idea: Just give up on the DCEU, and make a standalone unrelated Flash movie like they did with The Batman for Batman

well they're not doing that

The leaks made the movie sound like absolute trash though

Anybody is better than Miller. He is literally and absolute madman

They were right about Zod killing baby kal-el and Anson Mount returning as Black Bolt

What about it sounds bad?

Not him but you've been told already in this thread

I don't think that sounds like absolute trash, certainly better and more interesting than MoM or NWH

>Zod returning instead of using any Flash bad guys
>KeatonBats is literally only there for nostalgiabait
>killing Superman in the crib
>Ezra as a whole is a shit actor
>tossing out DCEU but then explicable saying it still exists
>making an alternate reality Barry evil for no other reason than you need an evil speedster even though it was already done before on the tv series

The whole movie just sounds awful

good, being normal is boring.

I don’t even like those two movies and this sounds worse than both combined you are either a WB worker trying to salvage this shitshow or you are that creepy fag who just wants to fuck Ezra

Then you're either a shill or a moron. No Flash fan wanted this

This most fans just wanted him vs the Rogues

I like Keaton more than I would have liked JDM in the movie.
There's no confirmation Superman is erased either, but that part does bother me.
You're just gonna have to accept that some people think this movie sounds fine, and it's clear other people are just looking for whatever excuse possible to shit on the movie.

Mate it’s you who can’t accept that people don’t like the movie. I genuinely don’t give a shit was someone watches

No, you're acting like there's something fundamentally wrong or shit about the movie when it's just your personal preference as a Flashfag.

This but unironically,

Because there is something fundamentally wrong with the movie, usually when a movie has been in development hell for years that means it’s not a good movie and they are just trying to rush it out and if you want to waste your money watching this shitshow more power to you

It's a Flash movie in name only and abundantly clear he's second fiddle to bigger meta concerns you moron

you are a fucking retard and there's literally three different Flashes, Keaton and Supergirl are playing second fiddle to all of them

>there's literally three different Flashes
Oh yeah Ezra playing himself 3 times. Fucking great. It's not like we couldn't have
You know, actual Flash characters instead of the same copypasted character giving the illusion of respecting the material. Fuck off you incompetent shill

You mean two flashes as the alt universe flash is the bad guy which is shitty and dumb

Too based to be true.

ITT: seething chuds larping over a fake rumor

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rumor confirmed fake LOL

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yep just have this guy show up and say barry died saving the universe or some shit hi im his cousin wally im the new flash

Oh yes they would totally confirm that they are firing the star of a movie they wasted a ton of money on and not wait until after the film is out to announce that he’s out

and the movie doesn't come out until June 2023
so you're saying they have a scoop....from next year? lol come on now

I guess you could say he .. stole his thunder

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Ezra isn't getting the boot until AFTER the film releases. Announcing anything now only hurts ticket sales